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Who are you playing as?


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My main character is a Melee Beserker. Currently level 31 I'm playing it through with two of my housemates who have gone for a hunter and a soldier. I'm tanking it up with over 1200 HP right now, prefering combat rifles and running around like a melee madman most of the time.


I've created an alt account, a siren, today just to test it out. She's only level 10 right now.

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I play as the hunter, his blood hawk skill is damn ahndy at times. But really, at higher levels, it really doesn't matter too much who you play as, as all the weapon types varies so much, and if you manage to get an orange weapon, you'll pretty much own everything no matter who you play as.


I'm level 48 by the way, finished the game 2 hours ago, damned good game =P


Also, cool that we got a forum section for it.


Oh, one more thing, when it comes to weapons, try to get ahold of a revolver, they seem to be the best weapons, fast, accurate, and powerful. I almost always use a revolver anyway.

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Who needs ai team mates when you have online team mates, gets laggy i noticed once in awhile when there are more then 3 people playing.


Shouldn't happen on the ps3, need more patching i think.

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well I don't own the game and I have NOT pirated it. I just watch an LP of the game and I say I would play as Mortici since the snipers and revolvers are AWESOME and the bloodhawk seems better then any other skills and could probably be classified as W.M.D once I got my hands on the OMG rifle. I thougt that I'd just put my own 2 cents.
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