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When I was ten years old (many years ago), I had a radio alarm clock. One day it went off to a Beach Boys tune which, instead of waking me up, wormed its way into my dream. I vividly remember dancing to the song, waving my arms and jumping in happiness. That's the day I discovered music could influence my dreams, and from then on I often made a point of sleeping to music I liked so that my dreams would be more delightful.

Years later I fell asleep to the film Hellraiser 2, and I had the most amazing and wonderful dream of demons and devils trying to lure me to Hell It's one of my favorite dreams I ever had, so from that I often also tried to fall asleep to loops of movies to assure my dreams would be wonderful.

The last couple of days the song I played on my headphones in a loop while I slept for hours at a time was the following. It gave me beautiful dreams.


Whether you enjoy dreams of dancing to innocent music or somber dreams of going to Hell, may you sleep well.

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7 hours ago, Karna5 said:

When I was ten years old (many years ago), I had a radio alarm clock. One day it went off to a Beach Boys tune which, instead of waking me up, wormed its way into my dream. I vividly remember dancing to the song, waving my arms and jumping in happiness. That's the day I discovered music could influence my dreams, and from then on I often made a point of sleeping to music I liked so that my dreams would be more delightful.

Years later I fell asleep to the film Hellraiser 2, and I had the most amazing and wonderful dream of demons and devils trying to lure me to Hell It's one of my favorite dreams I ever had, so from that I often also tried to fall asleep to loops of movies to assure my dreams would be wonderful.

I enjoy that sometimes too. I would fall asleep to a movie or podcast and dream crazy s@it, but whenever I let that happen, I wake up and feel like I havent slept at all. I dont feel very well rested after x hours of sleep while something was blaring into my ears.
After a particular stressful day, I even wear earprotection, so that my brain can process the events of the day undisturbed while I sleep.

Once I slept through a night screening of Suspiria (one of these acid-fueled 70ies horror movies) at a cinema. I fell asleep after about 10 minutes and was woken up, when the credits where rolling 😄
That was one of the best movie experiences I ever had lol (and I guess I "watched" it the only way it is supposed to be watched ^^).


Sasha feat. Krister Linder - Cut Me Down



The Faint - The Conductor



Diorama - Nebula



Diorama - Someone Dies



Ultravox - Mr.X




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11 hours ago, drsemmel said:

Once I slept through a night screening of Suspiria (one of these acid-fueled 70ies horror movies) at a cinema. I fell asleep after about 10 minutes and was woken up, when the credits where rolling 😄
That was one of the best movie experiences I ever had lol (and I guess I "watched" it the only way it is supposed to be watched ^^).

There is a lot of truth to that. When I was younger in college, for nine years I took every class that seemed interesting to me, with no regard to getting a degree. I just picked classes on things I wanted to learn or experience (including even rock climbing, haha). One of my favorite topics was English, especially writing and poetry, so I took a Kazillion English classes of every type. One of the classes talked about the progression of landed nobles (in England) with writing, poetry and music all the way to the 1800s in which the middle class began to rise to power due to wealth.

The professor explained that the landed nobles didn't have to prove anything to get or keep their status in society, so they were often likely to sleep through concerts and plays. They didn't care. To them it was enjoyable sleeping through a performance, even with their head back and mouth wide open snoring loudly. (It's possible the professor also mentioned that because I used to sit in the front row and often fall asleep with my mouth wide open in class because I'd been up all night before at night clubs. I got an A+ that class anyway.)

This practice changed with the middle class, and houses started getting built with larger windows so the owners could show off their wealth inside the house to people walking by, and it's also when the concept of paying attention during performances became what we know today.

And with that, keeping this post on topic with the thread, I'll pick E Muzeki, a group I first heard while they were in costume at a Rennaissance festival many years ago, and I bought their CD from them and have listened to them many, many times since then in my iTunes. I see they're on YouTube now, so....

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23 hours ago, Karna5 said:

The professor explained that the landed nobles didn't have to prove anything to get or keep their status in society, so they were often likely to sleep through concerts and plays. They didn't care. To them it was enjoyable sleeping through a performance, even with their head back and mouth wide open snoring loudly.

I am no Old-English noble, but I can sleep almost everywhere 😄

I like the song btw. - sounds a lot like hungarian folk or romani music 🙂

Henric De La Cour - Chasing Dark




Covenant - Dead Stars




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Covenant - Death Stars 🥰

At the Desk ready for work. 😄

Captain Future - Vor dem Start



Captain Future - Hurra wir fliegen



Covenant - Ritual Noise




Edited by Morticia01
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