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A study of more than 2,000 female twins showed that those with greater emotional intelligence had larger numbers of orgasms Photo: GETTY A study of more than 2,000 female twins showed that those with greater emotional intelligence had larger numbers of orgasms.


Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to monitor and manage feelings and emotions in oneself and others.


The findings suggest that low EI is a risk factor for female orgasmic disorder, one of the most common sexual problems suffered by women.


Up to 30 per cent of women find it difficult or impossible to reach a climax during sexual intercourse.


Professor Tim Spector, director of the Twin Research Department at King's College London and co-author of the study, said: "These findings show that emotional intelligence is an advantage in many aspects of your life including the bedroom. This study will help enormously in the development of behavioural and cognitive therapies to improve women's sexual lives."


A total of 2,035 female volunteers from the TwinsUK registry were recruited for the study, ranging in age from 18 to 83.


The registry consists of adult twins who have agreed to take part in studies to investigate the causes of common disorders. Using twins makes it possible to disentangle genetic and environmental risk factors.


All participants completed questionnaires giving details of their sexual behaviour and performance and also answered questions designed to test their emotional intelligence.


A significant association was found between EI and frequency of orgasm both during masturbation and sexual intercourse.


Women in the bottom 25 per cent of the emotional intelligence range had twice the normal risk of infrequent orgasm.


The results of the study appear today in The Journal of Sexual Medicine.


Lead author, psychologist Andrea Burri, also from King's College, said: "Emotional intelligence seems to have a direct impact on women's sexual functioning by influencing her ability to communicate her sexual expectations and desires to her partner."


She added that there was a possible connection with a woman's ability to fantasise during sexual intercourse.


"Emotional intelligence seems to have a direct impact on women's sexual functioning by influencing her ability to communicate her sexual expectations and desires to her partner," said Ms Burri.


copyright; Telegraph.Co.UK


Since girl gamers are intelligent ergo we reap the "full" benefits of our intelligence in game and out! :biggrin:

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Uh oh...my rating is about to drop even more now...


Why is it, that with most every man I talk to, (and apparently females) our conversations always revert to something sexual? SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX SEX...


My God! Really?


I suppose sex is the determiner for everything nowadays in America. Maybe that's why the economy is "down."


"Are females gamers too emotional?" I don't know, partially because there's always a sexual answer being brought into the foray. And females can't really discuss the issue.


(It's that time of the month)


But, with that said, I truly LOVE those who post on this sight. They bring light and liveliness to this bleak online world. But if humanity and woman as a whole, cannot surpass the urge to procreate, and have to implement procreation into every single human act, then we are truly, nothing more than "emotional" animals.

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Emotions control every aspect of our lives.Even in games many feel joy,elation,the need to conquer dominate and or control.

Yes even a menstrual cycle plies a woman's body with things oft times uncontrollable. We are "emotional" creatures.we seek notoriety,fame recognition,its just that some fail to separate RL from the game world and yes women still carry the stigma of unequal when compared to a man.But The queens of many countries,like England today and Egypt of yesteryear prove we are more than capable if not surpassing the male counterpart.

For me I kill in game equally male /female/creature but do elicit a joy on wasting a tough male counter-part. Amazon I am and will be always in my gaming heart

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Uh oh...my rating is about to drop even more now...


Why is it, that with most every man I talk to, (and apparently females) our conversations always revert to something sexual?

Were you really concerned for your rating or was that just a way to lead into a potentially sticky post? Also, we are organic and animal in nature. Sex is part of our reason for being. Friendship often has some basis in sexual attraction. That the roles or perception of women in society can be limited to just one aspest of their nature is where problems can begin. Having said that, I will agree that perhaps Dezi's post on emotional intelligence, as it relates to achieving a healthy sexual lifestyle, was a bit bracing in its sudden departure from the usual tangents of this thread. And, while I can admire your energy and dramatic flair in resisting those points made, perhaps shouting was a tad unfair.


By the by, Species5478, you are devastatingly pretty when a frown and pout take presence upon your countenance. Yet it is when you deign a single smile be set free that the very sun is but as a candle to your beauty and charm. ; )


Emotions control every aspect of our lives.Even in games many feel joy,elation,the need to conquer dominate and or control...Amazon I am and will be always in my gaming heart

Are you very sure that emotion controls every aspect of our existence? Were I to hold a katana to your neck, would you flinch in fear or get on with finishing your latest poem? My own feeling is that people play games (video or otherwise) for differing reasons. Some instances as listed by you, Dezi, and other cases that may pertain more to the individual. Be that as it may, however, I do compliment you on lightly dancing away from a lonely spot. Although, and in fairness, you could speak more as to just how sex, achieving orgasm, and emotional intelligence relate to the topic at hand.


Or, we could all just nod, smile, giggle a little to ease any tension and return to safer waters. And, dearest amazon Dezi, can we leave some of the males alive, please? Hahaha.



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Are you very sure that emotion controls every aspect of our existence? Were I to hold a katana to your neck, would you flinch in fear or get on with finishing your latest poem? My own feeling is that people play games (video or otherwise) for differing reasons. Some instances as listed by you, Dezi, and other cases that may pertain more to the individual. Be that as it may, however, I do compliment you on lightly dancing away from a lonely spot. Although, and in fairness, you could speak more as to just how sex, achieving orgasm, and emotional intelligence relate to the topic at hand.


Or, we could all just nod, smile, giggle a little to ease any tension and return to safer waters. And, dearest amazon Dezi, can we leave some of the males alive, please? Hahaha.



Perchance the pen is mightier than the sword.Would I tremble? perhaps. Would I be afraid? No my sweet.Death is but just a phase of passing from this life to the next.I have lived and loved and died many times and will continue to do so for my task is as yet incomplete upon this plane of existence.My spirit soars when others flounder and death scares me not.Be I me or someone yet born or perhaps of the past I see far beyond the mortal veil of life as most see it.

A sexual creature, true enough of me and games allow all to fulfill a need don't you think?


To be all powerful,the conqueror,the concubine,the hero,the damsel, the evil knight or mage.We all seek some release be it in game or in bed.I fulfill my needs by understanding who and what I am and therefore what I say leaves many guessing as to my meaning.

Many here see the real me but only after they can put aside the veil of their own fears and deceptions.I am as i was meant to be,nothing more nor less and a warrior runs in my blood for I am the daughter of nations past and warriors true,I have revealed in blood and slaughter and yet can be alluring and loving.Amazon, yes!.Gamer, yes! Poet and maker of dreams? Aye lass I can be that also.I am the enigma,the truth,the creator of things yet beyond mortal concerns, or am I the bump in the night? The whisper on the wind when your sure your alone? Am I the dark ones mistress or am I all those things? A I what all seek to be but in reality fear to become?Or am I just a fantasy with more a gripe on reality than many others suspect?...need I say more?

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Sometimes it is hard to lift the veil. Some people are very sensitive and they have to protect themselves from constant pain in the searching of happiness. As the more sensitive you are, as the more passionately you feel the life. And what can we do without passion? For me life sounds nothing without it. This is the way I deeply live, play games, hear and feel music, share life, and love...


We have to grow with all that stuff. Life is like a beautiful rose having spines, when we hold it in our hand, the spines hurt ourselves, and sometimes they leave scars in our flesh and also in our heart. But this rose is so marvellous that we will keep it on our hand and up against our heart, with freedom from fear.

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Should I be offended by this, or am I just a big crybaby?



why you should you be offended, there is no reason to, everyone has there own style of gaming and if a girl like's a particular game that more sutable for a guy well that is wrong of you to think you shouldnt play it, you have all right's to game anything you want. :thumbsup:


and well if you think you shouldnt play a game cause of you being a girl, well shame on you, cause i know 5-6 girls in my math class who would die just to play gears of war. so game on :thumbsup:

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