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Fallout 3: Diary of the Dead


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Marie! She's got to find Marie!


Oh Herc...You're like a big bowl of sunshine spilling all over my monitor!






I must admit also, that really was sweet la!!!


Your reply though Species, was a poetic river of interesting imagery for me..lolol


Now on with it, cliffhangers geesh....get of the bleedin' pub stool and.......


Ah lass, you have the gift of the Bard for sure..Good Chapter words drip from your mouth like honey mixed, with a touch of vinegar, I am intrigued.. you are a walking contradiction,depending on where you are.. which is a compliment BTW..

On saying that, and reading deep, methinks the vinegar is only skin deep... :wink:

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Exqutive reading thus fuy I only hope it gets better and love the oblivion cross over(note the alter in dunwitch is in oblivion find it if you can) -gormonk




Thank you! :thanks: Your comments are appreciated. :blush: I hope my next entry doesn't disappoint! :huh: And really? The Dunwich altar is in Oblivion? o_O Good eyes! I think I know where to look...





I must admit also, that really was sweet la!!!


Your reply though Species, was a poetic river of interesting imagery for me..lolol


Now on with it, cliffhangers geesh....get of the bleedin' pub stool and.......


Ah lass, you have the gift of the Bard for sure..Good Chapter words drip from your mouth like honey mixed, with a touch of vinegar, I am intrigued.. you are a walking contradiction,depending on where you are.. which is a compliment BTW..

On saying that, and reading deep, methinks the vinegar is only skin deep... -Aeryn333


Thank you! I have my moments... :biggrin: But honestly, I had a glass of red wine when last here. Perhaps it stimulated some delicate part of the imagination? If (as you say), I have the Bard's gift, then I'm obligated to share my presents with all who are willing to unwrap them.

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November 27th 4:00 am




There was a violent storm approaching. Something unfamiliar and hideous was sprouting deep in my soul and didn't think myself capable of such savage yearnings until now. If Marie was alive, then there was nothing I wouldn't do to get her back.




Paradise Falls was anything but the heavenly. The entire place was fortified with high walls, sniper towers, and armed guards. There was only one way in, and one way out. Normally, I'd post a few men outside of town as lookouts and saboteurs; but not this time. Had a feeling any man that I left outside would eventually run off. I didn't have the manpower to fight my way inside a place like this so I decided to stroll inside with my entire entourage and fight my way out if need be. A caged rat was more ferocious that a free one and I had a feeling that I was going to need all of my rats to help gnaw my way out of this place.


"Mr. Murder Huh?" The ragged looking guard scoffed at the name sprawled on my armor. "There's only one Mr. Murder round these parts and his name is Eulogy Jones."


"I need to see him."


"Not until you pay the entrance fee." He said, sticking out an eager hand.


I curled my lips, reached behind my back, and pulled my gun before he could blink. I pressed the muzzle to his head as the red dot from a laser beam grazed my eye.


"I don't pay the help."


"Shoot, and you're dead. I got three snipers locked on you."


"If I shoot, you're dead. I do business with Eulogy, and nobody else."


The guard chewed his bottom lip before gathering the courage to force a weak smile. He stepped back wiping crisp beads of sweat from his nose and upper lip, and then nervously waved me and my team forward. "Guess you ain't a slave after all."


I had to lead my men pass three or four sandbag barricades, and down a narrow alley to the front door about a hundred feet away. The guard mentioned three snipers, but I only saw one sitting in a crow's nest across from the main complex. Even noticed the skeletal remains of some unfortunate slave sitting in a hanging cage linked to a dead tree. I suppose this was Eulogy's way of decorating.


The actual entrance to Paradise Falls was barred with junked automobiles stacked in front of an abandoned shopping center of some sort. As we approached, the dismembered statue arm used to bar the main door was raised to allow passage to the inner complex.


Once inside, the smell of sweat intermingled with the moans of captive people. There seemed to be two sets of signs for ever building. One being the original, with a second describing the building's new purpose. The Liquor Store and some place named Velma's were converted into a barracks and clinic. One of the buildings flanking the slave pen was a coffee shop which now served as a bathroom, while Freddy Fear's House of Scares appeared too dilapidated for use. I could see Eulogy standing on the balcony to an old cinema and knew before reading the sub-sign, that this was his castle.


Like most slave masters, he was counting caps amidst a slew of female servants. All were scantily dressed as if handpicked from one of those prewar modeling magazines. When he noticed my crew, Eulogy left the balcony and met with me face to face in front of a roasting Brahmin. "Here to check out my merchandise?"


"What kind of black man sells slaves?"


"And what's that suppose to mean?"


"Don't you have any respect for the past?"


Eulogy took off his pimp hat, and swatted brim dust in my direction. "Do you think morality has any place here in the Wastes? You act like blacks were the only ones ever enslaved. Every race at some point in their history was enslaved. Only difference between me and those ancient American Slavers you're so fond of mentioning, is that I don't discriminate. I'll grab any person worthy enough to be sold in a meat-market. More profit that way. Now are you here to do business, or lecture?"


I cringed. Eulogy needed to be locked inside one of his cages or better yet, shipped off to The Pitt for a lifetime of slave labor. But I had a feeling that even under these circumstances he'd still be just as heartless. Eulogy was destined for a shallow grave.


"I'm looking for a girl," I said holding up Marie's picture. "Have you seen her?"


Eulogy only needed a second to recognize Marie. His lips curled from the twisted sourness filling his mouth. "So that's your daughter huh? Why am I not surprised?"


"What's that supposed to mean?"


"That girl came wandering through here a few weeks back. Medic had to stitch her up though, cause she had some…damage. Otherwise the kid was a nice find. Young. Cute. Only problem was that she was too smart."


"Was? Where is she?"


Eulogy allowed one of his female servants to light his cigar before waving her away. "Yeah she was here, and now's she's gone. If you want to find her, then you'll have to pay for that info."


"I'm not paying to find out where you sold my daughter!"


"I didn't have time to sell her." Eulogy pointed to a nearby wall. "Brat escaped through one of those Mole rat burrows. She stole a bunch of my supplies too. Kid kept asking about a certain place before breaking out, and headed in that direction when she escaped. A few of my men followed her, but lost the kid's trail when things got too rough. One of them died chasing her. If you want to know where she went, then you'll have to pay for my losses. Three thousand caps."


"Ridiculous! That's the cost of a slave! I'm not paying that!"


"Your call but if you don't find her fast, she's dead. That much is sure."


I had to consider the possibility this scumbag was telling the truth. But one thing I couldn't consider, was my caps. I barely had four thousand in my pocket and I needed every bottle top to employ my troops. After turning from Eulogy, I strolled through my platoon fondling the Magnum on my hip. Endo read my mind perfectly and stroked his rifle with just enough motion to alert the others. When I reached the last man, I drew my pistol and stuck it into Carlson's face.




"What?" He questioned, unable to pull his eyes away from the barrel. "What are you doing?"


"You don't think I know what you've been saying behind my back, huh? A few men said were you planning on killing me. Want to slice my throat in the middle of the night? Still mad at that broken nose of yours?"


"Wait…I was kidding about that! You know I wouldn't betray you!"


"You couldn't wait to sacrifice Seki. What about her?"


"She was going to die anyway! Come on Jacob, you're the one who killed her!"


Carlson tried reaching for his gun, but Endo and a few others were quick to draw their weapons.


"Sorry Carlson," Endo smiled. "But you've betrayed one too many of us. Strip."


"You're all going to…"


"Strip!" Endo yelled. When he raised his rifle, Carlson relented.


"You've got your payment," I said turning to Eulogy. "Now where's Marie!"


"Joining the slave trade, huh?" He laughed. Eulogy took an exaggerated drag on his cigar before speaking with smoked breaths. "She kept talking about her grandfather. She said he was a scientist who's working on some water purifier at the Jefferson Memorial near Rivet City. My men tried to catch her before she escaped into the D.C. ruins, but were ambushed by Super Mutants. Maybe she made it, maybe not."


"That's all I needed to know…" I kicked over Carlson's armor, and revealed the small device hidden within his armament. When Eulogy recognized it, the cigar fell from his lips.


"Is that…"


"A thermal nuclear warhead? Yes. Try to stop me or any of men from leaving, and Paradise Falls goes up in smoke. I wouldn't try moving that nuke either. Now that it's activated, any motion will cause an explosion." I raised my hand to reveal the remote, which was set to activate if my fingers released the trigger. "If I die, everybody dies."


"You son of…"


"And by the way," I said pointing to the slave pens. "I'm releasing those men. Endo!"


"I'm on it Jacob!"


"You must be crazy if you think I'm going to let you just walk away! Once you step outside of those walls, you're through! You don't got enough men to stop me!"


"I didn't, until now. I'm willing to bet those freed men will help me fight you and your entire battalion, so you can lose a few slaves, or your entire operation," I said with a slight smirk. "Your call but if you don't get out of my way, you're dead. That much is sure."


I backed away as Eulogy's men gathered their weapons. Once Endo shot the locks off the pens and armed the captives, the Slavers began taking aim from every possible position as Eulogy weighed his options. "What's stopping you from detonating that bomb when you make outside?" He yelled.


"My word."


"Not good enough!" He waved to a sniper who shot one of the slaves just as he joined my ranks. "They're my property! Hand them over!" The fatal head-shot spilled the captive's brains into the dirt, where they bubbled into a mangled mass of oozing meat. It didn't faze me. I immediately took aim and shot two of Eulogy's men while keeping my eye on the exit.


"Now you're losing Slavers Eulogy! Back off!"


One of Eulogy's men fired at me and Eulogy quickly intervened. "Don't shoot you idiot! He's holding the detonator! You'll kill us all! Follow them!"


We eased out of the narrow gate as Eulogy's men pursued from a safe distance. I positioned all freed men behind my platoon and made sure I was at the head of the formation. There wasn't much to hide behind. The Paradise Falls billboard and a bunch of boulders were the only objects of cover. My men scurried into position seconds before Eulogy's sniper shot the detonator from my hand. When his complex didn't explode, Eulogy ordered his men to open fire.

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Eh nice touch blame the wine, for your 'delicate part of the imagination" I'll let you get away with that one, for now.. :biggrin:

Eh...stretching it out are we..now of course you don't die, right rigth!!!! So I am not worried, but good one...some nice twist you add for sure....more.... :thumbsup:

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