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Is there a way to install Bethesda Hi-Res Textures though NMM or MO?


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I don't want it to overwrite my data file, I just want to try it out. Is there a way to download it so it doesn't get added to my skyrim folder? I want to be able to toggle it on/off with MO or NMM. Has it been uploaded like this somewhere online?

Edited by KeplerNEEL
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Not legally, no. Just download them through Steam. They're free anyway.


They also don't overwrite anything - they use .bsa archives just like the vanilla game. You can disable the .esp files - there should be three of them - in NMM just like any other plugin, and the game will be pointed towards the Skyrim.bsa, Dawnguard.bsa, and Dragonorn.bsa archives instead of the HD DLC ones. You should be able to do this in MO too, but it's most likely an unnecessarily complicated in-app process (like everything else in MO).

Edited by Hyacathusarullistad
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