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Lucifer (Devil) or Creature


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Wouldn't it be cool if there was a new hostile creature that was just as strong as dragons? I was thinking why not a devil creature like lucifer or something that would be the size of a dragon but as tall as a giant on its two legs. http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs28/i/2009/107/b/0/Lucifer_Mortuus_Diabolus_by_nightterror89.jpg . This could spawn in like dragons (but have a rarer chance if possible), and have some powers of Alduin the dragon, like the Meteor shower (that he used in the beginning of the game when he technically saves you from the imperials), and also can shoot giant fireballs from his hands. I don't know how you guy's feel about this, but It would be cool to have this in game.

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well, if it were going to be the actual devil, it would have to be the most beautiful, charismatic and persuasive character you would have ever seen, but if you mean a hollywood version of the devil, i do believe skyrim monster mod actually has some underworld beast type models which could be altered slightly, that is of course i you can gain permission from the mod author.

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Sands of Time adds some new bosses. There's this flaming daedric warrior that serves Kynareth. If you kill an innocent, it's going to hunt you down. It's a difficult fight that the mod author actually had to create a toggle for a weaker version of the boss because people are getting massacred. There's also 2 other new bosses that I am aware of, one is a boss of the Silverhand, hunts you down if you are a werewolf, and a vampire hunter counterpart as well.

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