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The Little Fairy's Flower Garden


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I've never copyrighted or sold any of my works, and no e-books. Actually my recent poetic activity on this site is the most I've ever written. When I first joined I was inspired by the wonderful writings of others, and the words simply began to flow! (Perhaps inspired by love?) Perhaps someday I'll do something more with my words, but for now I think I'm happy to simply share them with you all. (Since our posts are time and date stamped would that not be a new form of the poor-man's copyright?)
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Poor man's copyright refers to the method of using registered dating by the postal service, a notary public or other highly trusted source to date intellectual property, thereby helping to establish that the material has been in one's possession since a particular time. The concept is based on the notion that, in the event that such intellectual property were to be misused by a third party, the poor-man's copyright would at least establish a legally-recognized date of possession before any proof which a third party may possess.


The PMC was originally used by authors who sent copies of their own work to themselves through the mail without opening the envelopes in the hope that it would grant them legal protection by establishing a date at which the work was created. Use of this method may not hold up in a court as it is simple for individuals to pre-send envelopes which can then be used later by placing the materials inside.

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Hurculine, let us please speak of fairies true to the stories of old.


Beautiful and delicate yet but they could also be precarious and willful, being driven by their own exotic agendas not of our own .


Fairies like goblins or pixies or elves or gnomes or brownies or leprechauns or others more tuned to nature, darting in and out of their own magical realm at times to visit ours. The old stories are wondrous and yet as often sour as sweet. Dryads in trees, nymphs at the rivers and sylphs in the highlands, all like beautiful young women, sometimes bare to the world. Trolls under the bridge, dragons in caves on hoards of gold, ogres tramping through swamps and centaurs wise and strong in the mountains. These and more linked to our wonderment of nature, to nature itself and a desire to imagine, to delve, beyond normal human thinking and perception.


Perhaps it is just hope that there is more than this human realm.


Perhaps it is a sense that there is more than this human realm.


PS: don't forget easter bunnies, tooth fairies and Santa Claus.

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