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The Little Fairy's Flower Garden


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Thank you very much! :) I have more, but I want to see at least five new things released before I put anything else out. I don't want to be a hog ;) Besides, there hasn't been anything here for about a month and I love this thread. Come on, people, get that creativity juice flowin

please post more. If they're anything tlike that first one then they'll be gladly acclaimed here. feel free to post on my site also as some don't frequent this site.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Thank you all for tending to my garden while I'm occupied with other pursuits. I've been working on something big that I think is really cool but just can't get it finished for some reason. When it's done you'll be the first to know. Thanks and great work all.
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  • 3 months later...

Here's a little poem of my own making, unfortunately, the rhymes do not work in translating from French into English, so I did not touch anything to keep the spirit of the poem. The French version is included in the spoiler. Enjoy reading.




Why to run in all directions...

I see people fighting against the wind,

All this to gain even more money.

They have forgotten what it means to live,

Blinded by so many ambitions and envy.

Poet, tell them what you think about...


Why do they always seek to destroy...

Forgetting all what the sages had in memory

And those beautiful things of man and history.

They reject everything that gave them the childhood,

Caring little about the extent of their spending.

Builder, tell them about how to build...


Why can not they grasp the meaning...

They want the answers without asking any question

Whether they are wrong or if they are right.

I see them getting lost in all these corridors

Who leads them to places so illusory.

Wise man, tell them what you think about...



Fifoo - "Why" 06/28/10.





Pourquoi courir dans tous les sens...

Je vois des gens se battre contre le vent,

Tout cela pour gagner encore plus d'argent.

Ils ont oublié ce que signifie la vie,

Aveuglés par tant d'ambitions et par l'envie.

Poète, dit-leur donc ce que tu en penses...


Pourquoi toujours cherchent-ils à détruire...

Oubliant ce que les sages avaient en mémoire

Et ces belles choses de l'homme et de l'histoire.

Ils rejettent tout ce que leur a donné l'enfance,

Se souciant peu de l'ampleur de leurs dépenses.

Bâtisseur, dit-leur donc comment construire...


Pourquoi ne peuvent-ils en saisir le sens...

Ils veulent les réponses sans se poser de question,

De savoir s'ils ont tord ou bien s'ils ont raison.

Je les vois se perdre dans tous ces couloirs

Qui les mènent vers des lieux bien illusoires.

Ô Sage, dit-leur donc ce que tu en penses...



Fifoo - "Pourquoi" 28/06/10.


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Here's a little poem of my own making, unfortunately, the rhymes do not work in translating from French into English, so I did not touch anything to keep the spirit of the poem. The French version is included in the spoiler. Enjoy reading.




Why to run in all directions...

I see people fighting against the wind,

All this to gain even more money.

They have forgotten what it means to live,

Blinded by so many ambitions and envy.

Poet, tell them what you think about...


Why do they always seek to destroy...

Forgetting all what the sages had in memory

And those beautiful things of man and history.

They reject everything that gave them the childhood,

Caring little about the extent of their spending.

Builder, tell them about how to build...


Why can not they grasp the meaning...

They want the answers without asking any question

Whether they are wrong or if they are right.

I see them getting lost in all these corridors

Who leads them to places so illusory.

Wise man, tell them what you think about...



Fifoo - "Why" 06/28/10.





Pourquoi courir dans tous les sens...

Je vois des gens se battre contre le vent,

Tout cela pour gagner encore plus d'argent.

Ils ont oublié ce que signifie la vie,

Aveuglés par tant d'ambitions et par l'envie.

Poète, dit-leur donc ce que tu en penses...


Pourquoi toujours cherchent-ils à détruire...

Oubliant ce que les sages avaient en mémoire

Et ces belles choses de l'homme et de l'histoire.

Ils rejettent tout ce que leur a donné l'enfance,

Se souciant peu de l'ampleur de leurs dépenses.

Bâtisseur, dit-leur donc comment construire...


Pourquoi ne peuvent-ils en saisir le sens...

Ils veulent les réponses sans se poser de question,

De savoir s'ils ont tord ou bien s'ils ont raison.

Je les vois se perdre dans tous ces couloirs

Qui les mènent vers des lieux bien illusoires.

Ô Sage, dit-leur donc ce que tu en penses...



Fifoo - "Pourquoi" 28/06/10.



That's beautiful. And all poetry does not need to rhyme you know. It's still just as poetic. The meaning is still just as emotionally evocative. Thank you for sharing this in the garden!

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