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Are We Dumb? Depends on who you ask...

:thumbsup: College Educated :thumbsup:

I'd blame it more on his "lack of sleep" than "lack of brains" although, arguably, the two are probably related, we are talking about a game show here. Hardly a good example of anything other than how important it is to get a good night sleep.


N.American culture

*blinks* when did we get that?


Anyway, I thought I summed it up pretty well in my first response. The only thing I might have forgotten was that whole business of outsourcing everything from customer service, manufacturing, and consultation, to leadership, education, medical research, and child care to other countries. How does it make sense to send steel to china, have them turn it into poor quality (often hazardous) goods, which we then buy back for more than we sold the steel for? The environmentalists want us to be living in grass huts and eating food from the ground (once it has died of natural causes of course)... and that's exactly the road we happen to be on. And, by the way, over there, in china, they're using processes far more polluting and horrible than anyone over in North America would even dream about. Instead of responsible manufacturing, you have manufacturing that employs the cheapest, quickest methods of producing a good. Which is... I guess... The epitome of American Stupidity.

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I wouldn't say all Amaricans are dumb, I'm North Amarican-Canadian and all of us Canadians are smart if you ask me. :biggrin:


like stated above its who you ask.

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"I iz Amerhickin. I iz smrt."


THAT ^ is what some people here in the U.S. believe some of the other countries view Americans as. In that case, those people really are dumb for believing this.


I mean sure, there are those who are rude and arrogant, but you get that in every country. There are 6 billion people on this planet. Not all of the "dumb" people can be in the U.S.


There are some people who are rude no matter what. For example, when I was in London, there was a group of soldiers sitting at a table across from us. They turned to us and said, "Ooh. I bet you Americans are scared of us! You scared you f***ing Yanks?!"


I'm not sure if this was the alcohol talking, just plain rudeness, or a combination of both. Regardless, my answer was "No, not at all."


I have several good friends in Australia, Germany, New Zealand, Spain, Japan, South Africa, and even Ukraine. It just goes to show you that it is the person that counts - not where they are from.


I don't think people realize just how hard we Americans work to get our money. This country itself was raised on hard work and patriotism. People only look at the media aspects of America, like celebreties, money issues, former presidents (not to say any names *Cough* Bush! *Cough* :rolleyes: ), and food. Speaking of food, McDonalds is a prime example of how people judge America. McDonalds itself is a sort of "rags to riches" story - the American Dream. Created (or expanded, rather) by Ray Kroc back in the 1954, people laughed at him because the idea of "fast food" was ridiculous. And now look where it is.


But I digress.


All in all, it doesn't matter where a person is from, but rather what their personal views are.

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Yes, but Ray Kroc took it over in 1954.


regardless, it is still an example of "America's upbringing" if you will.


P.S. Sorry for the slight OTness. It did have a relation to the topic... sort of... :D

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Can somebody give me the real reason people think Americans are complete idiots? Don't come back with a clever comment that points out my spelling or grammar and any of that asorted bs. I don't revise anything I'm typing because I don't find it very important on forums. Just give me your honest opinion.


- The genocide of native-americans.

- The hypocritical foundations the country is built upon... They have a "No Smoking"-sign on the statue of LIBERTY!

- The poor leadership.

- The Constant global interferance.

- The "We're number one"-complex.

- The general discriminative perspective towards certain religions and faiths.

- The constant bad jokes about Europe >_>.



America is indeed idiotic, but it's people may not carry as a substancial label.

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lol at the chasers video... gotta love aussies even if it would be just for them :D

the whole show was great btw...


and of course not all inhabitants of the states are dumb...

i mean cmon they had ghandi as president and were the first to land a man on the mars, heck they even invented cheese that comes out of a tube... how could that possibly be dumb?

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Can somebody give me the real reason people think Americans are complete idiots?
No more than the rest of the human race. Humans in general are stupid sheep that will follow other sheep right off a cliff and believe what they are told to believe. It's the same no matter what country you find puny humans. There are, of course, exceptions but in general, most people do not know what they need to know or do what they should. Not much more to say in my opinion.



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