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I thought I was the "old man" here.

Come on now, you are making me very curious.


And yes, weed would be a good tax income.

(just to stay in-topic, and avoid spamming) :whistling:

They say your only as old as you feel and right now I feel about 200 years old. Not getting much sleep lately... :whistling:


It had something to do with they thought it meant legalizing drug dealers too. :rolleyes: I will pin this thing down.


Does anyone else think its hilarious when people get weed/LSD effects mixed up, not every drug makes you think you can fly and talk with the mushroom king you know. ;)



Yeah I too would rather have no-one need cigs, alchohol or any other drugs.

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I have a cousin in Leicester ( England ) who has been diagnosed as having schizophrenia and he is convinced that the 'Trigger' was his abuse of marijuana.


And he also hears voices and hallucinates, yes?


Sorry for the late reply i've been studying.

Last time i saw my cousin was about 2 years ago at my uncle Johns funeral in Leicester and it was back then that he told me about his schizophrenia. I dont remember him telling me about hallucinations just about the voices, he said they tell him to hurt himself and sometimes other people. His 'Trigger' was very similar to that poor lady mentioned earlyer, he had smoked alot of weed one day in his bedroom and blacked out, when he came around that was when the voices started. He tried to hide this at first hoping they would just ' go away ' but after being 'convinced' one day to walk in front of oncoming traffic in the road ( he wasn't hit thankfully ) he realised he needed help. He told me as long as he takes his tablets he's fine and can live a relativley normal life and his experience with marijuana abuse convinces me that it can trigger psycological illness in those who are susceptible.

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One of my best friends developed schizophrenia. I think mainly due to circumstance, stress and smoking... It's a big conspiricy, and everyone was in on it, apart from me aparently. for some reason I was trusted implicitly. :shrug: so from personal experience I am inclined to believe most recreational drugs, alchohol included, will increase the risk of onset.


Seeing as weed is mind altering and considered mildly halucinagenic, I have no reason to doubt it can bring on the onset of the disease or other psychosis. It boosts dopamine in the brain, like most stuff we take, from chocolate to boozing it, which isn't neccesarily bad in itself. but it is a factor.

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It stinks the high hell and that odor alone just bothers me. There are more natural ways to chill out besides smelling like crap.

Thats certainly true, approach a random heavy user's house and you may be able to smell the stuff from across the street.

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There are more natural ways to chill out besides smelling like crap

whats more natural than an plant?


besides, the nasty odor comes from the tobacco mixed in... weed itself doesnt smeel that bad, its actually quite a nice smell :P

but then again i also like the smell of *kittie kittie* and some may disagree with that too... personally i find a room full of prebuscent dorks smelling like old socks or deodorant to overscent the sock stink even worse than any smokers lair, just cause you dont realize you smell like a sweaty orang utahn doenst make you smell like a cherry blossom to others you know...

you can also still drink, eat or put it in your pooper if you dont like the smell... however we didnt ban bad smelling people yet either, hence this is not really an argument



about 13% of those people tested in shizophrenia studies were cannabis users, however about 40% of the populations smoke cannabis or at least did at one point of their life (german study with 200k participants), so how come only 13% and not 40% of the test candidates actually used cannabis and suffered from shizophrenia?

if 40% of the population smoke weed then 40% of the shizophrenia patients must have smoked weed too just to meet the regular level of weed abusers which would not yet imply that weed is the reason for their outbursts...

if weed was the reason than more than 40% of the shizophrenics would have smoked weed...

therefore its actually safe to assume that weed does the react in the opposite way and keeps you safe,

yes weed adjusts the dopamine level, as it does for the inner eye pressure and white blood cell production, however it usually, if you dont have much worse deficits, does so for the better, ive never seen anyone with exploding eye balls, red eyes yes but thats due to the adjustment of the pressure which is well known to help patients with glucoma etc...

it is quite logical to assume due to the above stated theory that weed actually adjuts dopamine in a similiar way and thus helps regulate it so that shizophrenia doesnt appear or burst out...

nevertheless if you have a serious bodily malfunction like allergies (for example, i dunno what makes the brain transmitters go wild in this case) and so on, and one of these allergies is about weed (its usually not tested) then this may of course have the opposite effect and this might be the reason for the 13% still getting the outbursts tho they smoke weed similiar to a lactose intolerance and the like...


no idea why those people doing these studies dont realize this and look at their statistics from only one point of view...


a good test would be to subject about 100k randomly selected people to regular weed use and another 100k to strict abstinence and see which group actually produces more shizophrenics... the more people the better obviously to slim the error margin

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Marijuana in my opinion is nasty stuff. It stinks the high hell and that odor alone just bothers me. There are more natural ways to chill out besides smelling like crap.

Honestly- it can smell like strawberry bubblegum, super sweet like candy. Or a burnt piece of wood. its all relative.


atleast ot doesn't smell like the poor substitute for real fine tobaccos many people seem addicted to. That is broadly disgusting. perhaps it more the chems in the paper itself makes my eyes burn/water if someone smokes it near me.


I'll just add that there has been at least one study of smokers who have had some form of delusionary disease. after 4 years the smokers had a much reduced success rate of recovery, and were still at square one. It is widely thought that drug abuse, smoking weed for example, is a contributing factor to the developement/onset of schizophernia or other psychosis. Untill further studies are done, specifically with cannabis, that prove/ indicate otherwise this will likely not change.

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The smell can´t be that bad. My wife just bought a parfume smelling exactly like cannabis, and it was even expensive. The real stuff had been less expensive :biggrin:

Wonder what happens next time we go to the airport :(

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