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Pure Healer/Buffer Companion?


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Everytime I play Oblivion with the plan of using a companion or 2...or 6. I find myself healing them because I tend to hit them by mistake which takes the fun out of it sometimes. Using magic or a bow has the smae results. So I end up healing them and buffing them, while they kill everything. Which is fun sometimes.


But now I'd like to have companions that heal. Ones that just stay back and heal me when I need or at least heals me when I'm fighting randomly (not sure if they'd be able to tell if my health is low)


Personally I like to make my own companions by taking companions from exsisting mods and editting them to look the way want. I've tried adjusting them to be healers, but it just never works. they never use any spells I give them so I assume theres some scripting involved or somrthing.


Anyway, a companion NPC that just heals the PC (and possibly other friendly npcs/companions) would be great. I'd like to be the fighter with a support companion for once. Sorry if there already are companions like this out there.

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Just thought I'd bump it before it gets drowned out too much.


I also wanted to add.

Is it even possible to have a pure caster companion. Sometimes I'd just like for them to stay back while I fight. I know i could give them a bow, but it doesn't go with the feel I want, if that makes sense.

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Everytime I play Oblivion with the plan of using a companion or 2...or 6. I find myself healing them because I tend to hit them by mistake which takes the fun out of it sometimes. Using magic or a bow has the smae results. So I end up healing them and buffing them, while they kill everything. Which is fun sometimes.


But now I'd like to have companions that heal. Ones that just stay back and heal me when I need or at least heals me when I'm fighting randomly (not sure if they'd be able to tell if my health is low)


Personally I like to make my own companions by taking companions from exsisting mods and editting them to look the way want. I've tried adjusting them to be healers, but it just never works. they never use any spells I give them so I assume theres some scripting involved or somrthing.


Anyway, a companion NPC that just heals the PC (and possibly other friendly npcs/companions) would be great. I'd like to be the fighter with a support companion for once. Sorry if there already are companions like this out there.

You might want to look at some of the more customized and scripted companions. Any sort of healer/buffer would need to be controlled almost entirely through scripting. The downside to such a companion is that if the standard set of spells and mechanics are used, the companion will often end up missing you and healing/buffing what you're fighting. This can be solved by using more scripting so that the companion casts a spell which is applied to you directly, but that way ends up being almost too convenient. For the most part, the AI just isn't suited to this kind of role, and you're almost always best off just making some healing potions or duration based healing effects to keep you alive.

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As a note to what vagrant said about scripting a possible solution is to pull some of the targetting gode off of my mod Targetting System which adds a tracking effect to your own projectiles to arch towards enemies. Some small adjustments and you could attach it to an item that you then give to your companion making all their nonhostile spells track you.


That's assuming you know something about scripting which it sounds like you know the CS at least some as you said you like to make your own companions.

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Spam, flooding, advertisements, chain letters, pyramid schemes, and solicitations are not allowed on any Nexus sites.


Technically he wasnt really breaking the rules kieran, as he did actually add something constructive, other than just the bump.



With the kind of admins we have, he shouldn't take the risk.

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what you think of Ramy enfant mod ? the lil girl compagnion can be edited in game to be what you prefer ? eniways...havnt read the complete post, so i dont even know what you ask here... sorry !-)


EDIT : would be easy to edit her in CS to make her (non attackable) so the evil being would not go on her, and then make her cast a special heal spell on AREA for the Player Faction Friend Only...eniway...that give me the idea of doing it for my self...since i cant completly reedit that faboulous mod...


if you know what i mean, then just me a new faction for all your Npc compagion, and then make a spell that would heal only the ppl from that faction... simple ! No ?

assuming you know what i'm talking about !

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