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Requiem - Advice on mods that pair well with it?


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Heya. So I'm looking to start a new game, and I'm wanting to try one of the big overhauls. I've tried Tytanis and SkyRe in the past, with mixed results. Read up on Requiem and it sounds right up my alley. A little on the hardcore side but not too much so. I'm an old timey RPGer.


I've cleared off my old mods and installed Requiem. I'm wanting to make this as fun an experience as possible (without going too hardcore or making the game unstable), so I've been searching the forum and google for any obvious mods that pair well with it. So far, this seems to be the best I've found - http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1307379-creating-the-best-requiem-experience/ . It's not a bad little list, but the OP seems unsure of compatiblity with some of the mods he listed.


I'm also thinking I'll pass on a few of the mods like Hard Times, Frostfall, Wet and Cold, etc. I've used "cold" mods in the past and really didn't see the appeal in making you freeze to death in seconds. Instead of swapping out my armor for a fur coat, I should be wearing the fur under/over the armor. It really made snow areas annoying lol. /end rant


Anyway, so what are your thoughts? Would this be a decent list to go with? Maybe you know of a better list somewhere? I've heard that Requiem is really best unmodified, at least gameplay wise, and I can see the appeal in this. So I'm not looking for a 100 mod recommendation or anything. Just anything anyone feels would really pair with it or otherwise fill a gap. Also, any recommendations on what difficulty I should play on? Thanks :smile:

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Requiem has always had issues with compatibility. SkyRE had a Skyproc reproccer patch which automatically modified values in mods and make and external esp which made compatibility for all of the mods. Sadly, I don't see any compatibility patch like this for Requiem, so I would say your best bet is to follow that guide. I've not really come across any guide better than that.

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Well, I followed the list I posted. Left out anything that sounded too imbalanced or too incompatible, and added a few others. So far so good. I did have to delete a couple scripts to get fish/bugs to play nice with each other. But otherwise, everything seems fine and compatible with one another. I've played maybe.. idk 8 hours total on Expert difficulty and Have only experienced one crash where the game just exited out on me with no error when I got near a door. I can't even kill a draugr at level 6 lmao. Enjoying myself immensely.


Should anyone else be interested, sometime I can post a list of all the mods I'm using, their load order, and any special steps I had to take to make them work.

Edited by tr0ubl3mak3r
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