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X-Univerde Fanatic seeking Info on Eve.


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Hello, Im the Zombie and I play the verious x Game series by the fantastic people at Egosoft.


Ive been snooping about the Egosoft forums and been hearing about Eve Onlibe for some time. Just curious if Im missing out?


Thanks and remember the Paranid are not the only ones who can see the Truth.

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yes you are missing out, and yes more zombies are needed in eve! Join us!


Eve is a great game imho. and there is a free 2 week trial. In case you are looking for a free 3 week trial - message me your email address and I'll send you an invitation for the 3 week trial.

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  • 4 months later...
Eve online is like buying a job you have to continue paying for. It can be allot of fun if you are able to devote yourself enough to it, but it is not for the casual gamer. Look up some youtube videos and game reviews. It can be pretty neat at the beginning but after a while you will know what I mean.
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Eve online is like buying a job you have to continue paying for. It can be allot of fun if you are able to devote yourself enough to it, but it is not for the casual gamer. Look up some youtube videos and game reviews. It can be pretty neat at the beginning but after a while you will know what I mean.

yeah i played for two years so yeah it can be like a job and all that. my tip is not to go with any kind of exspectation. stay very down to earth you will be fine. do lots of pvp.

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  • 6 months later...

eve online can be great or bad its up to the person that plays it. if you need your hands held for you and need arrows to tell you were to go and what to do all the time then eve probably would be horrible for you.


eve is a huge sandbox with few rules, you make of the game what you want. kinda like the x3 games, but mmo style.


but on the other hand, x3 you get to fly your ships real time. eve o is point in click flying, people drag it down saying its a spreadsheet game in some ways that is accurate, a lot about eve is numbers and math and having the right setups, if your a pve perosn then eve o will probably bore you to death since pve is a afterthought and the core of the game is pvp in just about every area.


but pvp lest smaller scale pvp is a ton of variety, different ships different setups, different weapons and counters, there is no one ideal setup in eve, nor is there a setup that cannot be countered but if your a jack of all trades then like the saying goes you will suck at all of them. eve o on the combat side is more about choosing a path and sticking with it.


but its not all combat. you can be a miner, one of the most boring, but hell you can do it while you watch movies or porn or daydream about being in the bahamas, but it is one of the most necessary trades in eve, no miners no ships get built, fewer miners ships get more expensive. but the pay is not the greatest it can be about comperable to pve mission running. unless you use multiple accounts to run your own private mining fleet, and ccp does heavily encourage multiple accounts, pad them subs! but payout dpends a lot on the size of your op and the market value of minerals at any given time.


then you got the traders, can be one of the best time vs isk reward on a fairly regular basis, but takes a ton of study to get it right, and can easily loose your shirt, but high risk high reward or if you know what your doing low risk pretty damn good reward.


industrialists do pretty well via invention, and selling rare parts needed for ship construction and research. and when new ship types get put in game, assuming you can invent and get the parts to build the things first, you can become rich overnight cause when new ships are added people will pay silly amounts to get the things the first month or two they are out till things level off, but usually to get that train you need to be in a good corp with tons of resources to help pull in the materials and junk that will be needed to build this first run ships.


bototm line eve is purely what you make of it, but x3 ship flying vs eve o ship flying is like apples and oranges you might find eve o ship flying boring just clicking around and hitting buttons to align and orbit etc.

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  • 1 month later...

The thing is, playing x3 is a job all on its own, learning curves are similar, and so is the feel, except camera is locked in third person, and that all the npc's usually flying around and trading in x3 are now actual people... Ive played x3 for years, and still play TC, but eve is an animal to its self, can't really compare it, no other mmo does it for me like eve simply because of the risk/vs/reward factor... (there ACTUALLY is risk in this game... and losing feels crappy because there are consequences)


anyways ill just leave you with this, and let no one ever tell you this isn't true because for most people it is ;)



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  • 5 weeks later...
Also you should know right now there is a lot of botting goin on in this game. The missions and ratting are so repeatable, just as if it is made for bots and even in 0.0 you cannot catch the bot, because the it got total control of the game. CCP is not fighting it at all. All they have their eye on is the rtm but not the botting itself, which could easily be battled with a few small changes to the game or client. So basicly their mantra is like drug selling is ok, aslong as it does profit us, which hurts the honest player and personally im sick of the situation. Essentially with a single bot you can make 700-800million per day without moving a finger, ever. That is more worth then a 60 day GTC that will cost you 35$. Go figure. Very attractive business for the chinese. Still there can be fun had with this game, no doubt. Tho dont try to overly work hard. :P Edited by Nadimos
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Essentially with a single bot you can make 700-800million per day without moving a finger, ever.

Hmmm. That comes to about 30m an hour, which I suppose is possible doing relentless mining. Not sure how effective these bots are. Do they warp to a new belt if needed? Do they use orca support? Maybe a few finger movements are required?


Also not sure how effective market bots are. In busy hubs, esp. Jita a 0.01-ing bot could help move large numbers. Profits could be staggering.


Not sure what other kinds of bots exist.

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Eve News 24 did a series of articles on RMT and botting recently, and it sounds like that's where Nadimos got his information from. It was an interesting read, part 4 ishere, and contains links to parts 1 2 and 3. The bots seem quite easy to use, and powerful, though you couldn't make 7-800mil a day with just one bot. It is possible to run several bots on a single pc though.

Personally, I think CCP are doing their best to catch the people using bots (remember operation unholy rage?), it's just hard to conclusively prove that someone is using a bot, and they can't risk banning someone innocent by accident. They could do more to stop the bot software from working though, I agree.

Edited by The_Terminator
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personally i dont know about the mining part. never flown a retriever. 30mill per hour is pretty realistic, when you hunt npc's. everyone who has been atleast once in 0.0 knows that. this especially applies to 0.0 npc faction space, where true sec does not really matter and high-level spawns can be quickly chained.


x 23 hours

= 690million


x 30 days

~20billion per month


that is a single bot in a raven. not counting in the lucky spawns.



ps: go to youtube.

never would i think of changing my gamemechanics. x(

Edited by Nadimos
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