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Mech Warrior games

Harabec Weathers

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Anyone remeber the old Mech Warrior games? Mech Warrior, Earthseige, Star Seige, etc.


What the hell happened to the ENTIRE genre of games? Its like they all just died on the vine or something.


Imagine a game like Mech Warrior 4 with all the killer graphics and physics engines that we have available to us.


I really think this whole genre could really come back. Anyone else miss the old Mech warrior style games?

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I miss them very much.


About two weeks ago I installed Mechwarrior 3 on my XP machine. It almost worked. I get a lot of crashes, and it only goes as far as one certain mission about halfway through and won't advance any more without crashing. Oh well... it was fun while it lasted.

I never really liked Mechwarrior 4. I hear it runs a lot better in XP than 3 does, but I just don't feel like trying to to see.

If someone were to make more modern games which worked with today's machines and OS's, I would be all over them.

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Yes, I had a lot of them. The most recent one I played was called MechCommander 2. I tend to like having more control over the battlefield than just a single mech. :)



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I think i played most Mechwarrior games that where aviable on the PC,

i still remember some of them where from Microprose, a great game studio that is long nonexistant now,

i think sierra bought it and sierra is now part of the new atari if i am not completly wrong (could be).


Clan Jade Falcon... good times =)


If they ever release a REAL new one with the Mechwarrior license i am first to buy it,

but with todays standards it will be a siplified console arcade shooter that i refuse to touch.


well atleast i can hope.

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There is another Mech Warrior in the works. Meant to have full physics and destructable buildings so the city-scape missions will actually be fun/realistic now. Mech hiding behind that skyskraper? Launch those LRMs. What sky scraper? ;)
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There is another Mech Warrior in the works. Meant to have full physics and destructable buildings so the city-scape missions will actually be fun/realistic now. Mech hiding behind that skyskraper? Launch those LRMs. What sky scraper? ;)


I found a News for that: http://kotaku.com/5310586/new-mechwarrior-...l-reboot-series


and here is the wiki page for it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MechWarrior_%28reboot%29


i am sceptic, they allready have some legal trouble, and it seems simplified to me.... but wait and see.

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Wow a new Mech Warrior game would make me all sorts of giddy haha. Might have to even go and dig out my old PC joystick lol.

The Armored Core series for the play station has always fascinated me, but the combat is just too fast and its just immpossible to keep up with how the AI can manuver and still accurately fire at you. Playing Armored Core with that PS3 controller...the controls are just too much, youre fingers cant hit all the burttons they need to in order to really enjoy the game lol.

But definately, new Mech Warrior FTW! Or even new Starseige! Or new independant game of equal or great greatness!

Whatever happens frist lol

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The Armored Core series for the play station has always fascinated me, but the combat is just too fast and its just immpossible to keep up with how the AI can manuver and still accurately fire at you. Playing Armored Core with that PS3 controller...the controls are just too much, youre fingers cant hit all the burttons they need to in order to really enjoy the game lol.

Can't say I've had that problem. For me it was always an issue of running out of ammo due to how every weapon, save a few special ones hidden away in certain missions, kinda sucked in one way or another.


Mecha probably won't ever die. It's just that there really hasn't ever been a significant market in the west for mecha games. The little known Heavy Gear series kinda proved that. Was fairly cool with its technical aspects and general design, but lacked most of the Japanese influences on the genre.

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Yeah, I miss them too. Really loved the Mechwarrior series, especially Mechwarrior III, read many of the books and tried my hand at the tabletop game a long time ago. Sad thing that the genre seems to be dead.
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