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Playable Fallout Mech


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I've agreed to help, so don't rush! I do have a spare spot set up on the Titan Marker for another titan/mech. So when you are finished, and if you are interested in merging, it could be added to the marker. Of course I won't just sit by, I'll try to help in any way I can, and you guys will get credit for your part. But first I have to finish up some minor changes before version 3 is released.

Dev is coordinating the work that needs to be done. I'm just happy to help.


Hopper do you have any idea how i would implement crushing NPC's using an actor effect?




Probably a simple actor effect that causes damage (preferably with a blood spray) via touch. The reason I believe this is workable is that due to the mech's size, the only part of it the NPC will actually impact/touch will be from the calf down. That's close enough (for me) to be a foot stomp. We'll have to restrict the effect to exclude non mechs/behemoths/alpha deathclaws, and other very large critters (which for convenience's sake I'm just going to refer to as colossus), but it will be easy to just throw them in a formlist. Since mech's may wrestle and exchange punches with other colossus we don't want that by touch actor effect to cause damage.


This would be a slightly less accurate method, as the mech could just drag it's foot into someone to impart damage (as opposed to stepping square on), but even a slow moving 100 ton object can make a quick mess out of a human.


How do I find the effect dev is talking about? I guess I'll start by looking in the radroach.


I'm hoping to be back later to work on this some.

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Was just heading out teh door when I realized I did a good example of the script fragment you were curious about. Here it is in action (but it could just as easily be a mount, or a mech);


It turns out I understood it better than I realized. I used essentially the same code, except in reverse. I didn't realize it until JIP confirmed for me!


A small problem. In my ref walking script I can't call killactor on non persistent references (e.g. the NPC references). Does anyone know a way around this?

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Hopper do you have any idea how i would implement crushing NPC's using an actor effect?

Don't worry, an actor effect is easy. They look confusing at first because of the way they are chained (for example from spell to effect MGEF to script) but here is a tutorial that will help;


Vegas tonics


A small problem. In my ref walking script I can't call killactor on non persistent references (e.g. the NPC references). Does anyone know a way around this?

I don't know how to pull that off on non persistant refs, but you might be better off trying an alternate method. GetAv health of target, throw it in a var adn modAV health of target - var (+100). Should kill everything dead, but I'd caution against an instant kill. A vertern ranger bad*ss might survive a brush with a mech foot (say only gets his/her leg crushed), *and* for gameplay purposes, i'd go with a single damage factor (with or without a random element). Something that knocks out the little peeps but isn't an instant kill for a critter or npc if they have massive health. Even a behemoth only does 30 or 40 damage. And sure they'r not made out of metal, but they do tower around 20'.

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This is awesome, can I just say.


All of this scripting is waaaaaaay over my head, but I can't wait to play the full version of this. I can't believe that this is actually getting somewhere.

I wouldn't look at it as a single product/mod but rather as an evolving process. There are a lot of things to add that will come out over time in various revisions. Everything from teh hud, to new weapons, to special start up animations/sounds, to special abilities and effects. It's something of a evolution because the scope of the project is so big.


Out of curiosity, do I get any credit in the end? Not primary credit, obviously (that'd go to you two, irswat and devp), but a little credit for contributing during the ideas phase of this project?

It's no problem to mention contributors to the thread in the credits

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Hopper do you have any idea how i would implement crushing NPC's using an actor effect?

Don't worry, an actor effect is easy. They look confusing at first because of the way they are chained (for example from spell to effect MGEF to script) but here is a tutorial that will help;


Vegas tonics


A small problem. In my ref walking script I can't call killactor on non persistent references (e.g. the NPC references). Does anyone know a way around this?

I don't know how to pull that off on non persistant refs, but you might be better off trying an alternate method. GetAv health of target, throw it in a var adn modAV health of target - var (+100). Should kill everything dead, but I'd caution against an instant kill. A vertern ranger bad*ss might survive a brush with a mech foot (say only gets his/her leg crushed), *and* for gameplay purposes, i'd go with a single damage factor (with or without a random element). Something that knocks out the little peeps but isn't an instant kill for a critter or npc if they have massive health. Even a behemoth only does 30 or 40 damage. And sure they'r not made out of metal, but they do tower around 20'.



do you know the name of the actor effect you are referring to.? e.g. the one that hurts NPCs when they come in contact with actor?


the reason I wanted to go with the killactor effect is because it comes with a built in flag for dismemberment/body explosions. It would be perfect.


I can also do a check to make sure essential NPCs get knocked out of the way. e.g. essentials are unsquishable.

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Here is a way I thought of for the squish effect. Place an invisible explosion at the base of the mech when it's moving, and make sure it does no damage, then attach an effect to it that will kill/knockout any npc that is not the player within the invisible blast radius.

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Pardon any funky txt/grammer, I'm using my phone


do you know the name of the actor effect you are referring to.? e.g. the one that hurts NPCs when they come in contact with actor?

there are probably several that could apply, but you can make your own actor effects, to customize them with some blood splatter and other things.


Here is a way I thought of for the squish effect. Place an invisible explosion at the base of the mech when it's moving, and make sure it does no damage, then attach an effect to it that will kill/knockout any npc that is not the player within the invisible blast radius.

Whether it's a 1 dam explosion or a small area of effect CIOS the problem is it is centered on the 0,0,0 axis not the feet. This means you could be damaged without the mech even contacting you. Irswat is doing his best to try to address that accuracy (only contact with the feet == squish), but I'm not sure it's possible via script. The fall back is to have an actor effect that applies damage via touch (and maybe a blood spray). In this way only peeps contacted by the mech are actually damaged. Since most peeps will only be contacted by the feet (a virtue of being 20' tall) it's fairly realistic (or at least no more unrealistic than fallout's built in melee damage engine (the animations are more fluff, than an accurate representation of physical combat dynamics).

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good news. the syntax of killactor was wrong, and it is compiling!

better news: squish and knockdown seem to work perfect. Sound effects work too!

Going to do some more tests, and then I will post the link.

best news of all:


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Do you believe this? Our sins have been nailed to the cross with Christ, and the sins of man have been punished in Christ. By His resurrection we share in the hope of eternal paradise and friendship with God!

John 15
12 This is my commandment: love one another as I love you.

13 No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.
14 You are my friends if you do what I command you.

Edited by irswat
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