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New DLC announced


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I am playing the devils advocate here.


Don't they also say "Penny wise and pound foolish"?


Surely it's better to be able to afford the big ticket items and have something to show for your money rather than frittering it away on odds and sods with nothing to show for it? I'm not saying DLC is a bad thing, it should be looked at in the same way as any other product, does it offer value for money? Bethesda were quite rightly criticised for rubbish like the Horse Armour and The Orrery, as time went on things improved and we ended getting some really good stuff for Fallout 3. Bioware have no excuse, premium content is nothing new to them. In the past their add ons were really good and worth every penny, the DLC for DA stinks of EA. Wardens Keep was dungeon crawl with a few items thrown in at the end, their latest offing sounds no different. Just look at the way they're nickel-and-diming players to death with The Sims. It wouldn't be so bad if you could ignore it but they they put a salesman in your camp, the same kind of salesman that you could run into in the 360 version of the Godfather (another EA title).

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The Stone Prisoner came with my DVD of the game, and the "time played" stamp on my saved games shows that I spent 2 full hours playing it, beginning from when I first saw the immobile Shale (after clearing the darkspawn in the town) and ending when Shale was a member of my party. I don't know how much more time I spent clearing the town and also meeting and talking to the control rod merchant, etc., but let's assume another 15-20 minutes. I would have paid $5 for that amount of content, I'd say. I would easily pay $5 for an addon the size of any of the major dungeon-crawls in the main storyline. More than that for the Circle Tower.


But in the case of RtO, if it's an hour's worth of content, I think it would be better priced at $2.50. As others have said, they're planning 2 years of DLC for this game, and if it's all the same price, then it will add up quite a bit. It should certainly have an amount of content at least in proportion with the price and amount of content of the original game, seeing as much of the overhead for the original game has already been taken care of.


I'll wait for a fair review before deciding.

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Sadly, I don't see the inherent value of this DLC that is being offered by Bioware. I can buy an indie game or older game for the same amount and be glad for the hours more I get to play them. What I don't like about this offering is the reuse of already explored area and rehash of in-game items that are already available (with some modding). I don't see the point of returning to an area after I have finished the game, especially when it doesn't tie into the main story at all.



Unfortunately, Bioware has stated that they are not trying to go for the most appeal with their DLC, as there a big enough market for them to be able to specialize their DLC offerings. I will be instead, waiting for any of the bigger expansions that are hopefully going to be coming out in the future.



I've said damn near the same thing on the social site man. I did grab the shale dlc, just because it was from what i heard supposed to have been in the game. But you are right on the money, who in their right mind would actually BUY the items you can just make in 10 seconds. If the gear they sold/included in modules actually was different models and what not id probably get it, but throwing a different tint on the same lame gear.. is well lame.

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Well, so far, shale was worth it, warden's keep was a waste. Heck, if they thought about it and switched the two (making shale paid and WC free), it would've taken a whole lot of heat from them. Having a stupid and very buggy drm on the dlc is NOT helping them either.


Now WC had a unique & good looking armor and weapon, and a sword that looked horrid (i am looking at you asturian's might). It offered me two new skills and also had a new area. Keep in mind that i do consider WC a waste of good money, tho part of that may be the outrageous idea of placing salesman npc in my camp (i wouldn't have it if i hadn't bought the deluxe extra plus special sumthin sumthin edition).

Return to ostagar is offering me no new area, repainted existing armor, no new talent. I am having a hard time seeing it as the same value than WC, let alone seeing it as worth the money. This could change if they make a very very very good work plotwise, tho i doubt it.


Let's hope they learn you cannot charge for something that can be done in 10 mins with the toolset.

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Hi all,


This has been an interesting read, and I usually just read threads like this one and never comment, but in this case with this game I am making an exception.


First I would like to say that I will never buy a game from this company ever again. I purchased the Retail limited Edition, at a cost of 120 bucks in my country. It was advertised as having a second disk of content. Me thinking it was the expansions on disk, but it was just a disk of rubbish, what a waste of space that was, it is now an expensive drink coaster. The extra content was still DLC. The best part was the wooden box it came in, which I have put to a better use. Oh, must not forget the rag map, dog got that. Manual, what manual, not even a digital one on the disk/s. I think I remember reading some where that they want 20/30 bucks or some thing for some sort of manual or some thing. Good god, what a bunch of rip off merchants.

Now before you start yelling that I should have bought it on Steam, don't even go down that road, I got bitten badly buying Oblivion on Steam, and then had to go and buy it from the store later again because Steam mess with the .exe file on the game/s, so as far as I am concerned they are not selling an original direct equivalent of the original game as put out by the original company/author. As far as I am also concerned buying and down loading games other than from the original company/author, and even then you have to be very careful, is a big no no, especially from Steam and others like it, they have you by the short and curlies.


As for the game itself, average, and that is being kind. The code is very poorly written and inefficient, stressing even good computers like no other game of this standard, which I said is only average. Apart from the rinky dink little play areas and poor graphics, which I might add, your computer would not handle good graphics because the poor coding is already wringing your computers neck. The camera is poorly done, zoom right out and you can only see about ten feet in front of you, zoom down low so you can see ahead, then you have drastic selection problems. The best feature of the game is the space bar pause that allows you to get around the drastic limitations of this game in game play. Without that feature, this game would be totally unplayable. Oh yes the cut scene movies, didn't they try this in games some time ago and fall flat on their faces. The first time through, fine, but still a bit tedious and time wasting, second time through, a real pain, I want to play the game, not watch all this again. The two keys that got a pounding when I played were Space and Escape.


I played the game through twice, first was sixty hours twenty two minutes, the second was fifty five hours and seven minutes. So much for eighty hours of play. I saved time in the second, mashing the escape key. The game is very linear, if you played through it three times you could probably do it with your eyes shut. The game has very little replayability, for want of a better word, after a couple of plays, you know exactly what is coming next, and short of play it on a higher difficulty, that is not replay in my mind.


For me, I thought that an experienced company could have turned out some thing much better than this. This game is almost as though it was written by a bunch of high school kids as a high school project.


As for the this new DLC, that would cost me seven fifty or eight bucks here, not everyone lives in the good old U.S of A. There are other people on the planet.


Anyway, that is my two cents worth on this game, to say I am disappointed in the game is correct. I can only say that hopefully the modding community will save its sorry A.


Have a good day one and all.



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