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BABE,Exnem,TYPE 3,TYPE V,....Which one is the best?


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In my nearly 47 years one thing I've noticed, is that men who really love women, love everything about them including their curves.


When it comes to my admiration of women I have been an avid size, "does not matter" man since I learned how to guess a woman's cup and bra size's, waist, and hips in near fractions to content my lonely teen age pals, and I, during our lonely single life existence.


I won allot of bets that helped pay my respects to woman on those dark nights on the streets watching the crowd go by. I remember the first time I nervously approached the first gal who my friends challenged me to confront to ask to prove me correct or incorrect.

She was happy to oblige my innocence. And I found woman more cordial after I lost my virginity. No I did not loose that virgin part with her. Unfortunately!


One thing that gets my attention is your picture, on your post. The girl resembling that oat's cereal companies more scantilly style of dress with the red hair has blue eyes. Are her eyes that color in contrast with you in reality or a tribute to ole blue eye's "Frank Sinatra"?


Because I can almost imagine her with green eyes.


I'm sorry, What?


I see you are eloquently endowed as well as able to make pictures of nearly naked girls who don't entirely fit in the lovely array of Halloween Spirits.

And you look lovely with your partner in the picture pinching him? Or are you the him in that picture and being pinched by that lovely blonde girl?

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@ Pagafyr


- Trying to flirt on a forum is futile.


- Trying to find out if someone is female or not is even more futile.


As she stated in her profile she's a she. I have yet to find a reason to not trust her.

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@ Pagafyr


- Trying to flirt on a forum is futile.


- Trying to find out if someone is female or not is even more futile.


As she stated in her profile she's a she. I have yet to find a reason to not trust her.


Now here's some shoulders, "Female Shoulders".


Ah! Thanks for the tip.


I will go back to being less thoughtful in our lower human frames consciousness and use the brains above the waist for these forums.


About body replacers. You continue to support B. A. B. E. for the body replacers. A little forcefully I might add. So I am eager to see why.


I have already examined the others the gsmanners posted links to.


I will go surf the Mod files to find the body replacer references to restore my mind to the artistic values of 1's and 0's.


I found the missing link! Oh. Just kidding. Babe MK 3.



EDIT: Sunday; 10:45 AM MDT; October 4, 2009


Please people! If someone can do a better job with parts of the design they deserve recognition for it.

brupos' design for female shoulders is, "Number 1".

The fact is, in the readme for Babe MK 3, the person recognizes all the others who particularly found parts to make the game, well for some people, a bit more realistically hair raising. Scary! Boo!


The Fact is out of all the others selected for review here, the crew at Fileplanet included all of the authors "brupo" works in the MOD Packs for Fallout 3. That says something in and of itself.

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I am not going to take this any more. After scanning the body replacers and viewing the links chosen from early last year and packed into the files I mentioned I noted a very clear situation occurring.


The art of all the different parties had something that made them proud of their work. Ideally, if I could find the actual portion of each body replacers good addtion there would be one fine looking woman.


Here is where I cannot tread. I have a limite ability to use these modern tools.


So From your own posts I gathered you want a monthly, not yearly, monthly contest review. I agree! Every month new work on the people mod, e.g., the body replacers should get another chance to show off their new and improved images. Tiny adjustments to the authors work could make for a great online voter friendly montlhly post. I gathered this idea from your posts, so don't look at me and say it wasn't your idea because it was from your idea's I got thei idea...Get it?!


Pulll you pictures, take the work another step or two and compete for the next model open.

Another reason it came to mind is because I looked at the Version 3. Mod pack with brupo pictures after I looked at the one's on this mod area and brupo did some re-working on the one's here since the ones were put in the Fileplanet mod pack v. 3..


What I mean is, if you really want to keep the art working skill fun and alive here, and any where else, "cyberspace now too', hold this post area as a "Forum Model Contest Site", for body replacers, houses, interior exterior. So they modders pages don't go under with the weather of nature stripping the paint off of the server here..


And baby kin's can start plying their skills here too when they get good with the photo shop or nif, or dds makers.


Remember I scraped the idea together from reading a bunch of posts on this forum. And look how well the, "I WIN" by calliton is doing. Imagine what would happen here if all of us started really voting for new stuff.


So, What do all of you think?


If you like the idea remember I did my part and I suggested it, so you appoint the head of it and so on.

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Can we try not to outdo Hamlet and suffer the slings and arrows? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and all of the contributors to body replacers have done great work. People are going to use the one that fits their definition of "beauty" ... it really is that simple. (Hmm ... that said, do they have a real life body replacer? :) ... I find myself needing one more with each passing year.)
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  • 5 weeks later...

hey guys, I know this topic is old, sorry to bring this back again, but hey, lets make something clear, have you guys ever seen in any description of any body mod anything regarding other body mods? or something that says "hey! mine is the best" hmm guess not, thats because thats not our intention, the thing is, we aim at different tastes, no one here is at a war for top downloads, or best mod eva, so no one need to try and prove that for the others because we dont want to. We were even working together to find a solution to the shoulder problem... Every mod approaches in a different way, type 3 clearly pleases most people, but and for those who, for some reason, did not like it, so there are other mods, just try it out and say, IMHO the mod X works best for my taste, because of Z, W, Y, forcing opinions never worked before, it wont work now, except to set people on fire.


In a last note, just to be more direct, I am glad that some people prefer my mod, of course I am, who wouldn't, but I don't need anyone being rude and attacking others to force their opinions. If some people dont share your tastes, be happy, if they did, the world would suck...

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I like the BABE work you did, as well as Dimon's work. The others have merit too. So it comes down to personal preference in choosing one, as I said. It certainly doesn't lessen the artistic merit of a given modder. If it was left to me, everyone would be playing Fallout3 with stick figures. :biggrin:
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Can we try not to outdo Hamlet and suffer the slings and arrows? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and all of the contributors to body replacers have done great work. People are going to use the one that fits their definition of "beauty" ... it really is that simple. (Hmm ... that said, do they have a real life body replacer? :) ... I find myself needing one more with each passing year.)


Real life can be cruel can't it. Even to, "American Bandstands' boy wonder boy, 'Dic.K Clark'" after all those years.


You have got to be kidding?


Real life body re-placer's? Haven't you 'ever' seen a cosmetic surgeon's page?


I mean look at all the women from Music land, Hollywood land, a perfect example is "Cher"?

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Real life can be cruel can't it. Even to, "American Bandstands' boy wonder boy, 'Dic.K Clark'" after all those years.


You have got to be kidding?


Real life body re-placer's? Haven't you 'ever' seen a cosmetic surgeon's page?


I mean look at all the women from Music land, Hollywood land, a perfect example is "Cher"?


Cher ... speaking of stick figures :biggrin: .


I don't need silicon, Botox, implants or anything scalpel-related to be satisfied with what and who I am. lol ... I suppose it is just the typical lament of getting older. Maybe a "with wisdom comes a yearning for youth" kind of thing? A human foible, I guess.

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