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After playing Fallout 3

Harabec Weathers

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What they should do is just make D3 just like D2...but we all know they won't do that.


And some of us will be very glad indeed. Please, please let D3 not just be D2.5. Let it be a worthy successor to the Diablo name. I literally thought oh please god no when I read the first half of that sentence.


Diablo-like clone...but it's like playing a stupid cartoon


Funny, that's how I feel about D2.


I find it vaguely amusing that I feel the same way about Diablo 1 vs Diablo 2 as you guys seem to feel about Fallout 1/2 vs Fallout 3., and yet you like Diablo 2 and consider it an improvement upon the original, whereas I hate it. I like Fallout 3, and consider it more enjoyable than Fallout 1/2. Both are dumbed down from their heritage (I'll concede that about Fallout 3), yet get diametrically opposite reactions.


I agree. I quite like the new look they're going with. This 'cartoony' feel is alot more easy to the eye in my opinion, and I wish more games would start experiment with that concept. Diablo is a fantasy, and thus don't really have to be drenched in earthy colours, vision shift/blur and bloom. Cartoony doesn't have to mean childish either, I'm certain Blizzard will manage to pull that gloomy feel off regardless.


Really, what's so bad about the inspiration they have had from WoW? Gameplay must (or should) come first, and if they can implement ways to improve it from WoW, of which they have now huge amounts of experience, then it's just an improvement, isn't it? As long as there's no monthly fee, of course...

No, I have faith in this game. It's always nice to see a series evolve, in my opinion. D3's main objective (along with making more money, of course) seems to be simple, rewarding hack-n-slash fun in gorgeous enviroments. Now, if enjoying a 'dumbed down' part of a series makes me a scrub or a casual, then that's exactly what I am.


Now, let's hope they stop teasing and plasters on a releasedate...

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I cant say I agree at all with the whole "cartoony" feel. It just looks ridiculous. Making D3 in that rendition would be almost insulting to the series imo. Im hoping D3 is nothing short of epic, but I cant say I have complete faith that it will be because Ive seen it happen before. Great game in the making, crap game released.


Just because a game is a "fantasy" game doesnt mean it needs to look ridiculous with silly looking characters, monsters, and rampant irridescent colors everywhere making it look like im in a Roger Rabit version of Diablo. No thanks.


Omg Blizzard, please please please dont dooooooo that!

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What I meant was the fast pace and cartoony look and feel of D2 utterly destroyed the atmosphere established in Diablo. In Diablo, unless you were a mage with a fair level of chain lightning, when you walked into a room full of monsters you shouted "OH poo!" and turned tail and ran, searching for a chokepoint. You thought about your battles, maneuvered yourself to advantageous positions, and always made sure to retreat only in the direction you came from, lest you make things worse.


And when you died, you went and got your stuff naked, or wearing whatever you could buy. If you logged out, that's it -- your stuff was gone (in multiplayer).


Diablo was actually scary (especially if you played a "stealth" variant *shudders*). It was also possible to have a character ruined to the point you'd be better of deleting it and starting fresh. Sure, Big D himself could be taken on by a level 30 character on Hell difficulty, and overall it really was an easy game, but that didn't mean you could be mindless about it. In that regard D2 failed hard. Diablo was easy both easy and challenging at the same time, but D2 didn't even TRY to be challenging at all. Monsters weren't scary, they were just annoying roadblocks trivially blown through. Yawn yawn, click click. Hey, at least I know my mouse works.


I'll admit I played D2 avidly for a while. But you know what? I eventually gave my D2 discs away. I haven't played in years. I played an "ironman" game of Diablo classic just last month.


Of course, I realize the irony here. Someone else could say the same thing of Fallout (1/2/Tactics/BoS) vs Fallout 3. Know what? Apples and oranges. Seriously. Comparing a game series that really DID shift genres to one that didn't. It's the same as Star Control vs Star Control 2. One's a 4X/TBS/(optionally) Top-down shooter. The other's an RPG/(not-so-optionally) Top-down shooter.

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What are you talking about "advantageous positions", lol you mean standing in front of the door way with a room full of enemies fighting one at a time because you cant take on more than one?? Lol "advantageous positions" my foot. Yea Im gonna stand in front of the door way so that only one skeleton at a time can come through. *Yaw* *click click* *yaw*

Diablo 1 was good, but Diablo 2 was far better.

I didnt know Diablo had a "stealth" feature as well. I guess I missed that little detail throughout the whole game.


Diablo 2 was a huge step up in content and overall gameplay from its predecessor. Way more open levels, more enemies, more characters, more skills, more weapons, armors, items, hirable mercanaries, and a far greater game world that the twisting catacombs and caverns beneath the Cathedral.

Yes Diablo was great, I played it for a vry very long time, but Diablo 2 was better in every aspect. You have pointed out personal tastes with the two games, but nothing beyond that. If its not youre taste then its not youre taste lol, makes no difference to me. Im only stating that in terms of content, gameplay, expanse, difficulty, variety, Blizzard did a hell of a job with upgrading from D1 to D2.


As for the whole Fallout 3 versus it predecessors, of course theyre gonna be different (way different) because Fallout 3 was made by someone totally different than the creators of the first Fallout games. Bethesda makes rpgs, plain and simple. But in all this dealings with microsoft they "dumbed it down" to make it a game for all age groups and all skill levels. Why? To appeal to a greater range of customers. Why? More money.

Quality should NEVER be undermined for personal gain.

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Same feeling here. Mayby I'll try some mods when I buy a new PC, but for now my xbox keeps me quite bussy.


It was mods that kept me playing FO3, without them I'd have never finished in once. I was going to do one playthrough without mods but only done about an hour before shutting the game down and coming here. That said it's an improvement on Oblivion, not even the amazing modding community could save it.

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But then again... Dumbing things down and making them accessible for people like me who keep their pants on their head; is that really undermining quality?




Right. Good thing for me that the majority of the developers seems to be of a different opinion, then. :thumbsup:

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But then again... Dumbing things down and making them accessible for people like me who keep their pants on their head; is that really undermining quality?




Right. Good thing for me that the majority of the developers seems to be of a different opinion, then. :thumbsup:


Unfortunantly so. Why release a high quality, indepth, and well produced product when you can realease a piece of garbage with a shiney paint job to make people go "ooo" and "awe".


I guess people are losing hold of the idea that their name is attached to the things they do. So when they release a weak product with a shiney paint job, whats the saying about them? No sense of pride thats what. Should always strive to be the best, but I guess after Bethesda made their mark (Morrowind), they dont have to strive to be the best anymore. Just make a product with cool graphics just to get by.


I tell ya, whats the world coming to.

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