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Why does the Talon Company hunt good people?


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Ok, so the Regulators are bounty hunters who hunt down bad people. That makes sense, because some people want justice and a safer wasteland. You can compare them to the Hashasin cult in Assassin's Creed.

But little makes sense why the Talon Company hunts down good people, other than the fair symmetry for good characters which Beth implanted. I'm not talking about the Megaton bomb here. I'm talking about a character who only helped out his fellow vault-dwellers (who have practically nothing to do with the wasteland) in the tutorial, and who has scourenged some purified water and gave it to beggers. How can I have possibbly angered the Talon Company doing only that?? Why would anyone hate another just because he does some random good deeds?

It's like the Talon Company has some kind of "reverse-justice" principe, which of course doen't make sense.

So heat me out: It's the duty of all to make life in the wasteland as miserable as possible! And anyone who does good deeds shall pay for that!

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Well they made them as a counter to all the good people u find in the game. i think they're just scavengers of the wasteland killing anything in their way. including you. sooo. idk its just something else to kill lmao :P
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Ok they got an contract to kill you from Wiedmannsheil <- This is the german name. Some bad people got frightend of you because you're killing bad people. The Talon Company are contractkillers so they want to kill you. If you want to get revenge their mainbase is Fort Bannister (If you don't know that) :biggrin:
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There are any number of reasons, but the Talon are most likely funded by (aside from what 1stKronus says):


People with ongoing vendettas against "hero" types

People who are jealous of how popular you are becoming

People who hate the people that you rescue

People who think of hunting heroes as a sport

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A few theories:


1. Somewhere in the past somebody took the phrase 'No good deed goes unpunished' and in a fit of madness ascribed an almost religious dedication to it. They think that any attempt to 'do good' will only result in bad things happening elsewhere, they are the people who hired out the Talon Mercs to find you and kill you. Talon Company is in effect the avatars of punishing good... for some reason.


2. President Eden or some other member of the Enclave is listening in on Three Dogs broadcasts and heard him mention you. They then sent the Talon Company mercs to kill you simply because Three Dog was calling you a defender of the wasteland or something. If somebody goes around solving the problems in the wasteland then it will be more difficult for the Enclave to take over when they arrive since they want everyone poor and miserable so that they can be manipulated easier. President Eden might have even sent the mercs after you to test you out, to see if you are strong enough to replace Autumn. Plus, he might have deduced (though the eyebots and listening to Three Dog) that you are James kid and you might be trouble if you interfere with their plans to take over the water purifier.


3. The Overseer, despite his dedication to keeping everyone pure from the taint of the outside might have some connections with the wasteland. After all, he did get a message from the Enclave who want access to vault 101 and was reluctant to do so. Plus, it is implied that he might have had something to do with the death of the previous Overseer and he's made it clear on several occasions that he's willing to get his hands dirty 'for the good of the vault'. He might have put a bounty on your head somehow or had connections to somebody who could put a bounty on you. He would put a bounty on you if you are good because if you are evil then the regulators would get you and if you are neutral then he figures you won't return or something.


4. Some freaky supernatural entity like the one in the Dunwhich building needs the blood of saints to feed its otherworldy appetite and to craft a macabre body to manifest on this physical plane. This entity spied the goodness in your soul with its many screaming eyes and had its decrepit cult of minions put the bounty on you so that Talon Company would bring it your head... which would complete the unholy ritual that would bring it to our sphere.


5. James accidentally put a bounty on your head for some reason... possibly as his way of making you return to the vault where you will be "safe".


6. There is some weirdo out there with alot of money, no morals, and a really really sick mind. They heard Three Dog say how good of a hero you are and hired Talon Company to bring a piece of you to them as a 'trophy' or something.


7. A rich ghoul somewhere wants gourmet brains.

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