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I dont think you can. :(

It connects to the TV through the antenna port. (At least mine does)



Yeah...she gave me the one with the coax port on it...newer connection I think. I always had the ones that connected to the antenna port :P Just thinking there might be some kind of re-wiring or some sort I could do to hook it up to a monitor. Oh well...maybe I will take that TV mama in law has been trying to give us :P Auntie gave me Super Mario World, Mario Kart, Zelda: A Link to the Past (one of my all time favourites), and a few others...I wanna play em so bad :(


Meh, mind as well play some more Oblivion :P Maybe make a new character or something. My boyfriend just got Fallout: New Vegas....can't say I'm very impressed so far.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I recently upgraded my computer to include a second GTX 460 to use in SLI and a 1.5TB hard drive which I installed 64-bit Windows 7 on.


Today I played S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl and I'm currently reinstalling Warcraft 3.


Other games installed at the moment include:

-Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind

-Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion

-Fallout 3

-Fallout: New Vegas

-Dragon Age: Origins


-World of Warcraft

-DOSbox 0.74 with a few games


I'm also thinking of reinstalling Crysis for the first time in over a year.

Edited by DeathWarrior
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  • 2 weeks later...

Well currently I'm in the middle of several games, these games being;


Assassins Creed Brotherhood - My second play through, I just started it because reading the book got me all hyped up about it so I simply had to play again, haven't gotten very far yet. It's a brilliant game, my favorite game from my favorite game series. The single player is a wonderful story and the multiplayer is like the cherry on the top of the cake. I recommend it to anyone and everyone (especially those who played AC1 and thought it was terrible.).


Prototype - I haven't played this in months, I got bored of it but recently I picked it up, wanted to just zip through a couple of achievements and bam, I'm playing the entire story through. It's a really good game and no less enjoyable the second time around, just eventually gets boring because there is no variation in pace and can be frustrating at points.


Oblivion - Still on my first play through, I was smart enough to not start the story missions until I was level 23 so it was kinda like oh damn! So basically I'm just going through as much side quests as possible, getting all the awesome items I can before I destroy all the oblivion gates and then finish the game. This actually works to my advantage seeing as I am an obsessive completionist. I've been modding in little bits and pieces but no serious modding till my second run through/story completion. I love this game, enough said.


Halo Reach - I don't think I'm going to stop playing the multiplayer for this game for a very, very long time. I love the halo franchise even though I haven't played the second game and I was a late joiner (started playing in 2008-2009). The story for Reach is just beautiful and the game overall is beautiful. I did quite literally cry during some moments because they really make you feel connected to the characters of the game. I recommend to lovers of gameplay, graphics and story alike because it has a almighty amount of both.


And yeah that pretty much sums up the games I'm playing. o_O

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