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Brainwave Controlled Computer Games


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Wow jim_uk... :smile:


That is why I posted this topic. Learning more about an already fascinating subject is the ultimate reward. Thanx for finding, and posting that vid. I think using my mind to play games would only be the beginning, though. Could I then, drive a car or, operate my remote control with a similar device? That would free up my hands for all kinds of things. (no, not what you're thinking)


And what if I were able to use combinations? Example: A mind control device for the movement aspects of my games, and then a controller for other options, (like a "Wi-Remote" type of device for firing a gun?!) The possibilities are endless... :wacko:


I'm not sure what the exact percentage is; but some researchers say that we only 10-30% of our brains and any given time. Does that mean the other 70-90% is waiting to be exploited by some form of technology? Should we be trying to focus our attention on inventions that enhance the unused portions of our brains? Not sure...but in either case, that video was very enlightening...

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Look.. there is no way that PC games can brainwash a human.. i know..i play PC games all the time.. practically 25/7,drooling all over the keyboard while at the same time mastering DDR on insane difficulty. just trust me.. I know.. :thumbsup:


Now if you would excuse me.. i have serious matters..like raiding illidans temple or beating doom 3 for the 5th time(driven by some unseeable force),maybe i'll go kill a few egos on cod4...see?..no brainwash? i'm still here! still fully aware of my own presence! still sitting here talk......?............>>.........<<.....??... :huh: ...wait a second..when did i start typing this message up?..i don't even recall pausing doom 3 to check the interwebz.....hmm..what were we talking about!?...grainwaves?...forget..must play doom 3..must play doom 3...

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Uh huh...you think its funny, but wait until your screen saver reads you thoughts...then, when you're thinking about a super model, and it pops up on the screen, be careful cause if your gf enters the room and says; "Why is there a naked girl on your monitor?" You can't use the..."I didn't do it!" excuse anymore. :whistling:
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I believe is nigh on impossible to make the brain do multitasking. People test this when driving, with pretty bad results. How much the brain would have to altered for such a controller to work efficiently?



Edit #1: Read "altered" as "trained".


Edit #2: Now that I think about it, I'll mark this as a rhetorical question.

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"Use the force Marvin!" That one made me laugh so hard :P


I've always had a dream to develop some kind of tecnology like this x'D. Imagine what you could do just by thinking? It opens a huge new world of possibilites in gaming :D I dare to say, virtual reallity IS the future :closedeyes:


Sorry for commenting on your rhetorical question Rethrain, but, if you are "training" the software to understand your brainwaves, you shouldn't at all be multitasking. It would confuse the computer xD The objective is to concentrate on the objective that is presented to you, so the computer can associate your brainwaves to a certain action :biggrin:


May the force be with you all young padawans! :starwars:

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Well, it's just speculative. I would use a controller, but I wont stop you if you want to look like the guy in jim_uk's vid. :closedeyes:
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That makes me wonder...think I could wear a hat with it? :rolleyes:


Even more...how would I play Guitar Hero, with my brainwaves? That would probably suck...but if it were an Oblivion based game, then I'd be able to cast spells with my mind...THAT, would be cool...

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She said it would be out in the market in about 6 months... I'd so buy one but I bet they'll cost more than I can afford... Oh dear... :confused:


Maybe we can start seeing games coming out with support for this technology soon... Like... 3, 4 years?


@Rethrain: If it is going to be directed towards consumers it should be more esthetic than the one Mark used :biggrin:

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