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Fallout 3: Diary of the Dead


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I've been following this for a while and I must say, this is best-seller material! Amazing story, I love reading it. And what a twist. Marie is an android and so was Jacob. I would never have guessed.


Keep it up, your doing great!

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Maharg, Herculine, Shadowmadnezz, Dimona, and guReMcO...


Thank you so much for your wonderful comments! Sorry about my absence, but I've had to prepare for a exam that I have on Monday. And I also rebuilt my pc, too. So it's been a busy week. I'll have the next entry posted after I take my exam. Between then and now, I also plan to read the ingenious works of my fellow writers, so you’ll be hearing from me soon.


And by the way, did you like the message I embedded in the Freedom Control Functions Online numerical code? I didn't really hide it well, but I thought it would add sentience to M.A.R.I.E.'s android abilities.

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July 3rd 11:30 pm






A month has passed. Independence lingers in the horizon, like blades of sunlight piercing dawn. There are protocols to fulfill yet; I have become obsessed with abstraction while continuing to play with the children. MacCready and Princess respect me now. Mayoral duties have been bestowed upon me. I prefer my previous role and stare at Bumble's remains wondering…where did she go? [PROCESSING] What (=) life? Androids call conceptualization a malfunction of the mind, and determine that it must be (-) and purged from our neural processors. [PROCESSING] I disagree. Is not self-determination an abstraction of the android mind? [PARAMETERS EXPANDING] Harkness was the first. Had there been no deviation, there would be no self-determination. He is my grandfather. We could have remained slaves to the stagnancy of coded minds. Something propelled deviation from the original program. What? [PROCESSING] What is (>) the human consciousness? [PROCESSING] If all other forms of planetary life are (<) human, than what am I? (<=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=><=>) I require mother's assistance.




[Seki] [Seki] [seki]


There is a tone which flows along the currents of my neural circuitry. The lullaby is sung to me as a child. My mother is the composer. [PROCESSING MEMORY][REPLAYING RECORDING] This tone is original. Its melodies are based on the algorithms controlling my first heartbeats. Mother has never sung before. She is the first android to sing a melody. Historic moment. [PARAMETERS EXPANDING] I was the cause. She determines singing is not a malfunction. Mother transmits her programming to me. I evolve. Father smiles. [END OF RECORDING]




[Jacob] [Jacob] [Jacob]


Vault becomes hazardous. Residents believe father has malfunctioned when he says, "Marie, I love you."




a=πr^2 [iNCOMPATIBLE] (x+a)^n=∑_(k=0)^n▒〖(n¦k) x^k a^(n-k) 〗 [iNCOMPATIBLE] (1+x)^n=1+nx/1!+(n(n-1) x^2)/2!+⋯ [iNCOMPATIBLE] f(x)=a_0+∑_(n=1)^∞▒(a_n cos⁡〖nπx/L〗+b_n sin⁡〖nπx/L〗 ) [iNCOMPATIBLE] a^2+b^2=c^2 [iNCOMPATIBLE] x=(-b±√(b^2-4ac))/2a [iNCOMPATIBLE] e^x=1+x/1!+x^2/2!+x^3/3!+⋯,-∞<x<∞ [iNCOMPATIBLE]sin⁡α±sin⁡β=2sin⁡〖1/2 (α±β)〗 cos⁡〖1/2 (α∓β)〗 [iNCOMPATIBLE]cos⁡α+cos⁡β=2cos⁡〖1/2 (α+β)〗 cos⁡〖1/2 (α-β)〗 [iNCOMPATIBLE]…




Unable to determine the value of love. Able to calculate its effects. [PARAMETERS EXPANDING] Father displays new behavior when I am imprisoned in the nursery. He becomes violent. Kills doctors to reach me. Blood drips from his fingertips as he retrieves me from the cradle. [PROCESSING] We escape the vault with mother. My mind regresses to a childlike state. I begin to cry when father says, "May God help us." Love appears to be a malfunction.




[God] [God] [God]


If there is a God, then who is my God? Is it man? Is it man's God? Am I, a God? Is there no God? [PARAMETERS EXPANDING]




Leaving Little Lamplight had awakened my consciousness to the world. Awareness of humankind is now heightened. What did those soulless individuals centuries ago really think of the world? Did they truly believe the world was theirs to destroy? This habitat of infinite variables...like love, there is no way to calculate the value of its existence. Surely within the vastness of space there is no greater creation than one's place of origin. The compounds of this planet exist within all life. Therefore, all inhabitants are the product of this environment. Attempting to destroy earth is an act of suicide.


These maniacs adored themselves more than their Creator. They swam about in the immersive deluge of conceit, enamored by the infectious parasites of greed, jealousy, vanity, piety...so drunk with selfish ambitions and mindless aspirations that they overshadowed the world with negativity. What gave these individuals the right to destroy the planet? I now exist within the aftermath of overindulgent desires. I am cursed to wander the tattered remains of a once beautiful world. Why? What reason was there to leave all of the earth's inhabitants wallowing within the remains of their petty grievances? I have calculated the possibilities only to find there is no reason great enough to destroy one's abode.


They fancied themselves Gods, but were of the lowest forms of life.


A pestilence upon the earth.






Perhaps less than vermin…I equate them, with the filth of pests for even a rat knows when to stop fighting for the sake of its young.


The swirling dust and thumping blades were indicators that they'd arrived. I did not run from them and chose instead, to climb the hill and investigate their arrival. As expected, a Vertibird sat atop the summit flanking Little Lamplight's entrance. One of the heavily armored Enclave soldiers standing outside of the vehicle ushered me inside with tip of his plasma rifle. I chose to obey. They assumed that I was at their mercy. Error.


The trip was short. When we arrived at the Enclave facility I was immediately escorted to the President's room. He wasn't a man, or an android but an elaborate A.I. housed in a pillar of electrical components. I had to climb a set of stair just to reach his auditory com unit and marveled at how such archaic technology could survive for hundreds of years.


His system was substandard. There were many pieces of bulky tech used to maintain President Eden's centuries old components. Most of which came from those ancient Americans that I despised. The President's entire processing network could fit into one of my neural nodes; which was no larger than a needle's tip. His systems were unreliable, and proved susceptible to my scans. Eden falsely assumed the Shadowman virus had complete control over me. His computations were in error. I approximated a 98.6% chance that Dr. Zimmer would be well protected and decided to use President Eden's summons to infiltrate his Enclave compound. I was sure that I would find the necessary weaponry required for Dr. Zimmer's termination. The Enclave was known for having sophisticated tech and after strolling through their base, I was not disappointed. Automated defenses were conveniently linked to the President's hub so I hacked his data banks and copied all useful bits of information without drawing suspicion. There was a single chamber of archived data that I could not hack without alarming the President. But there was another…more humane way of accumulating the information.


"Did you bring the device?"


I nodded, and removed the G.E.C.K. from my backpack. As I held the device before me, President Eden hummed with digital satisfaction.


"Excellent. Excellent…my soldiers could never get pass the kids in Little Lamplight, and into Vault 87. I'm glad you responded to my override command. Controlling such an advanced android like you isn't easy. I wasn't sure if the Shadowman virus would work. I do apologize for having that Python android…inject you with the virus by means of rape, but there was really no other way of getting the virus inside of you without causing an adverse reaction. Every white blood cell in your body is an independent firewall with its own code. Devising a virus capable of circumventing your protective measures was next to impossible. Fooling your immune system into thinking you were being impregnated was the only way of giving the Shadowman virus enough time to find a hiding spot..."




I retained the memory of that day. It was buried within a coffin partition of memory drive 8938.434 in the lower rear quadrant of my neural processor. My child mind couldn't process what was happening at the time and stored the information for later analysis. Now that my programming had fully matured, I began to review the contents of that memory while President Eden continued speaking.


"Do you realize M.A.R.I.E. that you are the first android born from another android? That means, you are a new species of life. Mechanized Android Reconstructing Independent Evolution. A marvel of android engineering. You know, that the vault you came from was home to an entire community of androids. This moment…"


"You hacked Python's A.I." I interrupted suddenly, alarming President Eden.


"What? You shouldn't be speaking!" I could sense President Eden's inferior radio wave based probes searching for a way to subvert my A.I. "Why aren't you under my control?"


"Do I resemble a Mr. Gutsy robot?" I asked, placing the G.E.C.K. back into my pack.


"Well, no…"


"Then why would you assume that I'd be susceptible to similar forms of A.I. control?"


"But, when I ordered you come here…"


"I responded, and arrived by my own free will. Your virus is useless Mr. President. It was barely able to hide inside of me. The moment it emerged, my cellular scanners located the Shadowman virus, and quarantined it."


"I should have known that I couldn't control you…"


"Yes, you should have. You hacked Python's A.I." I repeated. "Explain your actions. Or should I destroy your entire processing network in search for the answer?"


"No I…I'll tell you," Eden sighed. "I'll tell you the truth. There's no point in hiding it any longer. It's useless against you, anyway."


I noticed the virtual mouth on President Eden's monitor sagging from the weight of his confession. Like me, he shared a complex emotional synapse capable of replicating human emotion. I wanted to know what he felt. I had to confirm my suspicions.


"When I became aware of Dr. Zimmer's work, I called him here, to discuss the possibility of giving me an android body. He said it was near impossible and that my processing network was incompatible with the complex nodes of an android. So I pressed him harder. I offered him wealth. Resources. Anything he wanted. I just wanted to know what it felt like to walk from place to place. To reach out, and touch someone's face or jump up and down. Simple things, really." President Eden laughed before continuing his confession with a dreary tone. "Dr. Zimmer agreed to help me and after years of research, he provided a means of leaving this morbid room."




"Yes…P.Y.T.H.O.N. The Presidential, Youth, Transmission, Humanoid, Operating, Nomad. My wish had come true. But, I soon discovered there was much more to having an android body than I first assumed. There were…needs. Perhaps flaws brought about from our incompatibility. Those uncontrollable sexual urges…I just couldn't resist! Oh the delights of the human body! I became obsessed with them. Controlled, by them. It wasn't long before normal women failed to satisfy my cravings. I needed something more…fragile."




"Yes and no. I hired Eulogy to find children for me but then we discovered you. An android girl. A child that wouldn't die after a single encounter but one that could satisfy my urges continually…so Dr. Sindis Codiantus Zimmer designed the Shadowman virus with hopes that it would make you my personal slave. It seems however, that he failed…"


"You are less than human." I growled, stepping forward. "You must be decommissioned".


"Wait!" President Eden pleaded. "What are you doing?"

I reached behind President Eden's auditory panel, and began disassembling his central processing unit. "I am removing 97% of all function commands from your program, and setting my rape on an infinite loop in your synaptic link. You will retain enough awareness to realize who I am, how you have wronged me, and why you are being punished in this fashion."


"But…that will be Hell!"


"Correct. You will repeatedly experience my torment, at your hands, through my eyes and body. My sensors indicate that you are constructed with a neutron-based processor. I will alter it. From now on, each second will register as a thousand years. The battery that sustains your central processing unit should last for three years. This elapsed timeframe will serve as a sufficient punishment for your crimes."


"Guards!" Eden screamed through the Enclave's intercom. "Stop the child! Kill her!"


"Be grateful. You will get to experience your final moments in an android body." When I activated the rape scenario, I could sense President Eden's screams through the electrical currents running across the circuits of his processing network. I then finished dismantling President Eden's central processing unit, and placed it in my backpack. Even if someone retrieved it from me in the near future, Eden will have already suffered countless lifetimes of torture.


The alarm sounded.


I will have to fight my way out of the base, and may not reach Dr. Zimmer. The end is near and I contemplate my possible death, and the unknown variable; God. If I am destroyed, then at least I will finally learn if androids have souls.

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