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Broad Machete and Nifskope


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I'd like to alter the shape of the broad machete with Nifskope, but can't seem to find the nif file. It seems like the broad machete only comes as a dds file, and I don't know how to access that with Nifskope. If anyone has any ideas on how I can either convert this weapon into a nif, or alter its shape in any other way, I would truly appreciate it. Thank you. =)

Edited by Auslander66
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Any weapon uses a mesh (.nif) that points to a number of textures (.dds).


Nifskope is very useful but it is not a 3D modeling program. In order to change the mesh of the broad machete you'll need to use another program like Blender.


There are lots of tutorials out there if you look.

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Any weapon uses a mesh (.nif) that points to a number of textures (.dds).


Nifskope is very useful but it is not a 3D modeling program. In order to change the mesh of the broad machete you'll need to use another program like Blender.


There are lots of tutorials out there if you look.

Thank you for your reply. I have yet to master Blender, though I've had some limited success with modifying shapes with Nifskope. In the case of this machete, all I wish to do is stretch the weapon to make it longer, a process normally very easy to do with Nifskope. I guess my main question is simply in asking if anyone knows where the meshes are located for the broad machete. I can't seem to locate them anywhere.

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