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Rational defences... crying out for some mods


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seems to me that the raiders and slavers and to a lesser extent, the outcasts, are the only ones repopulating. They're always around and there is always more of em, whether they're respawning or patrolling or what. Even the Talon mercs have this advantage, while theres a pitiful four good guy mercs.


course, taking out the main bases for any of the evil factions doesn't affect this- they respawn there too.


A good mod for making your own defenses is the portable NPC spawn point. You can place BoS guards at all the towns. Canterbury needs this especially. With FOOK there's a spawn right by the caravan stop, and last time I went there a deathclaw had torn the citizens and the three additional, FOOK provided guards to shreds.


It kinda fits with the story- the Enclave is on the run, the BoS isn't being so defensively minded after PP goes on, etc.


Just don't try placing Regulators like I did. I figured I'd have the pull after i joined their faction to get a few of their guys to guard some towns- turns out they hate wastelanders, and would slaughter towns just as fast. Which is annoying.


A temp fix, yeah, but it works. I used RTS to make a village outside of the regulator HQ, and with FOOK the Regs and BoS are allies. Plopped a few Knights in there, and now I barely have to care when the raiders come. Course I lost a few people and buildings at first to Regulator traitors (I think they're Talon Co. in disguise.)

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(other than raiders, I mean who are they raiding anyway, other than me?).

do you have Broken Steel installed? ;)

they will occasionally set up ambushes for caravans (e.g. west of Tenpenny Tower)



@topic: basically a good idea but what would those defences be?

Turrets only look good in a few location, imo. Megaton for example already doesn't fit in this category anymore. Well, maybe a single, retextured, crappy turret attached to Stockholm's "balcony".

Rivet City with turrets would be cool but they already have their awesome bridge and the effective range of the turrets would be to small (iir the distance correctly, haven't been there for a while :sweat: )

Mines? Yes, let's blow up everyone approaching! :D No, not really a good idea ^^

Traps are very likely, I guess. Small settlements could make good use of them, although many traps need to be attached to the ceiling. Custom spring-guns would be neat, imagine getting shot from a remote sniperrifle from 200 meters away ;)

More armed personnel wouldn't be a good solution either in my opinion and the Brotherhood can't protect any shack in the Wastes. Maybe one or two better weapons lying around for residents to grab, but not more. The BOS could get a Knight-boost regardless, at locations like the purifier :yes:

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Just experimenting with AI one day, I setup a gunrack around with some high powered combat shotguns & ammo sitting on them around the NPC spawns in Big Town. Works a treat when you kill a villager and the AI naturally either runs for cover or for the nearest, powerfulest weapon. That said, I agree that stronger defences are needed.


Megaton could do with 3 or 4 extra random NPC's in general, a brother for Stockholm (named Syndrome? :P) as a 2nd guard maybe?

Rivet City could do with 2 turrets and 3 extra guards out front.

Big Town works with the number it has, just having them better strapped.

Arefu is laughable, agreed, but switch out that bolt action rifle with a Browning M2HB Machine Gun and you've got yourself a party.


The list could go on, obviously :P

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How about newer turrets? No ones hacked an old turret with a minigun yet? or perhaps a full mountable turret or AA gun or flame thrower type mountable, throw one of those on top of megaton for stockholm to sit in. I mean the place "is" made outa planes...as for that big aircraft carrier they call rivet city they never got any of the AA guns on that behemoth working? or dismounted the guns from the planes for some new turret usage? That's as far as I've explored though...Why cant rivet city or some other place have sold some defense turrets to megaton? make some kind of m60/minigun/m249 or browning 50 cal on a tripod for arefu. Idk how you would get the AI to work with the new mountable's though. I think im gonna look into this as well.
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Arefu is laughable, agreed, but switch out that bolt action rifle with a Browning M2HB Machine Gun and you've got yourself a party.


The list could go on, obviously :P


LOL. Yes it really is that simple :wallbash: And put an electrified fence around the damn brahmin pen.


Fact is for the story to make any sense, the existing communities could not have survived unless they were defensible. Improvised robot guns would be a great idea (crazy looking makeshift turrets, which would also look cool and 'wasteland-ish') and given that deranged robots are a common wandering 'wild life hazard' (presumably being produced in some automated factory somewhere), it is not like there is a shortage of spare parts, power packs and processors to coble together lots of never sleeping 24/7 'guards' against the various horrors of the wasteland. Most settlements should be festooned with them.


And not a single surviving community would lack walls. Not one. Not a single one. All you need to keep an albino radscorpion out of Canterbury commons is... A GODDAMN WALL :P Low tech and 100% effective against non-intelligent beasties.


Take a look at any 'village' that anyone sets up using Real Time Settler... they are always defined by their defences. They are essentially built around their defences. Arefu is actually very well situated and as steelplate points out, put a serious weapon pointing down that ramp and even raiders would hesitate to come strolling up there. Bigtown too at least has a viable wall and a (somewhat pathetic) attempt at an entry choke-point and all it really needs is a *gate*, better weapons and maybe a watch tower to be quite defensible. Canterbury Commons however makes no sense whatsoever without walls in two places. Logically rather that walking the streets, Dom and Machete should be day/night shift manning a firing position on the roof of the first building, which allows over watch of all the main approach routes.


Helping Bigtown/Canterbury Commons/Arefu become viable defensible places would actually be fun quests and Bethesda really missed a trick there. The outstanding recent 'Arefu Exanded' mod by Azar actually adds an extra guard and makes the whole place seem a bit more 'real', as does 'Canterbury Commons Embiggened' (or whatever it is called, hehe). However the settlement in the *truly magnificent* 'Return to Shady Sands' mod is 100% exactly right in terms of defences.

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Bah!!! Tony your taking all my pwns & owns, like on the Adult Content Thread or w/e.


Actually we are having quite an intelligent conversation here. Feel free to actually contribute rather than suck up to an off topic remark. This is indeed where this post belongs.

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This really fuels me in the idea of making sublte (yet very major) differences in how some of the town defenses work.


I'm going to build a mod for personal use, if others would like it let me know and I'll upload it when it is finished.



-The oustide walls have other places where sniper lookouts can be perched.

-Deptuy Weld (sp?) will be accompanied with another Deputy on the otherside.

-Two makeshift shotgun (weak yet powerful in this location) will be located behind plane gates facing outward.


Rivit City: (This is all they need)

-The Draw Bridge should only be extended during daylight hours.

-During daylight hours a total of 7 gaurds will be postd. 3 boatside, 4 shore side in strategic locations.


Arefu(sp?): This place is in the worst location that I can't believe they settled there. On top of a highway? How will they defend the place if people wised up and blew the pillars, the road was built on top of, away? Regardless >.>

-Add a two makeshift turrets on either side of the road facing down the ramp.

-The old guy carries an assault rifle


Cant. Commons: They settled here and didn't build walls? wow...

-Junkwalls built around the place with two choke points to allow visitors and keeping the "ease of entry" motto they seem to have >.>

-Buffs up the mecanist building for snipers


(will update later gotta work :P I will create a new thread and keep it as the updating thread.)

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I guess I just misuderstood


the whole "crying out for mods" and "I can't make it myself but I want someone else to" kindof threw me off :biggrin:


But who knows, mabe I have just gotten trigger happy with my "vigilante posting arrows of doom"




But anyways, for the town I am currently building, the whole thing is surrounded by walls, I have 5 town gaurds, a hanfull of machine gun turrets, and several robots that you can repair and use to protect the city.


You also have the option to buy more turrets and upgrade the wall for better deffenses.


And then you can use the Yao Gui that you farm as another form of deffense (no one wants to see 5 healthy Yao Gui running at them at one time)



You can also give the guns and armor and stuff you don't want to the gaurds to help protect the city. So like in my case, I have a T-51b and Winterized T-51b both in 100% condition, as well as 2 100% Gatling Lasers and a handful of 100% Rocketlaunchers. I don't use any of them because I have a stealth character, so I could give that stuff to the town gaurds to better protect the town.



I also want to incorporate a system where the town will get a big Raider or Super Mutant attack, and you will get a radio message to come and help deffend the town. But I am not sure how easily implemented that would be.




But the one thing I really want to do, after I work on the low poly model and a good texture, is put this thing into the game.




I would probly just put it into the game as a creature and put it on patrol outside the gate, killing anything in site. I got the idea off of the TV show Jericho (that was sadly cancelled...)


Because honestly, what is going to protect you town more than a freaken tank?




But that is just my town, they are a bit more organized than the average wastelanders in BigTown or Megaton :wink: They don't drink irradiated water all the time, and they actually grow their own food :ohmy:

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