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Call of duty modern warfare 2


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well I wanted the game so I bought it and yes it has flaws, but its still an okay game, i payed 50 bucks for Sector 8 and that game is so bad I literally threw the hole damn thing in the garbage after i played it for 3 days (finished single player and spend some time in MP).


though I do not say piracy is good, I'm somewhat fond of it (and no don't get this wrong now) I don't download the games, I go to a store and buy them (or have them delivered) but I do enjoy no-cd cracks, cause I hate games that require me to put a damn disc in the drive just to play it and yes DRM is a waste of time, seeing as theres illegal copies of every single game in existance usually even on the same day as the release theres no point for the companys to spend millions on developing these protections just to screw up installs, disc reads etc. when crackers brake it within hours. Though its gotten better if some still remember "LaserLock" half the time your drive couldn't even read the damn CD.


and towards MW2, the graphics are nice (though the animations are rather bad, it all feels really unrealistic, especially the cutscenes) and whats with that joke about "this game contains missions that are offensive, do you wanna skip them?" and you even have to confirm twice that you won't get offended (its an 18+ game if you get offended by FPS don't buy em and apperantly they don't consider the ability to shoot civilians and children to be offensive), the gameplay is a bit easy and the hard modes are maybe medium, but you don't play MW2 single player now do you ? its mainly a multiplayer game and so the dificulty pretty much only depends on how good the other players are.


its not a groundbreaking game and its prolly not the stuff off legends but its an enjoyable game. so unless your inner gamer has to go all butthurt over the place its a good game and so what if they charge a whole 10 bucks !! more than all the other newly released games cost ? big what. too expensive for you ? wait till it gets cheaper or play something else.

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Spammster. The level where you shoot civilians is the one that you can skip. It's because it's quite controversial.


Anyway. Buy the game. Maybe not on PC, but on the 360 and the PS3. The MP is amazing, spec-ops is awesome and single-player is fun.


Don't go and boycott it when it's so good. It's out now. They might change the server thing in an update, but for now, it's the best game ever.

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I haven't bought the game yet, and I'm not sure if I will. But Modern Warfare 2 has broken the industry record of selling over four million games in it's first day. The previous record was held by Grand Theft auto with over three million sells on its opening day. That's more than Transformers (the movie) did in it's opening weekend. They're projected to sell at least twenty two million by the end of December. Those are staggering numbers and from what I hear, the game is great.
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Spammster. The level where you shoot civilians is the one that you can skip. It's because it's quite controversial.


Anyway. Buy the game. Maybe not on PC, but on the 360 and the PS3. The MP is amazing, spec-ops is awesome and single-player is fun.


Don't go and boycott it when it's so good. It's out now. They might change the server thing in an update, but for now, it's the best game ever.


No its not. Not by a long shot. All this game is, is the previous one with a more shiney paint job. The multiplayer is nearly identical to the previous (which is ok). As for game play, nothing was changed, grahpics just got a little better. Thats about it.

The spec-ops thing is neat though, me and Sgt. Howett played it today and had a fun time on Homeland security. But it got old pretty quick.

The stupid blood on the screen is a little much. If you get shot you screen looks like it was used as a tampon for some reason. Annoying is all it is.


Lol I cant wait to see what kind of garbage is going to be on the market when I get back from Parris Island lol. Plus Ill get a laugh at how high the prices are, and Im sure all the other game makers are soon going to jump on the band wagon with paid-to-play online crap.


Ugh sometimes I just feel sooooo tired lol.

Shiney paint jobs only take a game so far.

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It is a great game. Theres so much stuff to do in it. Bear in mind, I'm talking about the PS3 version. So we won't get pay-to-play online.


Have you even played it? 'Cause if you had, you'd know it's a good game.


Anyway, each to their own.

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Have you even played it? 'Cause if you had, you'd know it's a good game.


Why would you ask such a question when he's clearly implied that he has played the game?

Anyway, I do agree with the paint job comment. I'm not saying Modern Warfare 2 isn't good, but that it's too similar to COD4. Not to mention that the length of the campaign has actually been decreased, and the realism has been switched down a level.

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