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Making Wild Wasteland Encounters


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I had a quick look at the fridge thing and it has a certain trigger with a script attached



scn GenericWildWastelandTriggerSCRIPT

begin OnTriggerEnter Player
if Player.HasPerk WildWasteland
PlaySound UIWildWasteland
showmessage WildWastelandMessage

Someone else may have more to add, but this is just looking at the GECK.

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Setting up Wild wasteland encounters is relatively simple.

1. First place all the items and Objects for your encounter.

2. Place an Xmarker near your encounter

3. Open the form of each of your encounters items, go to the Enabling Parent tab and link the form to the Xmarker you have placed.

4. Open up the XMarker you placed and go to Enable Parent tab In the cell field type NVWildWastelandCell, In the reference field find WildWastelandEnabler (XMarker). Note: this is easy to find in the cell because it is the only form in the cell.

5. Place a GenericWildWastelandTrigger over your encounter. (This doesn't need to be linked to anything it checks if you have the perk and plays the sound and shows the Wild wasteland message.)


Done and Done! Your encounter will now work with the wild wasteland perk.


Hope this helps

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  • 1 year later...

I haven't ever made a wild wasteland event, but by triggers I assume you're having trouble with making the area that the player enters which sets off the wild wasteland message etc.

So look at this



You make a primitive, probably like on of those orange cubes. Double click on the orange cube, and under the script for the cube, find the script " GenericWildWastelandTriggerSCRIPT" and hit ok.


So in case you don't understand the scripting language with respect to the triggers I'll annotate this script for you


scn GenericWildWastelandTriggerSCRIPT ; this is the name of the script

begin OnTriggerEnter Player ;this means the following block of code will run when the player enters the trigger this script is attached to
if Player.HasPerk WildWasteland; if the player has the wild wasteland perk
PlaySound UIWildWasteland; play the sound
showmessage WildWastelandMessage; show the message
endif ; end the if statement
disable; I assume this disables the trigger, so that next time you walk through that orange cube, the wild wasteland sound, etc. won't play again.
end; ends the script
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I haven't ever made a wild wasteland event, but by triggers I assume you're having trouble with making the area that the player enters which sets off the wild wasteland message etc.

So look at this



You make a primitive, probably like on of those orange cubes. Double click on the orange cube, and under the script for the cube, find the script " GenericWildWastelandTriggerSCRIPT" and hit ok.


So in case you don't understand the scripting language with respect to the triggers I'll annotate this script for you


scn GenericWildWastelandTriggerSCRIPT ; this is the name of the script

begin OnTriggerEnter Player ;this means the following block of code will run when the player enters the trigger this script is attached to
if Player.HasPerk WildWasteland; if the player has the wild wasteland perk
PlaySound UIWildWasteland; play the sound
showmessage WildWastelandMessage; show the message
endif ; end the if statement
disable; I assume this disables the trigger, so that next time you walk through that orange cube, the wild wasteland sound, etc. won't play again.
end; ends the script



I got it to work with clicking the "T" in the task bar and just placing a generic trigger (because DUH, it is the Generic Wild Wasteland trigger) ;). Then select "GenericWildWastelandTrigger" as ID, and the rest will happen automatically. I tried it in game and it worked.


BUT, I have a new problem. The objects linked to the X marker do not appear in game. My first event worked, but the second (I did exactly the same) event is giving me headaches. Everything is set op the same as the first event, but the items are just not there in game. Maybe it's just the GECK having a seizure, but yeah... maybe I'm just missing something.

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  • 2 months later...

sounds like the enabling parent is not set correctly.


you could go find some other wild wasteland event you already know about, double click on one of the objects, go to the enabling parent tab and see what obsidian did.

I've got the same thing. Enable Parent seems to be set like it should. I tried to find a Wild Wasteland event in GECK, but since you can only render small parts of the world, I don't see how I could ever find the right cell.


The only thing I can think of is that the XMarker doesn't have a Reference Editor ID...

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the problem is because my explanation was for Wild Wasteland encounter with new clean saves. I didn't think of if you had already triggered a wild wasteland encounter before enabling your new mod.

In this case you'll need to give your xmarker a custom Ref ID.
Don't link it to the master Wild Wasteland xmarker
create a custom Wild Wasteland trigger with this Script.

scn MYGenericWildWastelandTriggerSCRIPT

begin OnTriggerEnter Player
	if Player.HasPerk WildWasteland
		PlaySound UIWildWasteland
		showmessage WildWastelandMessage
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