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Girl Gamers


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  Aellyth said:
  The Him said:
  Aellyth said:
Like you stated before, that image you first posted reflects a stereotype that women should be at home doing those chores instead of having a job. For instance, job-wise, there are a lot of men that despise the fact that a female co-worker does the job better than him, just because... D: So can be said, in a way, about gaming! A few days ago, I was playing counter-strike and there was a girl on the server too. Everyone kept annoying her and eventually she left, most of the comments being a bit sexual-related.


Male? Female? We're just gamers, is there any diference? Not in my opinion >_>


Male, Female, no difference ? Gamers ?


Now this is where modernity and me just part from one another.


I don't have any moral or philosophical arguments or judgement against this statement.


I only have an aesthetic point of vue. And your point of vue is the path to general boredom and dullness. Come on ! What I love in a women is not what we have in common, but the difference between us, and the fact that I urge for that difference as to complete me. The more she is a contradiction to my personality and way of being, the more I will desire her. I like differences, well to a certain point.


Girls gamers on the forum pop out of the anonymous mass of male forumers. That is just a fact. And weather they like it or not, that makes them a bit unique, and they often recieve a more galant and attentioned treatment. Their presence here is vivid and refreshing, and one is always keen to know their opinion, way of thinking, interests. Of course, if there is no difference between a boy gamer and a girl gamer, then I am all wrong.


Oh my god, I just figured out I might be a Fascist by stating such a thing ! :thumbsup:



I have the nack to not explain myself very well x'D I guess I can say that I have a point of view simillar to yours, in what relates to gaming, and perhaps many other things. What I meant by what I said was that we all want to play games, so why does it matter if we are boy or girl, all we want is to have fun :biggrin:


Then we fully agree ! :smile:

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I have to wonder sometimes, if guy gamers are more sensitive. I jumped online to play Rainbow 6, V2 last night, and got kicked 4 times for being a girl who plays better that the guy hosting...(which happens often) It's like clockwork. If I hold back, and let him get more kills, than there's not usually a problem. The moment my numbers go up...problem. And when that doesn't happen, I get talked to dirty. It's annoying. I don't even really like going online anymore. I was in the habit of just going without a mic, but then why should I silence my voice?
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  species5478 said:
I have to wonder sometimes, if guy gamers are more sensitive. I jumped online to play Rainbow 6, V2 last night, and got kicked 4 times for being a girl who plays better that the guy hosting...(which happens often) It's like clockwork. If I hold back, and let him get more kills, than there's not usually a problem. The moment my numbers go up...problem. And when that doesn't happen, I get talked to dirty. It's annoying. I don't even really like going online anymore. I was in the habit of just going without a mic, but then why should I silence my voice?

those that talk dirty,insult or say we're less than them,have deep seeded emotional problems.They think that it will sound cool and the guys will 'buddy" up to them,but in reality they lack the confidense in themselves and the common sense to realize just how pathic they really are. Men will never do those things,children and insecure adult children do!

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  species5478 said:
I have to wonder sometimes, if guy gamers are more sensitive. I jumped online to play Rainbow 6, V2 last night, and got kicked 4 times for being a girl who plays better that the guy hosting...(which happens often) It's like clockwork. If I hold back, and let him get more kills, than there's not usually a problem. The moment my numbers go up...problem. And when that doesn't happen, I get talked to dirty. It's annoying. I don't even really like going online anymore. I was in the habit of just going without a mic, but then why should I silence my voice?


Now does guys are what I call "weaks".

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  dezdimona said:
  species5478 said:
I have to wonder sometimes, if guy gamers are more sensitive. I jumped online to play Rainbow 6, V2 last night, and got kicked 4 times for being a girl who plays better that the guy hosting...(which happens often) It's like clockwork. If I hold back, and let him get more kills, than there's not usually a problem. The moment my numbers go up...problem. And when that doesn't happen, I get talked to dirty. It's annoying. I don't even really like going online anymore. I was in the habit of just going without a mic, but then why should I silence my voice?

those that talk dirty,insult or say we're less than them,have deep seeded emotional problems.They think that it will sound cool and the guys will 'buddy" up to them,but in reality they lack the confidense in themselves and the common sense to realize just how pathic they really are. Men will never do those things,children and insecure adult children do!


So true. I think when men are together in groups they do and say a lot of things they normally wouldn't think to do or maybe even would object to, but they do them with their peers out of fear of being perceived as being less masculine or maybe even gay. It's the bully complex, in a way. What reason would a bully have to bully someone if nobody was there to see it? Peer pressure, plain and simple.

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personally, I'm not afraid of a strong woman, except if she uses it to beat me up in real life :blink:


@species5478: to bad that some gamers can't "man" up to the fact that no matter how good they think they are, there is always going to be someone that may be even better regardless if they are male or female.

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  Skotte said:
@species5478: to bad that some gamers can't "man" up to the fact that no matter how good they think they are, there is always going to be someone that may be even better regardless if they are male or female.

thats the quote of the day....Brilliant!

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I agree completely. And I think the peer pressure thing does play a major role in altering personalities. I'd be wrong though, if I didn't admit to playing the sensitivity card a time or two...


I've purposely played with certain online friends for instance, because I know they'll do a lot of the grunt work in-game. When the latest edition of Resident Evil came out on PS3, I chose to run with a certain guy because he was extremely sensitive to those rare instances when I flirted. When I mentioned wanting to find hidden items, he bought and researched a player's guide just so he could show me were everything was. I was appreciative...but still felt bad for using him in such a way.

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That can't be good... I hope he didn't take things the wrong way...


Anyway, I don't think girl gamers are sensitive, usually the women who are quite sensitive tend to avoid playing games altogether, thinking it's too "childish" for them. And if girls do, they know games aren't real, and enjoy playing games because it's fun. I am glad to see more and more women get into games, and I don't care if I lose to a girl - I don't care if I win or lose period.

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  rob_b said:
That can't be good... I hope he didn't take things the wrong way...


Anyway, I don't think girl gamers are sensitive, usually the women who are quite sensitive tend to avoid playing games altogether, thinking it's too "childish" for them. And if girls do, they know games aren't real, and enjoy playing games because it's fun. I am glad to see more and more women get into games, and I don't care if I lose to a girl - I don't care if I win or lose period.


I don't mean to question your sincerity, my friend, but I find it difficult to believe that you're indifferent about winning or losing. Personally, I hate to lose! But thank you for your support. I'm sure my fellow girl gamers (fellow, lol) appreciate having an ally in their corner.

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