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How did this happen


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Due to a download problem I had to use a backup of MY Documents. I downloaded 6 video clips that turned into 6,660.

1. I used restore to go back to the previous day

2. the 6K + copies were still there.

3. I removed the My Games folder to the desktop along with a couple of others

4. I used a backup copy of MY Documents from my backup HDD.With help I managed to delete the 6K+ files

5. I replaced the My Games folder into the new My Documents folder

The game runs but NONE of the MODS works even thought all the esm and data files are still there. I first noticed when I clicked on my character inventory and saw the stock one insted of the MOD one I installed.

I amm assuming that the other MOD's do not function. I am not sure of the DLC's I have. I do not have the install file for some of my MOD's as I have had them for a long time. Can anyonhe explain how or if I can get them to work?


6. Will I have to uninstall the game and all the update files?

7. I have a backup copy of the MY Games on my backup HDD but won't the same thing happen if I copy it into the new My Documents folder?


I do not even know why this happened and I know this is a bit fuzzy on details but can some one please help a non computer person. an email to me would be better. my email is madgamer at mchsi dot com


Please help if you can

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Due to a download problem I had to use a backup of MY Documents. I downloaded 6 video clips that turned into 6,660.

1. I used restore to go back to the previous day

2. the 6K + copies were still there.

3. I removed the My Games folder to the desktop along with a couple of others

4. I used a backup copy of MY Documents from my backup HDD.With help I managed to delete the 6K+ files

5. I replaced the My Games folder into the new My Documents folder

The game runs but NONE of the MODS works even thought all the esm and data files are still there. I first noticed when I clicked on my character inventory and saw the stock one insted of the MOD one I installed.

I amm assuming that the other MOD's do not function. I am not sure of the DLC's I have. I do not have the install file for some of my MOD's as I have had them for a long time. Can anyonhe explain how or if I can get them to work?


6. Will I have to uninstall the game and all the update files?

7. I have a backup copy of the MY Games on my backup HDD but won't the same thing happen if I copy it into the new My Documents folder?


I do not even know why this happened and I know this is a bit fuzzy on details but can some one please help a non computer person. an email to me would be better. my email is madgamer at mchsi dot com


Please help if you can

I'm not sure if understood what was done. The only thing at the My Documents related to Oblivion that could impact the game is the Oblivion.ini file (One could argument than the save games can do it, but it not seems to be the actual case). Yet the ini file should impact only the game configurations and do not prevent mods working "unless" it's something related to the "Archive Invalidation" options. Actually that is not need anymore and the OBMM's function to it is by far preferred.


But and because the symptoms I think Floydian1 did hit the point already and your markings on actives mods are gone and ticking them again suffices to solve the issue without anything else being needed to be done. So try doing that Archive invalidation thing in OBMM only if something else seems to be lacking yet.


If after all the above the issue persist, backup and delete that Oblivion.ini file at My Documents and allow the game making a fresh new one. This may force you to redo the configuration, mainly those related to video, but ensures you'll have a clean, not corrupted ini file.

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Are the mods activated in the data file launcher? Better still use this instead: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2097


the MOD's are activated in the data file. The MOD's in the Data file in the game folder that are not in the Data launcher ar the ones that seem to not be working. Its my inventory manager I miss. I can run the install file but I still get the stock inventory when I run the game. I have a nice nude MOD that I no longer have the install file for but it is active in the Data file in the folder like the inventory MOD.

I downloaded the program you recommend but even reading the instructions I can't seem to understand it as it says unknown beside the launch data tab MOD's (SIGH). Its hard being old and stupid. Thank you for your help

I think I will play it this way for awhile.

I also backedup the INI file and restarted the game and readjusted the settings. BTW you might go to www.tweaper.com and check out ther video setup program, it works good.



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Due to a download problem I had to use a backup of MY Documents. I downloaded 6 video clips that turned into 6,660.

1. I used restore to go back to the previous day

2. the 6K + copies were still there.

3. I removed the My Games folder to the desktop along with a couple of others

4. I used a backup copy of MY Documents from my backup HDD.With help I managed to delete the 6K+ files

5. I replaced the My Games folder into the new My Documents folder

The game runs but NONE of the MODS works even thought all the esm and data files are still there. I first noticed when I clicked on my character inventory and saw the stock one insted of the MOD one I installed.

I amm assuming that the other MOD's do not function. I am not sure of the DLC's I have. I do not have the install file for some of my MOD's as I have had them for a long time. Can anyonhe explain how or if I can get them to work?


6. Will I have to uninstall the game and all the update files?

7. I have a backup copy of the MY Games on my backup HDD but won't the same thing happen if I copy it into the new My Documents folder?


I do not even know why this happened and I know this is a bit fuzzy on details but can some one please help a non computer person. an email to me would be better. my email is madgamer at mchsi dot com


Please help if you can

I'm not sure if understood what was done. The only thing at the My Documents related to Oblivion that could impact the game is the Oblivion.ini file (One could argument than the save games can do it, but it not seems to be the actual case). Yet the ini file should impact only the game configurations and do not prevent mods working "unless" it's something related to the "Archive Invalidation" options. Actually that is not need anymore and the OBMM's function to it is by far preferred.


But and because the symptoms I think Floydian1 did hit the point already and your markings on actives mods are gone and ticking them again suffices to solve the issue without anything else being needed to be done. So try doing that Archive invalidation thing in OBMM only if something else seems to be lacking yet.


If after all the above the issue persist, backup and delete that Oblivion.ini file at My Documents and allow the game making a fresh new one. This may force you to redo the configuration, mainly those related to video, but ensures you'll have a clean, not corrupted ini file.


Please excise my ignorance but I do not know what "Archive Activation in the OBMM" is. I did create a new ini file like you said but I still cant get the new inventory MOD to work. the install file works fine but the inventory in the game is still stock.



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Establishing a common ground will help communication. When supposed the mods not being activated anymore was because the launcher could lose that list.


but the following must be understand to avoid misinterpretations, we do not expect you are a geek but they are ease to understand concepts and you'll grasp them quickly if are new to modding or dealing with these things in computer.


The /data is not a file but a folder. If it appear as a file it may be compressed (backups normally compress everything and that must be uncompressed on restore and not just copied).

You must have that \data folder inside the folder where the game was installed with all ESP files there and some more folders, like /meshes; /textures; /sounds etc


The option "Data Files" on the launcher see only the ESP and ESM files inside the actual /data folder ... to figure in the list the actual file must be there. More the launcher will see each and every ESP and ESM it finds there, even if they had the extension changed for some reason, yet only those ticked will be active and ready to play. If for any reason a mod do not figures on that "Data files" list so it do not exist inside the /data folder.


Another thing that may happen is incorrect mod installation may put another /data folder inside the actual /data. To correct it just cut the whole internal /data and paste it directly at the oblivion folder, overwriting the former /data (do not worry, actually it will just append the content and you can accept it).


OBMM is a much useful utility, once you have it you need not concern about that "Data files" at the launcher anymore. It's easy to understand.

It have a function named "Archive invalidation" but now I think your issue does not relate with it anymore.


If, after verifying the above, OBMM still do not open a left window with the same mods you saw on the launcher, it is because the /data is really corrupted and we'll need more informations to be able to continue the help.

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Establishing a common ground will help communication. When supposed the mods not being activated anymore was because the launcher could lose that list.


but the following must be understand to avoid misinterpretations, we do not expect you are a geek but they are ease to understand concepts and you'll grasp them quickly if are new to modding or dealing with these things in computer.


The /data is not a file but a folder. If it appear as a file it may be compressed (backups normally compress everything and that must be uncompressed on restore and not just copied).

You must have that \data folder inside the folder where the game was installed with all ESP files there and some more folders, like /meshes; /textures; /sounds etc


The option "Data Files" on the launcher see only the ESP and ESM files inside the actual /data folder ... to figure in the list the actual file must be there. More the launcher will see each and every ESP and ESM it finds there, even if they had the extension changed for some reason, yet only those ticked will be active and ready to play. If for any reason a mod do not figures on that "Data files" list so it do not exist inside the /data folder.


Another thing that may happen is incorrect mod installation may put another /data folder inside the actual /data. To correct it just cut the whole internal /data and paste it directly at the oblivion folder, overwriting the former /data (do not worry, actually it will just append the content and you can accept it).


OBMM is a much useful utility, once you have it you need not concern about that "Data files" at the launcher anymore. It's easy to understand.

It have a function named "Archive invalidation" but now I think your issue does not relate with it anymore.


If, after verifying the above, OBMM still do not open a left window with the same mods you saw on the launcher, it is because the /data is really corrupted and we'll need more informations to be able to continue the help.


I do thank you for trying to help. All of the "files" that are in the "data" folder on booting the game seem to be working. I have the installer for a inventory MOD that runs and says it is installed but does not appear when playing the game. I have MOD installers like for my nude MOD that say the files are already installed and do I want to replace them.

I do not think that the inventory MOD ever did appear in the "Data Folder" that comes up when you start the game but does appear in the Data folder in the game folder. The game will play fine but I miss the inventory MOD. As you stated you would need more information than I can give you because I do not have the computer knowledge that you do but will just have to play the game the way it is and at some point uninstall it and reinstall the MOD's and see what happens then. the funny thing is I found the inventory MOD on a site that I would have to pay to join and download it but I have it already. So something has happened to cause problems with the game but not to the point of int not working it just does not work with a couple of MOD's I would like to have. I guess I should be happy that most of them are fine. Thanks for the help in trying to explain things to me. The game worked perfectly till I had to replace the MY Documents folder and removed the MY Gmes folder before copying MY Documents from a backup HDD..I still don't know what the OBMM is LOL!



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