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How make good shot and effects in photoshop! Help!


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The only things I can suggest are searching for tutorials if you need to know how Photoshop works, and beyond that, stock up on some photoshop resources such as plugins, brushes, actions et cetera.


This is a good place to start: http://www.deviantart.com/#catpath=resourc...ns&order=15

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If I reply further it could be taken as an insult. Please understand I don't mean it as an insult, but people who take "good screenshots" and edit them to look awesome just have a talent for it, an eye for what looks good. Your question is like asking an artist "how do I paint as well as you do?"


The only suggestion I have for you beyond having the tools you need is to just practice and develop your own style.


I know my own shots are not up to the quality of people like Floydian1 or Sinblood, but then again I don't devote the kind of effort to it that they probably do. Sure I like good screenshots, but I prefer tweaking my mods over taking screenshots. This is why I don't contribute millions of pictures to the imageshare or make threads showcasing my characters. My interests are elsewhere.


Edit: In looking through your image gallery I also notice that your graphic settings seem to be turned down kind of low. Try turning them up and turning antialiasing on. Antialiasing on will smooth the jagged edges, but will make taking screenshots in the game impossible. To get around that you need something like fraps.


Also, I say this somewhat sarcastically, but if you're after endorsements mostly, the thing to do is strip your characters naked, or else be controversial with your images. I hate to say it, but that's what gets attention.

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If I reply further it could be taken as an insult. Please understand I don't mean it as an insult, but people who take "good screenshots" and edit them to look awesome just have a talent for it, an eye for what looks good. Your question is like asking an artist "how do I paint as well as you do?"


The only suggestion I have for you beyond having the tools you need is to just practice and develop your own style.


I know my own shots are not up to the quality of people like Floydian1 or Sinblood, but then again I don't devote the kind of effort to it that they probably do. Sure I like good screenshots, but I prefer tweaking my mods over taking screenshots. This is why I don't contribute millions of pictures to the imageshare or make threads showcasing my characters. My interests are elsewhere.


Edit: In looking through your image gallery I also notice that your graphic settings seem to be turned down kind of low. Try turning them up and turning antialiasing on. Antialiasing on will smooth the jagged edges, but will make taking screenshots in the game impossible. To get around that you need something like fraps.


Also, I say this somewhat sarcastically, but if you're after endorsements mostly, the thing to do is strip your characters naked, or else be controversial with your images. I hate to say it, but that's what gets attention.



Wise words from the main man here heed them, and please endorsements are nice but not the soul reason for me to make images i feel i like to share these images as i have been told alot of people come here to download mods and view images, yes images! i feel i like to please them with my humble attempts to make them impressed and comment if they like or not this has been my no1 reason for improvement i listen to them i ajust and try to adapt, but we all have bad times but we just try to be patient, now go develope your skills and wack up your graphics grab QTP3 and hopefully you will adapt devlope and become noticed remenber if this is only for glory then its not worth it but if you do it for pleasure people will see it in your work and (hopefully) see it also and enjoy it :)

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You don't actually need photoshop to make good screens, for example I believe Deathknows uses an ingame screen effects mod and doesn't do any after image processing at all to his screens. The lack of endorsements on your screens probably has nothing to do with the actual quality of the screenshots themselves. Fact is as far as the Oblivion imageshare section goes, the amount of endorsements you will get is directly linked to the amount of friends/watchers you have in your profile.
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  • 4 weeks later...

Some suggestions:


- Open the CONSOLE and type TM to turn off all the HUD graphics to get a nice clean view of the screen. Hit escape to get back out of the console. (Be sure to go back into the console and type TM again before attempting to play again. This is especially important if you are using Ring of Console).


- Using the basic principles of what makes a good photo, line up your shot in a pleasing composition and hit the PRINTSCREEN button when you're satisfied.


- You probably won't get the best shot the first time, so move the view around a little in different directions and take a whole bunch of shots of the same subject, making sure to wait til the "Screenshot taken" text clears, of course.


- You can always delete duds later, and I emphatically encourage you to do so because pics take 3 MB a piece and can build up deadweight on your drive fast.


- Usually the beauty of the game is enough to take a great shot, but yes putting it through a photo editing suite can make it prettier, but if you ask me it's always more impressive to see the base output of the game engine itself (well not excluding mods).


- Characters look best in neutral lighting conditions (strong sunlight creates weird shadows and too little light means the screenshot won't have contrast). Torch light is a good way to illuminate your face, but don't do it in already strong light. (Use the various pose mods out there for more posing options, just be sure to reset the animations before trying a new one).


- Landscape shots are best when water and reflections are in play, but setting up a good line of foliage and terrain or man-made structure can work wonders too.


- Just like in real photography, the "magic hour" applies. This basically means the strongest, prettiest screenshots sill probably be taken during sunset or sunrise as the contrast and colors of the sun's lighting is the most interesting and dynamic then. The sunsets in Oblivion are especially no-brainers -- they're gorgeous.


- Use the Ring of Atmospherency mod to tailor the weather to your liking.


- Other than that, just like anything... practice.

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