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Hand To Hand and Martial Arts in RPGs


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How many of you see H2H in RPGs as a good thing? Taking into thought Lore compatibility, of course. Also, what do you think of vanilla animations in both Oblivion and Fallout 3?


I personally hate the lack of effort in animation for H2H, even though it seems like Bethesda has been trying to make it more of a choice in their games with perks and weapons centered around H2H.


Tell me how you guys feel about this!

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With how little I use hand to hand combat, I don't have a problem with the lack of effort.


Considering that all the time they would spend makeing good hand to hand combat would mean less time spent on other parts of the game...


Of course everyone would like it if Bethesda had spent more time on pretty much everything that is not 100% perfect, but if that was the case, we wouldn't even have a game right now.

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H2H is a lot funner than melee (have you killed radroach in vats?). I have killed every enemy in FO3 only by using bare fists (sometimes steel knuckles) and that includes 20 raiders at the same time (raiders got missile launchers (5 or so) and flamer) and that was just a warm up agaist behemoth and when the gate opened he ran away lolololololoolololololololololollolololololol.
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I never use H2H in Fallout 3 because all the fun stuff of it (kicking your opponents, uppercuts, paralysing palms, to name a few) can only be achieved using VATS, which I don't use. That, and hitting your enemies with anything that's not a power fist just generates awful sounds.
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There were a few things that bugged me about H2H in Fallout 3, like the lack of animations and the inability to target specific parts in VATS. I had my fun with my Fist of the North Star homage character, though. Punching things to death + bloody mess is pretty entertaining.
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If you are talking about in Fallout 3, i'll use my auto axe and other things as a last resort. Ammo Problems, i dont think vats is fair to the NPC's xD so i tend to unload tons of clips into mutants. Then i tend to use my auto axe or any other decent H2H weapon. But i love melee and H2H in other games. Like WoW and Ether Saga Online(Great Game. google it.) Other than that, Fallout isnt that great of an H2H combat game. The auto axe is fun as hell though. Thats a reason i got The Pitt. xD

:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

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