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Post your Fallout 3 WTF Moment!


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lol i have the sharing and caring companions mod and i recruited a rivet city guard and i was wandering the wasteland and i saw another rivet city guard sneaking and i wacthed him as he continued to sneak and he came over to my recruited guard and asked her how everything is and she said it's fine and he walked off into the distance never to appear again lol
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I don't have a screenshot,but I will tell you something that made me say "WTF?"

I don't remember where,but I killed a radroach.

One of her feet was split from the body after I killed her,but it didn't just drop to the floor.

It was flying in the air,moving weird just like the thing that is in the photo the first one posted.

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Here's one I was going through Vault 87 to get the G.E.C.K and when you can free fawks so he can get the item one of the centuars gliched through the wall. and "I was thinking what the bloody hell just happened ?". this happen to anyone else ?

Then a couple of times when you kill a super mutant or even an enclave soldier they will "fly around in the air " all distorted.

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I've seen so many contorted pictures I could fill a couple of these columns. A radroach leg standing on end as though an invisible thread was tied to it from the ceiling as it spun around and around like a top. I saw contorted object flying overhead outside the front door of the RoboCo factory after my view was of having exited the building after finishing the quest for Moira. It looked like a flying alien squid as it zoomed across the sky toward the Tennpenny tower above the balcony and off in the horizon. It was the first time I played the game and actually thought there were going to be flying mechanical monsters like that attacking so I watched the skies for them for many game hours.

I saw some other distortions later so it broke the spell I was under.


I saw a super mutant that looked like it was doing stuff like those guys and gals who get into that wild dancing complete with spinning on their heads. I saw one or two npc's stretched out so their bodies were so stretched out they looked like strings being whipped around in a hurricane.


WTF stuff happens in the game when the video card gets a little too hot. The BIOS settings can cause minor distortions to major pixel wash so the screen is full of tiny colored rectangles all out of alignment enough to make it impossible to play the game without rebooting the computer.


WTF is going on? Just a few bugs in the video card read DirectX readings wrong for a few seconds maybe? Or maybe there's a dust mite building a home inside the computer box on the video cards tiny circuit board.


Dusting the inside of the computer and dusting off the cards and motherboards components really helps reduce computer problem's. So dust and use a group of fans that wont let dust mite selttle in easily. They are spiders, just really small ones.


If you keep the area around the computer as dust free as possible too you may never have more than a few minor glitches and your computer will last longer if it is kept dust free.


Good gaming!

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Is that the lincoln memorial?


Second time this has happened over the stretch of potomac between dukovs and wilhelms.


I loled.

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