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So Who Wants To Join A Modding Team?


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I'm PIZZAGUY520, and a huge Elder Scrolls fan, especially of Skyrim. But what I love even more than the games themselves are the incredibly creative community members who make amazing mods for the games. I myself have some good ideas for mods, but unfortunately lack the skill to create them. Therefore I am calling all modders and texture artists to help bring my ideas tonight.




-I AM open to learning how to use the Creation Kit to help make mods, but I feel I am best at coming up with ideas such as new quests, people, places, items or gameplay features.


-Some of my ideas include:

'Dwemer Rising'-in which the Dragonborn discovers an ancient Dwarven ruin containing many secrets about the Dwarves' disappearance

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You've already posted this, and as far as I remember, no one replied. The reason for that is that majority of modders, in my own opinion, took up modding because they had ideas of their own, at least in part. I seriously doubt anyone here wants to just play babysitter and just work for someone else. Not for free, at least.


If you're already inclined on modding, maybe you should actually get a minimum experience yourself, get acquinted with CK, possibly join some bigger project. In any case, get experience. Seriously, this sounds like you just want someone whom you can boss around


Excuse me if I come out rude, but thats the truth.

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-I understand where you're coming from, and I do plan on acquainting myself with CK, and I apologize if I came off as looking for a helper-monkey to boss around, as I'm not looking to recruit someone and then be rude and bossy to them, just someone with enough experience to help bring to life some of my ideas. I would contribute more as I gained more experience with CK.

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This seems more like a thing to put in mod requests, so someone else can just make your mod for you and drop the pretense. Team leaders need to be the most skilled people on the team, so they know what can be done in every part of the mod and can help with most of it at a given moment. For example, it would be pointless for a mod leader to exist if they kept asking a scripter to write functions that are impossible in Papyrus. An inexperienced team leader just negates the point of there even being a team leader.

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PIZZAGUY520, if you want to help out creating mods why don't you join the pirates cove modding team, we are creating the pirate town atm but if it gets completed I'm sure we will do other project to
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So I've thought about it, and I think Rennn has a good point. I've approached this the wrong way. I would like to start a modding team, but right now I'm not experienced enough to contribute much more than ideas. Though I personally feel that a modding team should have a creative branch that handles ideas mostly and not so much the actual making of the mod, a lot of other modders don't share that opinion. Maybe I'll consider falling in with MJAB98's Pirates Cove team. That said, MJAB, how does one go about joining your team? The name Pirates Cove implies, to me, that you guys are working on a mod centered around making a headquarters for pirate style characters. The idea sounds cool, reminds me of the pirate stronghold Dunbarrow Cove from Oblivion, and I'd like to find out more and become a part of the team. I'd appreciate it if you'd reply to this and point me in the right direction. Thanks.

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So I've thought about it, and I think Rennn has a good point. I've approached this the wrong way. I would like to start a modding team, but right now I'm not experienced enough to contribute much more than ideas. Though I personally feel that a modding team should have a creative branch that handles ideas mostly and not so much the actual making of the mod, a lot of other modders don't share that opinion. Maybe I'll consider falling in with MJAB98's Pirates Cove team. That said, MJAB, how does one go about joining your team? The name Pirates Cove implies, to me, that you guys are working on a mod centered around making a headquarters for pirate style characters. The idea sounds cool, reminds me of the pirate stronghold Dunbarrow Cove from Oblivion, and I'd like to find out more and become a part of the team. I'd appreciate it if you'd reply to this and point me in the right direction. Thanks.

Modding teams' goals are to produce mods. Members that provide ideas but don't, themselves, mod would still be helpful, but not remotely as much as a member helping with the production itself. Joining up with one and helping to produce some stuff would definitely be the way to get started. Gain the necessary experience to do the heavy lifting for your own ideas, and then you could request help from those with a more specialized skill-set.

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