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the universe


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Bottom line is, nobody knows for sure, and nobody is GONNA know for sure. That's just the way the universe works. It's too damn big to understand, really. Just when you think you know the rules, somebody comes along and wipes it all out.


I can sometimes compare it to gambling. I put my money where it makes most sense for me to put it, that would be creation/Chistianity. ;)

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What makes genesis any more valid than any of the other creation myths the world over - some of which are too graphic to mention on these forums?

Well, all creation 'myths' are not created equal. But that's a good point. As a believer it all really just comes down to faith. In my heart, I have to believe there is something bigger than ourselves out there. The universe, the world, just works too perfectly to have just happened. In the end, all the debates are pointless because nobody can prove anything. It's all shots in the dark and wild guesses and hope and faith.

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I tend to agree with that. As I said above, I think Genesis was put into terms ancient man could understand. I think the 'days' of creation were actually 'time periods' some of which lasted millions of years, not literal 24 hour days. So, we're on the same page in that respect anyway.

Personally, I think it's even simpler. Assuming God does exist, for a moment, He would be trying to explain complex science which even modern man would probably have difficulty understanding to a man 2000+ years ago, so he simply wrote down how he understood it, and perhaps that was even fairly accurate, but take into account that since then the Bible has undergone numerous editings, translations, re-translations, and perhaps even been slyly rewritten in sections by a king or two and you begin to wonder how much is left from the original version.

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I tend to agree with that.  As I said above, I think Genesis was put into terms ancient man could understand.  I think the 'days' of creation were actually 'time periods' some of which lasted millions of years, not literal 24 hour days.  So, we're on the same page in that respect anyway.

Personally, I think it's even simpler. Assuming God does exist, for a moment, He would be trying to explain complex science which even modern man would probably have difficulty understanding to a man 2000+ years ago, so he simply wrote down how he understood it, and perhaps that was even fairly accurate, but take into account that since then the Bible has undergone numerous editings, translations, re-translations, and perhaps even been slyly rewritten in sections by a king or two and you begin to wonder how much is left from the original version.

This is also true, which is why I read a new translation Bible that is re-translated from the original texts. But it's all subject to writer bias and political twists.

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Equally, science has never proven that god exists, or that evolution did not happen. :P


Science is different from religion in one important way - science is not set in stone, and is able to receive new data, work with them, and even overturn 'laws' previously assumed to be correct when evidence proves this to be otherwise.


There is a lot of evidence supporting the big bang theory - and none at all IMO supporting the creation theory.


You have to decide for yourself what evidence you accept as valid.


What it comes down to, IMO, is whether you want to believe that the universe has a purpose or not.

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Truth is anyone can say, "In the begining there was a dude who had magical powers and made a bunch of stuff and then got lonely and made some other dudes and dudettes to chill with." But the thing that makes the Christian POV more believable to me is the fact that Jesus rose from the dead (we wont debate this fact here because we're getting OT as it is..) all of the other religious founders had some good stuff to say, and were outstanding people, but none of the other religions can claim that they've had someone die (hundreds of witnesses), and then come back to life.


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What it comes down to, IMO, is whether you want to believe that the universe has a purpose or not.

Agreed, that is the bottom-line bare bones argument right there.



Glad we found some common ground there. :lol:



I believe that the universe simply is. There is no purpose to it - it came into being at random.


And there is no purpose to the human race - we are a product of evolution, that's all. We are utterly insignificant to anyone but ourselves.


Our purpose in life is what we make it, what we want it to be.


And the universe doesn't care. If we wipe ourselves out, the universe will continue its purposeless existence, expanding at an ever faster rate.


Somehow, I find this a very cheering thought. :lol:

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Glad someone does..... :unsure:





What it comes down to, IMO, is whether you want to believe that the universe has a purpose or not.



I do agree with you here however ;) We can debate till the sky falls, it isn't going to change a shred of a thing. Its all individual opinion.

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