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Can't replace an oblivion sound file. Please help.


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Hi, first off sorry if this isn't the right forum, this question seemed too general and I wasn't sure it would get any traffic elsewhere.


I just want to replace one sound effect that has been bugging me like crazy. I've done this before in games like Skyrim, you just unpack the "sounds.bsa" archive, and find the file name and folder path of the sound file you want to replace and then place your new file in that location in the /data directory, in this case /oblivion/data/sound/fx/spl/spl_restoration_cast.wav.


However when I put my new wav file there, it doesn't play in game. It doesn't play anything, actually. The original sound is wiped out but my new wav file doesn't play (I've tested it out of game and it works fine).


Am I missing a step?


Any help would be appreciated. thank you.

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What form of archive invalidation do you use? What format is your replacement sound?

Edited by Striker879
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