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Borderlands players - Role-call


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Im herez, in your forums, playing the B Lands.. Gunna start with tinkering with it it..first off is roland as a crimson lance infantry :o




P.S. Replacing gd_roland.upk with a CHAR_Crimsonlance.upk does not work..You need to use the software they release, since the game auto reverts the model for some reason..OH YEAH..its got the same format as UT3 mods, or at least i believe it to be.

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I play as a hunter, just finished playthrough 2. But is there any mods for borderlands? would be awesome to drive mad mel's car, or a crimson lance car. also, is it possible to play as another model using mods?
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Borderlands team .... ASSSEMMMMMMMBLE


(Or just let us all know you're playing it too)


YEA Borderlands RULES, playing it now, probabaly one of the best rpg's other then Ratchet and Clank, level 33 berserker. My user name is in my sig.


needs someone to duel in the "arena", anyone interested :biggrin: ps3 of course.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Mordecai, level 40. I got it for the 360, since there are loads of people to play online with at random. My Eridian 1 Thunder Storm in a level 12's game? Absolute rape of enemies.
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  • 4 weeks later...
Getting this for free! My friends dad accidently bought the Steam four pack version, and Im getting a copy gifted to me. YAY!


Can't wait. It looks epic.



Nooo get the ps3 version, i was hoping someone like you would, even if you have the pc version the ps3 version is a lot better with the expansion packs and trophies.


needs someone for team arena.

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