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Post your Fallout 3 WTF Moment!


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Is that the lincoln memorial?


Second time this has happened over the stretch of potomac between dukovs and wilhelms.


I loled.


That should be a mod related bug, I had the same problem in Springvale with floating pieces of metal in the air oddly is caused by a backpack mod. But it's been fixed by the mod author.

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My greatest WTF moment til now was when I was completing that quest you get in Canterbury commons and was coming to the robot repair center to collect my reward when I found out it had somehow disappeared!



Jumping into it was like jumping into the ether with an hell of a long fall until I reached water.


I would post screens but I seem to cant, for some reason they don't appear in the post :wallbash:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Recently while walking around the ruins near tenpenny tower I was scavving and I think Tenpenny shot me killing me as there was no creatures, npc ghouls, bot or anytrhing and I distinctly heard a 308 rifle... needless to say I reloaded and went off to introduce him to some frag mines.


Also on a different recentish play through While doing the "shoot em in the head" quest I got to fort ..... and the doors were already unlocked and open, I remember thinking what the hell arent I supposed to have the only keys for these? lol. the armor and other stuff was still there though.


Occasionaly upon entering a new area, corpses will move (fly as if shot from living) as if they have just been killed again.

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  • 1 year later...
Same as an earlier poster. I've seen buildings floating in the air, even when I run up close. Every time I see it, I think, "Since when did Fallout 3 become Inception?"
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  • 6 months later...

I was walking around the ruined houses just outside Tenpenny Tower when all of a sudden, the world ended. This was a night and there was nothing on my night vision, just a blank space. This has happened before and if you just stepped into the space, it would be displayed. I just stepped forward and fell for awhile and I heard a splash. WTF! I looked up and could just make out the edge of the hole way above me and than sky.

My geiger counter was going crazy, but I was able to fast travel to Tenpenny. Which was unusual since you can't fast travel while getting radiated. I went back during daylight to see if I could figure what happened, but everything was normal.

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My biggest WTF was when I get to the GNR, kill the behemoth and save the day, then mindlessly go try the door instead of using the intercom. You know, the basic human reflex of just reaching for the doorknob. And suddenly every single a**hole in power armour in that plaza, starts shooting me on full auto. WHAT. THE. EFF. I mean, they were already ok with me going in anyway, and it's not like I was lockpicking it or anything.


WTF along the same lines, I go to Rivet City and enter the marketplace to get repairs and sell my phat lewt. The door wasn't locked or anything, but I guess I must have entered like a second before closing time or something. So I barely make it down the stairs, and everyone starts shouting at me, and a couple of second later (which I had spent going "WTF?"), they start shooting at me. WHAT. THE. EFF. Whatever happened to just having a guard come over and say something like "we just closed, please come with me sir?" Surely even by wasteland standards, starting to shoot your customers as soon as closing time came is bad for business...


Well, and then there's the everlasting WTF of having every single shop warn me when I'm even accidentally LOOKING at the merchandise too close. WTF kind of a shop doesn't want you to look at or touch the merchandise? Isn't that how they sell stuff IRL? Even in mom-and-pop shops, grabbing something and taking it to the counter is the normal way to do business. And it's something that Beth could have easily implemented in a much less ridiculous way. Just have owned items in a shop to pop up a dialog when I hit the "use" button, and ask me whether I want to buy it, steal it, or leave it be.

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I think, in my opinion, the most absurd WTF moment was (and this has happened not only to myself, but several others) when I was walking between Jury Metro Station and some power station and a random deathclaw was walking by. He spotted me, so I equipped my combat shotgun expecting a fight. What I didn't expect was to see the deathclaw suddenly and without reason, rocket straight up at the speed of sound into the stratosphere. For several moments, I didn't know what to do. Then after a few minutes I started to walk away like nothing had happened. At the time I had Charon travelling with me and after a while he had disappeared. A bit later the message "Your companion has died" appeared and I backtracked to where the deathclaw had been and found the very same deathclaw standing over the mutilated corpse of my ghoul companion. WTF
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  • 2 weeks later...

My best wtf, sadly could not be captured. Being chased by raiders at level 4, near TPT, ran up in time to use the intercom and gain access, when the gate opened the guards attacked the raiders following me, roy phillips was just walking away and also engaged the raiders. With all the raiders dead I quickly healed, went to talk to roy, for whatever reason he was hostile and began to attack me! Thus causing the tpt guards to attack and kill him.. Gustavo then said "good riddance" and the tpt quest never came up in his dialogue. Wtf?


The next one concerns mr. burke, before disarming the bomb in mgtn. I snuck into his house, Reverse pick pocketed

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