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Video Card help


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Dag, sorry about that, I thought this topic went dead so I started a new one. But the problem is that I have a desktop, and not the minitower (I'm pretty sure). And that only has a 280 watt power supply. On top of that, the graphics card you suggested requires a PCI-E 2.0, which I don't have. So at this point, I need to upgrade my power supply, and buy a new graphics card coming out to the cost of like $120 all because I'm missing two things on the requirements. On top of that I have no idea what the hell a PCI-E 2.0 is.... What a bummer...


So what do you think of the COOLMAX V-400 400W ATX v2.01 Power Supply? (My links keep going 404, so if you search that name on newegg you should be able to find it.)


If things don't work out with that graphics card, I was thinking of purchasing the Dell-320-5109 256MB ATI RADEON X1300 PRO that I found for about $70. I'd still need to upgrade my power supply, but I have no clue about that PCI-E 2.0 thing...

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You can put a PCI-E 2.0 card into a PCI-E 1 board and unless your suddenly planning on buying much better card you wouldn't need a PCI-E 2 board. I had my HD4890 put in a PCI-E 1 board for week when this motherboard failed, it slowed the card down but it worked just fine. For lesser cards you wouldn't get any advantage from PCI-E 2 anyway.


As long as you've got one of these with some space below and behind it you'll be fine.




As for the power supply you should google reviews for them, you should never cut corners when it comes to your power supply, a poor supply can cause all sorts of problems. Once you've decided on a card then look at the recommended power supply and add a bit, also make sure the supply has the correct connector to power your card as the PCI-E slot probably won't provide enough.

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Wow that's such a relief, thank you guys for all the help you've given me I really appreciate it. I'm probably going to stick with the graphics card you recommended earlier jim, because it seems to be the better than the other video cards I've looked into. And about the power supply, I think I'm going to have to wait a bit longer and save up because you're right I shouldn't just grab something that might let all this effort go to waste.


Once again, thanks a lot everyone.

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