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Quick and dirty containers


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If you just want at one or two spots...


put a container inside the static or otherwise hidden.

place a trigger volume around the static or wherever you want the container activation to be.

check the player activation box in the primitive tab of the trigger volume

add a new script to the trigger volume that is similar to the following

Scriptname SomeScript Extends ObjectReference

ObjectReference Property TheContainer Auto

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActivator)
	If akActivator == Game.GetPlayer()
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I like the idea of using a script (I may do it in the future!), but I prefer to simply extract the meshes, as Xander said. I use BSAOpt, and the meshes I extract appear in the destination folder in exactly the structure you need so you can drop them in your data folder. Then load up the CK, make a container that points to the mesh you extracted, save, quit the CK, and delete the mesh you extracted. Afterwards, you'll see that if you load the CK again the container will show perfectly even after deleting the mesh, because the CK is reading it from the main Skyrim bsa, and this allows you to make your mod lighter, too.


Sorry if it doesn't make much sense, but it's late and I'm a bit tired :tongue:

Edited by Jokerine
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Double click the static that you want to be your container in the Object Window on the left. Where it says model, click and drag to high-light the whole .nif model path, right click and copy. Now duplicate any pre-existing container from the Container section in World Objects. Double click your duplicate and where it says model, click the edit button. Click edit again and click back until your looking in the meshes folder. Now where it says "File Name" right-click and paste. Hit Open and now you should have a preview of your new container using the mesh of the static.

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What shonuv said. I do it all the time. I didn't really read what the other posters said but it all looked rather complicated. From what I've seen you can use pretty much any .nif texture file on anything that calls for a .nif. I am constantly making moveables, containers, activators, sellable items, etc. using the method shonuv described.

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