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Road/Car mod?


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Hey fellow Fallout 3 Players, and Modders! I just wanted to made a mod request that will probably get disregarded and sunken deep into the forum backpages because many people don't have time to do every request what so ever even though I will insert this request hoping it will be taken into consideration for a mod. Yes that last sentence was long. Yes that last sentence was short, but this one is not!


Anyways: I have a idea I consider to be priority to modders if I should say so myself:


Road mod! The idea is really just taking the fallout 3 DC area and making the roads and bridges restored, allowing the use of motorized vehicles which I am sad to the fact Bethesda denounced vehicles for some lame reason.. The Idea would be to replace every road and bridge with a more conditional road for driving, such as smooth or somewhat acceptable roads with no rubble on them, or at least not too much. With this combined with some mod that added 50's style cars that are fully restored, life would be a lot funner especially if you could run over a bunch of raiders.


Detailed modification request:


The way this mod could work is that you start a quest given by a random encounter that has a gear-head ask you to clear out smith casey's garage so he can restore a car there. The quest could then move on to you finding car parts that are added in random places in the game either as chance drop or placed in specific locations through the GECK. Once you retrieve the items the gear head will then build the car frame and will reward you with the car at the sum of 3,000 caps given to him. This car is then drivable and should have a first person driver's view of the car with speedometers, and RPM.


Here are the requested features in detail:


1. The car is most likely nuclear powered so fuel isn't a problem.

2. The car has hitpoints and can blow up with enough damage to it, thus a repair tool mod should be added to keep your car up and running.

3. The car should have a trunk which can carry up to 500 pounds of weight (At least) or more.

4. The car should be able to be equipped with extra parts like armour platings to enhance the car's durability in combat.

5. The car should be programmed to be in Automatic transmission to ease the amount of modding work on the car.

6. The car should also have a Air Conditioning system part addon that gives 100% rad resistance.

7. You should be able to look around inside the car, and not be locked into a 12'o clock head view.

8. The code for the car should be based off the Oblivion Horse, but only modified to have a more car approach.

9. There should be conditions on parts for the car like the brake pads that need replacement after the brakes are used too much.

10. The car should look in better condition than the crushed ones found in the Captial Wasteland.

11. Using the car models from the tranquility lane sequence of the game might make a good start.

12. The interior should be visible from the outside.

13. Make working Speedometers and Odometers if possible. (The more mileage on your car means that you will need to have it repaired.)

14. Make the power plant of the car need fission battery switch outs every 500 miles travelled.

15. Lastly, allow passengers such as companions to enter the passenger seats of the car.


Note that I don't want this all done in one go, but to simply start as a small mod and grow to the point where it fulfills these requests listed above. Community support on this request would be most appreciated as Fallout 3 has been out for almost a year and there has not been a decent car mod released yet. Someone out there please consider this and start working on it, I am sure many would love a car mod especially with a trunk to lighten the load on your items!


There are many different retro cars in fallout 3, try using the ones fron tranquility lane only modify them to have interiors and a more dynamic animated and fluid mesh.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Thanks for the support, I am really suprised none of the talented modders have made this kind of mod yet, this world is really going upside down.. The car would need some interior work cause I viewed the model in GECK it has a interior but no dashboard or speedometers, just a pole with a steering wheel with chairs, quite minimalistic you see.
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There was a vehicle mod made awhile ago that used the motorbike, but it was...childish at best. I mean, it was great that they got a basic version of a working vehicle in the game, but...a motorbike with giant machineguns on it is...lame.

Anyway, you could look into that mod if you want, not sure what it's called anymore, but it's there, you could switch out the bike model for the car model.

I should mention that the mod is very very basic, you can't "turn" properly (you strafe) and the speed boost is ridiculous (at least it was on my machine).

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