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Fallout: The Promised Land


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Username: Antonkr

Name: Anton

Nicknames: White Dog.

Sex: M

Age: 13

Race: Human

Role: Explosive expert

Weapons: Satchel charges, Claymores, Variaty of traps. AK-104, knife

Abilities: Is very good with setting explosives and traps even know he is 13. Can hide very good. Can fly a plane.

Weaknesses: Haves alot of enemyies and he is being hated by many people. Personal Belongings: Repair pack, 3 comunication radios.

Personality: funny, talkative and very smart. Knows many things about warfare

History: He was a son of a Brotherhood of steel knight. Once it was taken controled by the new leader, his father rebelled and was killed. rest is unknown to everyone but him

Appearance: cute looking, and doesn't look like he can hurt anyone at all

Clothes: Typicle clothes for an adventurer and a hood.




White Dog passes by and sees a group. He quckly radio messeges: HQ this is alpha, target acquered, request clearence for operation.

He then aproaches a group and says: Hello wonderers, anything i can help you with (note: his weapons are hidden in his backpack)

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OOC: helo anton... remember me? now ... im not the one who made this RP..... buuuut im going to tell you what Cyberweasel might say..... read the rules

yeahh sorry about that and i didn't notice the PM rule before and i already did PM her. Oh and yea i remeber you. Hows the forum going?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Leo was tired, he had very nearly ran into a raiding party. This was a first as usually he would spot them a mile away, though it was not particularly surprising as his eyes were dimmed with fatigue. This particular gang were moving without lights and keeping low to the ground. Obviously they were planning a raid.


Leo spotted the lights before the raiders did, a row of blinking lights on the horizon, the lights of a large town. He noticed the Raiders pace quicken once they noticed it and from his vantage point on a hill Leo waited to observe the drama about to unfold.


OT: I've P.M'd a character bio.

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[OOC: What's that? Yet another person who didn't bother to read the rules before posting? :rolleyes:


CW, are we going forward with this? I haven't seen anything up from the approved players for a while.]

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*Sigh* Well Cyberweasel hasn't been on since the 20th so it's probably safe to assume that this RP is pretty much dead for now. Whenever she gets back maybe it'll start up again.
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