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Then you really want to try ...SkyUI.


You probably got used to the interface on the console BUT you wont believe ...we actually have an interface we can use....

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IHUD ( Immersive HUD)


Wet n Cold


And an ENB...(I am using Serenity ENB) just wow.

I have way to many mods ..lol about 300 now.

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Kick ass! Thanks again xD


Thanks! I'll get right on those. Not sure what the first one you listed does, but sounds awesome xD

I do feel like the amount of magic in vanilla Skyrim is pretty weak =/

I also feel like the spells themselves are weak xD

Does this also effect Vampire Lord?


Your telling me :O! I thought it was amazing on the console until I saw some vids on youtube where it looked better, had more weapons, more enemies, more quests, more magic, shouts, etc...Then I was all like, I'm re-buying this game on the PC xD

it is a immersion mod

what it does is when a npc speaks to you or somebody else your character turns his head toward the npc , only visible in third person but it makes your character so much more alive and real

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@Old hand

I see that SkyUI is the most downloaded mod, didn't think anything about it since it didn't have like weapons or armor in it :P until I saw a more monsters typer of mod, but I need SkyUI and "SKSE" or something like that, where do I get that SKSE one D:?


Ooooooo, I'll get on that then xD

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Not sure if you have misunderstood or I have! :smile:

You should only run the installer once. Then in your Skyrim folder ( usually - program files(x86) / steam / steamapps / common / skyrim ) you will find an application called SKSE_loader.

You should use this app to start your game. Once you have installed SKSE you should not start the game with the normal Skyrim launcher.


Hope this gets you back on track!

Edited by Skyrabbit
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I did use the SKSE loader to play, it worked the first time I used it, but now the game crashes before hitting the main menu. I just used the normal Skyrim launcher to see if I can still play Skyrim in general...I cannot...

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