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What Play Styles Best Suit You In Skyrim?


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I really enjoy the replay-ability of Skyrim, as well as the many different ways you could play the game.


I really enjoy playing as the Nord or Breton sometimes, although I'm excited for how my Bosmer and Altmer may look once I get started with Elder Scrolls Online. I often combine One-Hand, Archery and Light armor for one character. While Archery, One-Hand and Heavy Armor for another. Both somewhat or more active in alteration and conjuration spells. I always start on Expert or Master, prefer Master difficulty though. Also I try playing Paragon... as if it matters all that much. Haha :)


What kind of play style do you use?

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i feel most comfortable playing a sort of mix of a noble warrior and a fierce barbarian usually with littke magic and then only for defense or healing rellying most tly on alchemy and enchanting for that exta punch

most of the trime with his or her trusted companion sighnne http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/37372


but i love this game and i will try and play as many play styles i can think of at the moment o have about 6 different characters ranging from lvl 58 to 21

redguard berserker/conjurer , to a fimperial mage to a succubus spellsword that only uses conjuration and illusion as her main weapons


and please do not mention ESO it is not and never will o be r, nor was it ever intended to be a elder scrolls game it is a attempt to beat as much money out of the fans as possible

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When I first started my go to build was Breton knight (heavy armor, sword and shield) because I liked to get up close and just swing but I hated getting destroyed by mages. Since I installed requiem, I used to rely on a nord or breton spellsword because since attack speed is slower it makes it viable to get just out of the way of a strike and counter it with a hit of your own. I also like having magic instead or archery for something different.


I have been playing as a thief recently after getting bored of being a warrior. And then I want to try to be an Altmer mage.

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I found that, in my first playthrough, I tended to go with a hack/slash approach because I found it to be the easiest way to progress through the story and to learn the basic mechanics of the game. However, now that I've played through the story and am just enjoying gameplay, I am gravitating towards a stealthier, role-playing play style. I'm currently working on two characters. The first is a stealth archer who is trying to make it through the dark brotherhood. I've also recently started my first mage character and I'm doing everything in my power to only kill if absolutely necessary. I'm specializing him in Illusion and Restoration. The end goal of the mage character is to collect every book in the game. I don't use fast travel, an HUD or in-game music on either of these characters to give a more immersive gameplay experience.


I love the ability to roleplay in Skyrim. The freedom to be whatever type of character you want to be, personality-wise, is what draws me back to the game time and time again.

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High Elf Battlemage.

A character started in Arena, and RPed as a single character until Skyrim.

Master of 1 handed weapon, 2 handed weapon, illusion and destruction.


In a perfect world the playstyle would be: Charge in/blink in, cast illusion spell to give me an edge, aoe destruction to weaken everything, and clean up with sword. Basically, the enemies would not have a chance to understand what is happening before they are dead.


Though with the game limitations: Run in, casting some spells on the way, power attack with weapon. From time to time I just use illusion spells, and watch them kill each other.

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I tend to go through phases with two main skillsets that I adapt to a specific character. They basically come down to weapon choice: one handed or archery. Right now I'm in a one-handed phase. My current character uses a sword in one hand and a buckler in the other, wears a light cuirass with heavy gauntlets, and uses Shouts quite heavily - but he has little use for other kinds of magic, even saying away from alchemy.


My archery builds tend to heavily favour stealth, and almost always end up being rogue types.

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another real fun playstyle i ve been running lately is this refguard very skimpy light forsworn armour and using dual wielding bound sxord and conjuration lagic , backed up with alternation and rstoration

amazing how fast your conjuration and one handed skills rises by using dual wielding only problem is whenn dragons actually refuse to land and she is stuck using wards and fire atronachs all the time , not bad for my restoration skill tho

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