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Someone fill me in on the Fallout 3 holes


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I figure that the "Great War" is supposed to be something like the Nuclear War the Cold War thankfully didn't turn into. Otherwise i'd have to crop my Hair and raid some People, but whatever.


In a War like that, the global Superpowers fire Nukes at every target of strategic Value, while the enemy does the same. All those Nukes will lace our Atmosphere with all the radioactive goodness.


The Nukes would fling so much dirt into the Air that the whole World would suffer a "nuclear Winter" with all the dust blocking the Sunlight.

Most Scientists believed that a Nuclear Winter, resulting from a Nuclear Engagement of both Superpowers hitting each other with everything they got, would go on for Years. If any Vegetation survives that, all the irradiated Dust will come down as Fallout eventually.


In the Timeline the Situation around the Globe was pretty tense as it was anyways. Mineral Oil was scarces, which means no Petroleum. Also, no Plastic. Many People don't know that; Medicine will be hard to get by. Most Polymeric Molecules used in modern Day Medications are based on Mineral Oil. If you get sick, you pretty much eat some Oil. If there's no Oil, you're fu... sexually penetrated.


That will be enough to topple all but the most stable Governments on Earth. Rioting in the Streets, Looting, that kind of thing.


And then there comes the News that China and the USA nuked each other.

We Germans know what comes next, as we lived for four decades knowing that we would be the first being vaporized when fecal matter hits the Fan.


Nuclear Winter, Vegetation dies, Fallout rains, Animals die, Groundwater gets irradiated and all that good Stuff.


I doubt that any Government could handle the following Panic.

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here's some refrence books.


As for the nuke aftermath, I think some places nowhere near major civilization's would be in tact but the riots would most likely screw it over so and I'm not a genius when it comes to vegitation so I don't know but you might be able to loot some seeds from a plantation store or a farmers resource place

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The nuclear winter would get any nation that wasn't nuked, especially if it lasted longer than 1 year. There have been a few instances in known history where this has happened for a season. It's believed one of these "nuclear winters" was responsible for the famine that brought on the French Revolution. If this winter last more than a few growing season most ppl would be dead in most places from starvation. So only ppl in vaults, survivalist, folk who got lucky and found the motherload of MRE stockpiles. Even isolated islands would get it in the winter.


Some 1 else already mentioned that in the Cold War battle plan, and probably even today, you get it for being a place of strategic value, they don't care which side you fall on. If you're a strategic nation and wanna play it neutral the chances the only way you don't get nuked by every1 is if they run out of nukes.


The MOST likely nation to survive would be Switzerland. They have an exstensive network of underground forts left over from WWII and would be expanding on those in the Fallout timeline. There was alot of war leading up to this it wasn't a surprise. They probably already have factories in their forts but don't advertise it. North Korea and Iran both have extensive underground factory networks too hide their modern day activities from US satalites. There are also rumors that the Japanese have a similar setup due to their paranoia about China and their long established belief that the entire American economic system is imaginary and is doomed to colapse. The Japanese believe the only real economy is a manufacturing economy, the rightwingers published a book about it in 1989 but it has never been translated into english. Don't let the business suit fool you, the Samuri still run Japan.


Thx to the recent advent of nuclear bunker busters it's questionable how much of even these industrial facilities would survive,


As for factories in America, well, we just aint got enough of them for any to survive. It would be a short target list to hit them all and if the government has any underground they sure as hell don't talk about it.


Africa would most likely remain untouched if Fallout branches off in 1989 before the Cold War ends, which we can assume it does. If China still persues its current course Africa would get it pretty bad since China is establishing a presence hard core there right now too harvest their resources. There are several hundred thousand Chinamen in Africa as we speak establishing the infastructure too pipe raw material back to the factories in the fatherland.


The South America would probably be alright as far as mushrooms go, but all the petty dictators and cartels would be too busy playing tribal warlord with whoever survived the winter. Most likely only the drug cartels would survive because of their under ground facilities and transport fleets would give them ample ability to gather supplies, not to mention the guns they already have and being usta living on the land. The dictators would make sure they were alright and so would their wealthy inner circles. The average South American would me S.O.L. except for ppl living up in the highlands. Most of their major cities being on the coast and exsposed IMHO not many would be left.


The cold living folk like those in Alaska and Siberia would be double dog *banned* cause with the winter they would all turn to pop sickles.


As far as Iceland and its importance to the American military as a weather station for the North Atlantic the Russians would blast the piss out of it too cut off the hop stop for Amerrican AF.


well I think that pretty much covers every1 and its more words than any1's gonna read anyway.


hope this TMI helps

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Most Scientists believed that a Nuclear Winter, resulting from a Nuclear Engagement of both Superpowers hitting each other with everything they got, would go on for Years.


Actually that is not true. Some scientists believed that, and the rest did not. The idea was popularized in order to make nuclear war seem like the kind of thing that no country on Earth would survive, whether they were on the "right side" or not. In actuality, Nuclear Winter would not happen. There would be a short period where dust was thrown into the air, but it would fall back down within days or weeks. It would not cause a total change of the Earth's climate at all.


Remember, there were those who believed that igniting a thermonuclear device aboveground would cause the entirety of Earth's atmosphere to light on fire and burn everyone to cinders. That obviously didn't happen when nukes were actually tested.


There are events that could cause a change in Earth's climate to occur suddenly, but for the most part they are natural distasters of a magnitude far in excess of what the Great War was supposed to be. An example would be the Yellowstone Supervolcano erupting, or a miles-wide asteroid crashing to Earth. These kind of events would release cubic gigatonnes of particulate matter into the atmosphere, and would cause a global cooling effect.


On the other hand, nuclear weapons would not come even close to this kind of ejecta. Their blast waves would pulverize things in their wake, but the vertical thrust of that matter would be minimal except for at the very center of the blast.


Overall, there is a lot of misinformation out there about the wake of a nuclear event:

Nuclear war would irradiate the ground for 10,000 years - False.

Nuclear winter would soon follow - False.

Everyone and everything would be gone - False.


What is true is that due to the targets selected, the world as we know it would be over. People would get sick and die from the radiation, but it would not last for tens of millenia. Food would be scarce. Government would be toppled. Anarchy would reign.

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ok, here it is, ive spent days studing canon and whatnot.. there are refrences to china being completly decimated, with almost no survivors, china had no allies, only enimies. while the USSR was also communist, at the time of the great war they where close allies with the US, that means about 60% of the warheads launched hit china, and probably about half of the warheads launched at the USA were deflected with laser defence systems. pretty much every country exept (maybe) a few countries in africa. even countries that did not do anything to provoke another country were taken down because one country thought "if im going down everyone is", and since president richardson senior was a straight up douche, america probably did most of that. Edited by warkiller75
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  • 3 months later...

ok, here it is, ive spent days studing canon and whatnot.. there are refrences to china being completly decimated, with almost no survivors, china had no allies, only enimies. while the USSR was also communist, at the time of the great war they where close allies with the US, that means about 60% of the warheads launched hit china, and probably about half of the warheads launched at the USA were deflected with laser defence systems. pretty much every country exept (maybe) a few countries in africa. even countries that did not do anything to provoke another country were taken down because one country thought "if im going down everyone is", and since president richardson senior was a straight up douche, america probably did most of that.

This is what I always thought that the U.S probably did most the damage.

Do not hate me for this I am only about 30% correct but I swear I read some where Australia go taken down from the red cause they where close and allies to the u.s. Cant remember where I read it but I swear I did. I do hope there is something left is Oz I am Australian my self :P

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ok, here it is, ive spent days studing canon and whatnot.. there are refrences to china being completly decimated, with almost no survivors, china had no allies, only enimies. while the USSR was also communist, at the time of the great war they where close allies with the US, that means about 60% of the warheads launched hit china, and probably about half of the warheads launched at the USA were deflected with laser defence systems. pretty much every country exept (maybe) a few countries in africa. even countries that did not do anything to provoke another country were taken down because one country thought "if im going down everyone is", and since president richardson senior was a straight up douche, america probably did most of that.

This is what I always thought that the U.S probably did most the damage.

Do not hate me for this I am only about 30% correct but I swear I read some where Australia go taken down from the red cause they where close and allies to the u.s. Cant remember where I read it but I swear I did. I do hope there is something left is Oz I am Australian my self :P


Might have been the Australian Companion mod that came up a few months back - he has a number of things to say about how Oz fared in the War.


On the other hand, the 'AFS Brisbane' mod offers a much more optimistic view of how we Aussies have managed since.

Edited by 7thsealord
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ok, here it is, ive spent days studing canon and whatnot.. there are refrences to china being completly decimated, with almost no survivors, china had no allies, only enimies. while the USSR was also communist, at the time of the great war they where close allies with the US, that means about 60% of the warheads launched hit china, and probably about half of the warheads launched at the USA were deflected with laser defence systems. pretty much every country exept (maybe) a few countries in africa. even countries that did not do anything to provoke another country were taken down because one country thought "if im going down everyone is", and since president richardson senior was a straight up douche, america probably did most of that.

This is what I always thought that the U.S probably did most the damage.

Do not hate me for this I am only about 30% correct but I swear I read some where Australia go taken down from the red cause they where close and allies to the u.s. Cant remember where I read it but I swear I did. I do hope there is something left is Oz I am Australian my self :P


Might have been the Australian Companion mod that came up a few months back - he has a number of things to say about how Oz fared in the War.


On the other hand, the 'AFS Brisbane' mod offers a much more optimistic view of how we Aussies have managed since.


Didn't know there was one and pfft Brisbane I am west coast :P

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This is just some hearsay from another forum but apparently, EU members (particularly the UK) went to war for resources with the middle east before just 2077 Amerikanzys sides with the Europeans, Commies side with the Middle East. It's supposedly the match that lights up the nuclear powder keg.


Take that with a grain of salt though.



So, the exact plot of Battlefield 2 then?

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