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Happy Thanksgiving :)


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Happy Thanksgiving to everyone here :) Eat lots of turkey and watch lots of football :biggrin: Got a long day of eating ahead, going to my boyfriend's family's and my family's to eat :D Made a cheesecake and chocolate walnut pie for dessert.


What are you guys up to today? :)

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Thanksgiving for my family is out of town this year and I have to work Friday. This year I'll be going to a Vietnamese noodle shop and the movies with a few friends. Tonite we'll build a bonfire and drink ourselves silly.


And Happy Thanksgiving to all. :)

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It was a lovely feast at the myr clan's Thanksgiving celebration at my dad's. Forgot to take a headcount but there's usually around 25 of us in attendance. Good to be with family. Happy Thanksgiving! Edited by myrmaad
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Here in Korea, it's already the day after, but I enjoyed a passable feast in the post Dining Facility.

Woulda' been nicer with friends/family around, but I had the company of my fellow soldiers to enjoy, and that's good-enough for now, I guess.


Happy Thanksgiving to you all (even those who don't celebrate it)!

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