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Borderlands players - Role-call


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Borderlands is an easy and unbalanced game as long as you have a good Double Anarchy. The end.


Seriously though, YES! Claptraps are awesome. Can't wait.


By the way guys, you know what's pretty funny? I once did research on interplanetary space travel for a project. Google "interplanetary" and check the entries below. Borderlands FTW.

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  • 3 weeks later...

You can strike my name off the role of borderlands players.


I've had it with the miserable thing.


I tried the dlcs this weekend and was disgusted by the lack of quality. I spent 56 dollars on 56 cents worth crap. It's that simple. Downloading this rubbish was the first wrong step-you dont get the option of an all in deal, no, you've got to spend three quaters of an hour entering and re entering your details, then waiting an unnacceptable amount of time for it to process(more than an hour for each entry)


After that, you've got to enter a product key, which two out of three times didnt actualy work, and then find out that they're internaly incompatible and cause eachother to crash. but gearbox wasnt bright enough to put in a data manager, so I had to uninstall and delete content I payed for just to get the wretched thing to run.


It's a total mess. The latest, the robot themed pack, is the worst of all however. I tried them all. All were disapointing. I have much experience, and I know well the dangers of dlc, but also how they can turn out well. These were failures, pure and simple as that.


The knoxx pack failed the least. It actualy, shock horror, added something new: drifters. And that's about it really. A drifter is just a spiderant with more places to crit-hit it. Effortless to kill. Other than that, it's just lance, bandits, skags, and midgets in endless numbers. It's also got a heavy emphasis on vehicle combat. This is a bad thing, since this was borderland's weakest feature and that weakness shows. Cars are still as fragile as anything, poorly armed, and I often just got out and used an RPG or acidgun.


On the whole, rubbish bosses, waaay too little new content, pearlescent weapons never materialised(didnt appear in loot lists,) (dlc aspect that was removed just pre launch?) and all the emphasis was firmly on borderland's flaws.


The underdome was the second worst. it added nothing the game didnt have already. Fight waves of monsters. get paid. Woop-Dee-F***ing-Doo. Miserable.


Jacobs cove was also a failure. It added zombie bandits. Bandits with a green retex labeled as zombies. That summises it's failure. I played this, like all the others, cover to cover, and really wished I hadnt.


The worst however is the robot revolution. It tries hard, it really does, and that's why it fails. Im not going to bother with spoilers: dont play it, it's rubbish. I'd been wanting to fight the evil claptrap from the credits since my first playthrough, so imagine my disapointment when I found that the whole DLC was basicaly grinding claptraps? I mean, I want a bloody challenge, I payed $11, I deserve more than grinding vanilla enemies for a ludicrous amount of gears.


The whole premise is killing claptraps. Each kill drops a gear. Collect a total of 350 gears. It's gathering boar-teeth, but without the charm of WoW. It also has a 10 minute long main storyline to it, but that's basicaly to distract you from clap bashing. It adds nothing new, I only found one new gun, the chimera, which wasnt worth a second glance.


On the whole Im turning in my borderlands fancard over this. Im very disapointed. Gearbox could have done better than this, I could have done better than this, a retarded five year old could have done better than this. Like so much cash-in DLC, it's sunstanialy worse than the vanilla game and just serves to push fans away with a bitter taste in their mouth. It sure did for me.


But worst of all are the glitches. I dont know how the hell gearbox did it, but borderlands was reliable as anything pre dlc, now it's a struggle to even make it start. But it also had a number of unplayable random problems, all of them in the claptrap area.


In tartarus station, items always fell through the floor when dropped, this made questing agony, not to mention, it cost me millions in lost profits. My character, on 8 diferent situations, suddenly teleported to a savepoint, and deducted respawn fees. This cost me a LOT of credits.


Finaly, some of my most valuable characters got deleted in a file corruption: Im not going to bother playing again. Even if the game hadnt been rendered no longer worth my time, I put dozens and dozens of hours of work into my characters, only to see all of that deleted by some idiot's failures. I feel screwed over, disapointed, and a bit sad, since some of those items many months to earn and are, well, were, according to the community forums, literaly unique.

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I called customer support, and got a teenager on the phone who sounded a little bit like he was breathing gas. We spoke for about three minutes. I asked him if there was any way to recover my data(199 hours playtime atleast) and asked just WHY the install had wrecked my install folder so totaly. he told me this "look maaaan, if you're too stupid to install an .exe, you shouldnt be playing games yer retaaaaaart" I swore in his face for a further thirty seconds and he called me a "mother of a trucker" and hung up, though he sounded scared.


Bad customer support, bad programming, abysmal DLC, and Im the one left to suffur? let alone the one who is blamed? for an error in a FULLY AUTOMATED INSTALLER YOU COMPILED?!


Im really anrgy about this and the attitude of the guy on customer support, forgive my ranting, but I was shaking mad after this.

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Problem resolved: I threw my copy out the window, literaly.


Vanilla borderlands wasnt bad. Not brilliant, especialy compared to it's opposition, games like Halo Reach(yeah, Halo, whatever you think about Halo, play the Reach demo, it'll reverse any negative stereotypes about Halo) and even low rent rubbish like Aliens Vs Predator, but it was entertaining.


And I got many hours of fun from it. i used to be one of the most competitive duelists online-I slaughtered some groups of players using nothing but phasewalk. But after being sold a corrupted install by Gearbox, I lost my data and my ability to play it.


Even if, assuming logic still works, your version actualy works-I can warn you now do NOT install the claptrap DLC-it's got a really aweful sting in the tail.


You see, it adds a further 10 to the level cap, but doesnt do anything about the enemy or loot.


Enemies all stay level 49-51, but drop down to Trivials. The highest level gun is 61, so you'll also be unable to find any new loot to upgrade your gear even.


So within a day you'll be so OP that the game loses all challenge. At a mere 65 I was so OP that my shield never dropped below 85% charge as long as I kept my recharge-on-kill running.


I was even able to run through LockDown Palace, Headstone Mine, Krom's Canyon, and Sander's Gorge without a shield using only my (gold) sidearm without dying or needing to Second WInd, that includes bossfights. Now, Im quite a marksperson. i admit that. But any bright kid who can land headshots, with this DLC, will become a shieldless immortal within 3 levels, and there is no going back either, levels are permanent and you dont get another playthrough. At all.


I really do feel sad and regretful about this. Not only did I lose 300+ hours work in total, but I left a game that was once a favorite of mine feeling more bitter than I ever have about any single game in my life.


Again, avoid new robot revolution, it ruins this game.


Finaly, something else sad: Most people had wanted to fight Ninja Claptrap since the end of the first game. Well guess what? YOU NEVER GET TO!


Instead you get to fight what is basicaly a huge constrcution vehicle with machine guns on top. It's a pathetic excuse for a bossfight, but also a really sad waste of my time. Oh, and did I mention, the DLC is only 4 missions long. 4 short missions.

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I understand your agony, but there's no need to spoil the playing experience for those who still want to try it out.


Besides, why did you throw your game away just because of one bad DLC? It doesn't make the whole game bad, just like you said: "Vanilla borderlands wasn't bad". Even if you did lose all of your saves, you might want to play it again from the beginning a few years later. I do that with almost every game I have.

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You didnt see the original reason-my install is wrecked and I lost all my saved games(corrupted files)


Having lost 3 50 characters and a 63. and after 4 bad dlcs, I really cant be bothered to waste another 60 hours grinding through three playthroughs.


And secondly, a few of my most prized items dont exist in game anymore.


It's not the bad dlc so to speak, it's the data corruption, the loss of all my characters, and the fact that I just cant make myself do it all again for nothing.

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Again, avoid new robot revolution, it ruins this game.


Finaly, something else sad: Most people had wanted to fight Ninja Claptrap since the end of the first game. Well guess what? YOU NEVER GET TO!


Instead you get to fight what is basicaly a huge constrcution vehicle with machine guns on top. It's a pathetic excuse for a bossfight, but also a really sad waste of my time. Oh, and did I mention, the DLC is only 4 missions long. 4 short missions.



Thank you so much for the heads up. I could have totally seen that coming, because it was so incredibly obvious. /sarcasm

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