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Most and least favorite NPCs.


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Most Favourite: Reilys Ranger the only truly neutral Faction, well except maybe the Caravan Traders.



"Desmond from Point Lookout. He's just so awesome! It's great how he doesn't really care about the PC, and he has his own goals. He's also an English ghoul with a bad attitude. You can tell he's got tons more experience than the PC, too. He just has a great story, motivations, and character. I honestly have to say that Point Lookout is one of the best things Bethesda has made, ever. Go Desmond! You're right up there with Lenny when it comes to the most awesome ghouls in Fallout!"


Definately lol.


Moira Brown - just for being ditzy and just a little crazy, while still being able to hold an intelligent conversation. - Just how I like em lol.


Moriarty - much like desmond and most of my PC's, funny with an up yours attitude, and for keeping folks "knee deep in piss and poon" two things the wastes are lacking in.


RL3 - just for being RL3, lol.


Herbet "Daring" Dashwood - no explanation required I feel.


BOS Gallows - Just for being cool and hardcore. Ask him about Supermutants, you'll see what I mean.




"Scribe Bigsley. He's so stressed out and so damned funny the way he talks to his fellow scribes, I can't help but enjoy watching him work. I feel for the guy, he reminds me of me at work. He also seems like the most normal, non-cultish, member of the brotherhood you get to meet. He's a realist."


Mayor mcready, mayor of lamplight - this kid is just awesome lol.



Hated npcs: e.g shoot on sight.





Confessor Cromwell (and his whole church) - because he never shuts up.


Susan lancaster - because she was a female dog to one of my female PCs for no reason.


Roy the Ghoul - for causing me to get bad mouthed by threedog no matter what I did.


FYI - kill him and only him to stop the whole messed up situation this is best done while walking up to to TPT before any dialogue. no quest no harm done.



The Whole BOS, especially Rothchild. Just for being bossy arrogant jerks with a clearly hidden agenda to control the wastes for their own gain. well all except gallows and scribe that is


The Enclave cause they TRY to kill me even after I helped them, I mean they could have at least give me their Base Crawler as a Player home after I wipe out their enemys for them, come to think of it why didn't they just do it?


The guy in Rivet city who wants to commit suicide - Stop whinning for attention and get on with it then, in fact here take this plasma grenade if it'll help.


Sticky - being annoying and never shutting up even when im trying to be stealthy.


Medic power armor - same reason as above, while this one cant die you use it to repair another power armor essentially killing it.

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You do realize that Anna Holt is a victim?


No, she is not. I can´t see a slave collar on here when I meet her in Raven Rock. She might have been kidnapped in the first place, but then she definitely crossed a line. She is moving freely in Raven Rock and she is telling you that she just HAD to join the Enclave. Not because she wanted to stay alive but because of "all the possibilities".


In this she reminds me of Wernher "My goal are the stars, but on the way London might get hit..." von Braun.

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I think my favorite is Uncle Leo. The conversation is interesting and I do not have to kill him, nor him, me. Evil or Good.. I get a good conversation. Until that molerat that was runing at me bites me as soon as the conversation is over. *sigh* *blam* moving on.


My least favorite has to be Princess. WTF.. I show up fully armed and with followers.. yet the child still acts superior. I really did not understand why I could not just blow the gate off of it's hinges, walk in, go to the back, blow that one to pieces, and then get on with my life.



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Anyone who is not listed in here is either neutral to me or ok. If i forgot to mention someone with anything pertaining to evil, let me know.




Moira Brown - Funny character, has good wit and puts you at clumsy risk. Just funny.


Sydney - Was a good help getting the Declaration of Independance. Good character as well with a interesting SMG.


Dukov - Very funny character.. Just listen to his dialogue.


Gob - Seems like a cool person. Even though his face looks like it got sandpaper'd off.


Three-Dog - Cool DJ that gives tips and advice to wastelanders, and has good music to listen to.




Butch - That F**king bully, I let his mother die and let him cry, then I cut his head off at Rivet City. (He is not tough for some bully gang leader)


Any of the Tunnel Snake members - Stupid bullies can't screw off. (Anyone who forms some gang to try and rule others is enough to piss me off.)


Brotherhood Outcasts - Those *ssholes think I am some kind of caveman yet I am wearing extremely rare high tech T-51B power armor with a F**king Plasma rifle and a Pip-boy on my wrist. I am more high tech than those rejects will ever hope to be. (My science skill is also 100.. Intelligence is 10...)


Raiders - Scum, scum, and scum. Killing then is fun and making thier life as f**king miserable as humanly possible is always great too.


Any of the Enclave Members - Powergrabbing wasteland pukes. (They represent a authoritarian state with complete prejudice towards genetically defected humans. (Reminds me of the Square-stash' Hitler, that piece of S**t tyrant.)


Amata - I helped her out, stopped her from getting bullied, saved the vault in a non-violent manner, and did not kill her father. She still tells my ass out. Then asks for help again so I come then she kicks me out. Next time I will just kill everyone in a vault and let it burn for all I care.


Any of the Family members - They are cannibals goddamnit. The whole aspect of them believing that they are not such yet consume human matter and throw this big pointless debate just makes me whack thier asses every time with a mini-nuke.


Any of the Arefu members - I help them rid of the family from thier homes and save them from tormenting and the painful chore of getting blood packs and they become hostile with me!?


Ashur - The *sshole thinks the only way to have a working industry is through slavery. A much more efficient and cap-making progress is to pay the workers and not whip them. They will work happier and harder for the caps than they will for the whips. The damn fool didn't recognize it until the slaves revolted.


Jericho - He tried to rape Jenny Stahl, as evidence shows on a computer in Moriarty's bar. He is also a former raider and has the balls to provoke me. When he does, I just pop his skull off the spinal cord and walk away from megaton for 3 days.


Tenpenny - He is a elitist, powergrabbing piece of rotting S**t. I just frag him every time I encounter him.


Mr. Burke - 500 caps to kill dozens of people and irradiate a entire section just to see a mushroom cloud?


Any of the kids who refers to me as a mongo - I do not like being called such. Period.


Any of the slavers - They are just pure *ssholes. All slavers answer to me and I respond to them with death.


Zimmer - He is truely a piece of s**t. The *sshole thinks I am so narrow-minded and ignorant he talks to me like a child.


Any of the brotherhood of steel members who think I am a incompetent fighter - I have a assault rifle, Metal armor, and grenades. I took out those two super mutants and yet they act like I needed help and I was a baby that couldn't take care of anything.

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You know the thing that annoys me about interacting with NPC's is that FO3 lets you be a rude ahole to the nice people but as soon as you meet someone you want to insult there is no option to do so. I wanted to give one Outcast a serious telling off before Op Anchorage but I couldn't. as least I got to kill him in the end.
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Most favorite - Nova


No question. Heart of gold. Even playing the Wasteland Player mod I cannot bring myself to make her work for me, even after she tells me she can't cook.


A close second, though, is Fawkes. How can you not love Fawkes?


Now, overall, I'm surprised no one has mentioned the exceedingly stupid woman who betrays everyone (including YOU) and is pretty much directly responsible for your capture at Vault 87: Anna Holt. Even goody two-shoes Talia/Kuroe4 put a hole in her head. Blaze's response will, in all likelihood, be a bit more fiery.


If you argue that since she was kidnapped and interrogated, I suggest you go through her dialogue again: it's clear she gave up the information willingly and has no remorse for what happened to you as a result. Damned turncoat.


So I'd say Anna Holt is my most hated NPC...


I agree with Kitty, here. I read through the thread until I found someone else who hated Anna Holt as much as I do. I turn her face into dogfood every time I meet her, even if I reload a save to undo something I did. I just cannot bring myself to let her walk. After Autumn murders Janice Kapinsky to prove his point, how can Holt be so willing to help the Enclave?


So, most hated - Anna Holt

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Oh, yeah, about President Dave...


He bugged me so much that I rigged the election in favor of his wife, but not before "recruiting" his current squeeze and his daughter as followers. I sent Jessica off to Rivet City and kept Shana in Megaton. Then, later, I found Dave in Old Olney where a Deathclaw left him.

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Update of who I hate:


-Any of the tribals in Point Lookout


-That piece of S**T tobar who removed my bodily property!!! I WANT MY BRAIN BACK TO THE WAY IT WAS GODDAMNIT!!!!


Update of who I like:


-Desmond is my new favourite. His strong use of swears makes me laugh.

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