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Kissing, Hugging, Sleeping


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I think I've just spent the past 3-4 hours (maybe more, I've lost track of time now) looking through forum posts and mods searching - aimlessly - for animations and such that will allow my PC to do things like kiss and/or hug an NPC ... without the down and dirty sex that far too many animation mods have. Yeah, I'm sure those mods come in handy for various characters and such, just not mine - well, not at the moment at least. I ran across loads of posts asking about the same thing, but didn't find any links to any such mods - if they do indeed exist? I'm willing to look at and/or try any thing out there so could you folks posts links to these mods - pretty please?


And regarding sleep ... Is 'See You Sleep' the only PC sleeping mod out there? I have the file, haven't installed it just yet - will do to see how it works with my other mods. My 'other mods' being castles and homes that use I believe vanilla beds - but off hand I can't remember. If anyone has any other sleep mods they know of please post links here ... although by all accounts I know how highly 'See You sleep' is recommended. I just like the realization of having your PC actually get into bed and lie down. Standing next to a bed to sleep is well ... lame.


Thanks all.

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I'd be interested in a hugging and kissing mod, too. I have it on my "to do" list if I ever get that far in modding. As for sleeping I've been using a pose pack. I go into third person, my character dons her nightie, she climbs into bed, I use a sleeping pose to lay her down and then click the bed for her hour of much needed shut-eye. What you ask for makes sense to me, PP.


As for letting the 'cat out of the bag' you wouldn't buy a pig in a poke would you? A 'poke' being a bag which if you didn't check it first you may get a cat in there instead of said pig. It would all become clear to you once you let the cat out of the bag.




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I was afraid of that! :(


I haven't a clue about modding ... I suppose I could attempt to learn? I dunno, it seems overwhelming to me. I learn things like that better when someone is right here talking me through it - you know?


I've seen all the sex mods - just a wee-bit too blatant for my taste. To each their own I suppose. Just something toned down a few notches would be very nice.


Still haven't loaded up See You Sleep yet because it says I have to have OBSE, the latest version ... what's OBSE?

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Just like everyone else said, all the good modders are too busy making those horrid porn mods, to do something simple like that.


I'd do it myself but I haven't the slightest idea how to make animations. And I'm busy managing my mod 'More Tension Between Races' to learn how.

(Yes it's a link)

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This would be a nice idea, but I wonder about the difficulty of integrating animations on two separate characters, NPCs or PC+NPC, that you'd have to do to make this work convincingly. I guess it's an interesting challenge for the animation mavens here.


I haven't tried the sex mods as they don't really interest me, but I understand (totally open to correction) that they only animate a single NPC, and the player has to position the PC accordingly.

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