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The Text Adventure (Forum Game)


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when you come to the cafe you see 30 people pointing guns at you, you see near you a , a match, and toilet paper what do you do?

1: Take a toilet paper and ask to go to the bathroom

2: Take match and set your self on fire

3: Set toilet paper on fire and throw it at your friend

1. take a yoilet paper and ask to go to the bathroom


They let you go, but a person of the same gender must watch to make sure you dont get any weapons

1. hit on them

2. strangle thewm with your poop rope

3. simply go to the bathroom then walk back to the 30 people

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Strangle them with poo

You get away but they are still following you. You see three cars parked near by: Mustang, Cheapass car, ferrari


1: Drive away on Mustang

2 Drive away on Cheapass car

3 Drive away on ferarri

4 run away

5 wait there

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Drive away on ferarri.


I escaped those evil guys, but suddenly I saw a cop right behind me. I don't know he's chasing me because I stole a car, or maybe he doesn't knew I stole the car.


- Keep going normally

- Stop and park the car

- Avoid the cop

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Keep going normally.

The cop has turned right to Police Department, and you saw evil guys on your tail... What would you do?


Keep going.

Tell the Police about it.

Leave the car, and run away.

Put on mustache that you found in the car.


Eat the match.

Put yourself on fire using match.

What the hell I'm supposed to do?!

Praying for a miracle.

Go and start telling jokes to them.

Eat Omelette.

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Run out and throw up on bad guys.

They got really mad and frustrated, but they stink now, so they left you to have a shower. They didn't even shoot you. Also there's a shop named Lidl nearby... What would you like to do next?


Eat Omelette,

Go fight them,

Eat another match,

Pray for a miracle,

Run around naked,

Show them middle finger,

Go tell the police,

Smash them with car,

Go pickpocket them,

You know one Judo move, so why not try this kick?

Eat box of matches,

Go home,

Swear at them,

Go get stuff from home and try to find them,

Go to the police,

Go and say sorry to them,

Go and have a drink,

Kill yourself,

Set yourself on fire,

Go and buy some stuff, you're near Lidl,

Call the Police,

Throw rotten egg at them, that you found in the car,

Go and buy some doughnuts,

Just forget about it all and go home.

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Hey Omeletter !!! I originally intent to make the choices to be only two, but maybe five is the maximum limit, but PLEASE don't make choices more than 5. Please (even if you're bored) ?


And please also don't create the stupid choices (like set yourself on fire), or something that's dangerous.


On topic :

Go home


On the way home, I've been called by a mysterious caller, that doesn't says anything at all.


- Call the guy back

- Keep going home

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Keep going home.

Mysterious caller called again, and again, and again... What would you do?


Call him back,

Ignore it, and go home,

Keep answering the phone, while walking home,

Go and tell the police.

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Call him back


I called him back, and there's not a single sound, but after a while I heard a mysterious whisper; "Be ready". I don't know what's that all about.


I go home, and it's night already. Then I sleep, then I was awaken by another phone call. I heard "Go to the city park. Right now." It's 2.00 AM, and it's pretty suspicious.


- Go there alone

- Go there, but ask police to help and guard you in case something happens (secretly)

- Ask police to go there

- Do nothing, sleep again

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