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Well... I always thought I knew the lore of TES series. Theres gods and daedra. They dont like each other. Blah blah. Emporer stuck in Oblivion. blah blah.


But, I decided to look at the Oblivion wiki, and found that theres an immense amount of lore and backstory. Why wasnt this in the game? Loads of the lore wasnt even referred to. I never knew the planet was called Nirn, I thought it was called Tamriel. I didnt know that Akavir, Atmora and Yokuda existed! I just thought there was Black Marsh, Cyrodiil, Elsweyr, Hammerfell, High Rock, Morrowind, Skyrim, Summerset Isle, and Valenwood. And all these battles that are reffered to, like between the Imperial Legion and the Aavir (something like that), should have been explained inmore detail!


ARGH, Iveforgotten the original point of this..


h yeah, does anyone actually kno ALL the lore? An if yes, can someone tell me some impotant things? I feel like I should kow this stuff...

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Well... I always thought I knew the lore of TES series. Theres gods and daedra. They dont like each other. Blah blah. Emporer stuck in Oblivion. blah blah.


But, I decided to look at the Oblivion wiki, and found that theres an immense amount of lore and backstory. Why wasnt this in the game? Loads of the lore wasnt even referred to. I never knew the planet was called Nirn, I thought it was called Tamriel. I didnt know that Akavir, Atmora and Yokuda existed! I just thought there was Black Marsh, Cyrodiil, Elsweyr, Hammerfell, High Rock, Morrowind, Skyrim, Summerset Isle, and Valenwood. And all these battles that are reffered to, like between the Imperial Legion and the Aavir (something like that), should have been explained inmore detail!


ARGH, Iveforgotten the original point of this..


h yeah, does anyone actually kno ALL the lore? An if yes, can someone tell me some impotant things? I feel like I should kow this stuff...

I believe no one knows it all, but TES imperial library site is one of the best places to start.

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I dloaded alot of the lore for my mods. It 12 pages long. I kno most of it.

Akiviris is used as a name for the snake people even though theres 4 differents types of akivire (demons, monkey people, cousins of the khajiit, and the snakes).

Martin called the planet Nirn in the outro movie.

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There are a few Loremasters out there who know all the stuff, if not, they have it handy for a discussion. It's true, Oblivion emphasize on NPC interactions and the engine, but the background lore is almost non-existent. Frankly they could have put in a few(a lot) more books, but...Some of the download books are fan creations, some are good, since they did their research, but if you can't find some of those books in past games, don't be surprised.


So, back to your original point...I sort of lost my contacts. ^.^; No scholar will know where to begin with such a general question, be more precise.

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I dunno... the questiion kinda dawned on me randomlly and ive broken a fingure so i cant spel right and it anyoing me ALOT.


ANYWAY, what I meant was, or at least, let me revise it. What I meant was, why did Bethesda miss out important lore? I guess if you had played the other games things would make sense, but ive only played Morrowind and Oblivion, so il missing out on something. They sould have put more lore in for first time ES fans.

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Beth probably didn't want to swamp people with books. To make it more flexible, I believe. As for the other games, a few books connect to a past one like: "Dragon Break reexamined", it deals with the resolution of Daggerfall. There are others but that book seems more hands on. I love books though, like to read and collect them. But the short of it is that they probably wanted a more open game - a broader audience and all that.
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