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Thrilling Theorem


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Erm, one thing, this IS NOT roman or greek times so those laws don't apply anymore.


Also Tall makes you more imposing? Thats a load of rubbish!

If there was a tall person standing next to a little guy and the little guy carried a machine gun, grenades and whatever else, I think you would be more scared of the little guy.


Plus taller is superior....NO, just pure and simple NO.

Thats pushing the bounderies of (no idea how to say this) racism.

Its basically saying black is better than white (or vice versa), thin is better than fat.

Its just stupid.

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Dynamite comes is small packages for a reason. And on that note this is now at an end. To much of I am better than you are because etc.. The debate is irrelevant, we are each unique unto ourselves. None is better than the other, we are each different and should be respected and embraced for our diversity and that of the creator. Nature or a supreme being, something or someone created us all. Believe as you will.





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tall people are superior due to our increased size

i could carry two or three of you shorties and still kill three more


There really is no call for that. Speaking as a shortie, I am happy to be that way. I like tall men, but not ones who think that makes them superior.


Keep this topic civil, or I'll lock it.




*Edit: Buddah beat me to it! :D

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